Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 68 Super Mario 3

Zhu Youxing believes that the Internet must be a good channel, and he cannot give up easily. At the same time, this is also a portal open to the world, which makes it easier to spread game consoles. It will also be very useful for promoting the world in the future.

Facing the sudden appearance of competitors, Youxing Electronic Entertainment didn't seem to have much reaction.

This made Su Rui Electronics a little confused.

They are all ready to fight back at any time. The legal department has formed a team of lawyers and prepared a lot of materials.

However, it was found that the other party did not respond to the infringement claim, and the reason was not known.

Zhu Youxing ignored the other party, and continued to do things at his own pace.

There is still a month before the release of their game consoles. Anyway, the publicity can't stretch their arms and legs, so there is no need to invest more in this area. Wouldn't it be good to make a game with that time?

So Su Rui Electronics began to promote it vigorously, and soon occupied more people's attention.

As for Zhu Youxing, he opened a game production class in the company, recruiting those who are interested in making games to join, and also promised to give game producers a certain amount of feedback.

If the finished game passes the review, you can manufacture 10,000 boxes of game cassettes at Youxing Entertainment without paying any deposit for early sales, excluding the production cost of the cassettes, and Youxing Entertainment will draw from it. Thirty percent of the cassette sales will be taken, and the sales channel will take another 30 percent, and the remaining 40 percent will belong to the game production group.

Youxing Entertainment can earn 30% of the money without spending any cost. The 30% of one or two production groups may not be able to see anything, but dozens of models and hundreds of models are added together. ?

I'm afraid this will make more money than making the game myself.

Of course, making money is not the purpose of opening classes. People in this world are not short of creativity, but they just lack the method of how to realize the creativity of making games.

Zhuyouxing still hopes that more people will invest in game production. When they see that game production can also make money, the industry will also have a virtuous circle.

With the functions of the current Famicom, an average team of about five people is needed to start game creation, and no particularly complicated staffing is required.

At this time, both the programmer and the art in the game can be taken care of, but the game cover needs to be designed by someone. Several professional original artists from Youxing Entertainment can help, and they only need to pay them extra.

In the previous Atari era, just one programmer could even make four or five games a month, but the quality was very worrying.

Not long after the Red Fortress was released, Zhu Youxing temporarily slowed down the second game development team, and asked them, more than 20 people, to teach those who are just getting started how to actually make a game.

They already have a lot of experience now, and it is obviously not a problem to teach others how to make games. At the same time, they can also introspect themselves, which is also beneficial to their subsequent game production.

At the same time, there are also the third and fourth game development departments that have just been established. Zhuyouxing plans to let these two development departments produce games of specific categories in the future, just like the first development department. Some classic series can be directly handed over to one of the two groups, and it will be done in the long run, such as long-term projects such as The Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy.

As for Zhu Youxing himself, he ran to start the game again. Of course, this time he had to bring more people to make the game.

Compared with company management, he feels that he really prefers game development.

Moreover, since competitors have already appeared this time, at least I should use video games to fight back and really teach them how to behave.

In order to deal with his opponents, the game he is preparing to do is Super Mario 3.

Super Mario 3 can be said to be a milestone in the gaming industry.

According to some media statistics in Zhu Youxing's previous life, there is no game producer who has never played Super Mario 3.

This is one of Mario's pinnacle nodes.

Zhu Youxing originally wanted to wait a little longer. This is more or less a big move on the red and white machine, but it seems that the production has to be started in advance.

Before, the total capacity of the two Mario games was almost tens of KB.

The upper limit of the capacity of the red and white machine cassettes made by Takeyuho and Hayazawa Airi at the beginning is 256KB.

This is also the upper limit of the original function of the red and white machine.

But the game capacity of Super Mario 3 is 384kb

Obviously exceeded the upper limit of its own capacity.

But programming has a magical power. Many game producers in later generations call the game producers in the 1980s and 1990s the masters of miracles.

They've always been able to cram fun things into their limited capabilities without any problem.

Now Zhu Youxing is just recreating the path traveled by the predecessors.

He took a few programmers drawn from the first game development team and started a busy month.

In fact, except for Zhu Youxing himself, other programmers are assisting in the work, and Zhu Youxing is the main force.

They all just completed the program writing according to Zhu Youxing's requirements, and then Zhu Youxing checked and compressed the capacity, and wrote it into the cassette.

They watched Zhu Youxing forcibly write the hundreds of KB codes that he typed out into the limited-capacity cassette, and the cassette could still run perfectly.

The promotion for Super Mario Bros. 3 was also going on around the same time, and it seemed like that was the way to deal with the competition.

Use your own game against the opponent's game console to see whether the game is more important or the game console is more important.

When the kids who liked Super Mario very much saw the sudden appearance of the third generation of Super Mario, they were all fooled at first.

"Did we miss something? Why is there a Super Mario 3 out of the blue? What about Super Mario 2?"

"I don't know, don't the numbers behind represent the order of the game?"

"Forget it, since Super Mario 3 is out, I must buy it!"

It's great that the kids are letting go of the numbers in no time, and a new game is out, and it's a sequel to Super Mario.

But anyone who owns a red and white machine has never played Super Mario.

On the one hand, it is because of the reasons attached to the game console itself, even if I am not interested, I will go in and play a few games.

On the other hand, Super Mario itself is very interesting. It's hard for adults to say, but there are all children who don't like to play.

Now Super Mario has become the second best character in the hearts of children.

The first one is Koshien Superman, the protagonist of the Tokusei drama in this world.

It seems that there is a long way to go to shake the status of this special drama hero in the hearts of children.

As for the parents who heard the news, they were not too happy.

Some of the games that were released before have been liked and disliked by children. If there is something they want to buy, the parents will write a blank check, and the children will gradually forget it.

But Super Mario 3 is different.

It's useless to say anything, parents must buy it, everything can be compromised before, but Super Mario 3 cannot be compromised.

Parents are heartbroken.

I am not even as good as a game.

However, such parents are actually only a minority.

Because most parents want to play Super Mario 3 when they see it themselves, let alone their children.

At the same time as the release of Super Mario 3, the first game made by someone other than Yuxing Electronic Entertainment also started promotional work, but the release date will be staggered with Super Mario 3, otherwise it is estimated that the first game made by outsiders Moms who make games that get beaten don't recognize it.

Wait until you finish fighting with Su Rui Electronics on your side before you start.

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