Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 41: Layman's Advice

Today, more and more people are talking about home entertainment computers.

These are discussed in many places in Tokyo, both children and adults.

And the reputation of the Daejeon Entertainment Hall is getting louder and louder.

The time has also come to the last eight days before the release.

At this time, Zhu Youxing let out a long breath at home.

Six games, one month's time, in order to complete these games, he almost never sleeps.

These six games are Dragon Quest, Contra, Tetris, Bomberman, Backgammon and Tank Wars

Five games were originally expected, but in the end it was decided to make six.

The most difficult part was Dragon Quest, which took a full two weeks.

But it is not easy to make the following models in such a short period of time.

Even if you don't need to spend extra time to conceive, you only need to follow the path of the previous life, and writing code will also take time.

It's just that he will save a lot of time for error correction and finding bugs.

With such a starting lineup, Zhu Youxing feels worthy of the Famicom.

Of course, he still has many works that he wants to create in his heart, but his time is limited, and now these are all representative works of various categories.

"Takeyu-san, the work is finally done?"

Hayazawa Airi got out from nowhere, holding two apples in her hand.

"Come, eat one, the boss has worked hard."


Zhu Youxing took the apple and took a bite, still thinking about the game.

"By the way, boss, the manga about Dragon Quest is out, do you want to read it?"

"It's already out? Take it over and have a look."

Zhu Youxing also showed interest.

"for you."

Hayazawa Airi had obviously prepared these things for Takeyusei long ago. It seemed that she was gradually proficient in helping Takeyousei. She knew what Takeyousei needed without him having to say anything.

Zhu Youxing flipped through quickly, but as the speed of flipping slowly slowed down, his brows gradually wrinkled.

"Boss, don't you feel good?"

"Emmm... I can't say it."

Zhu Youxing likes to read comics, but it doesn't mean he understands the professional stuff of comics, but, if you look at it from a reader's point of view, this comic can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

There are too many words, and the characters seem to be standing and chatting.

There's nothing wrong with this, but after reading those excellent cartoons in his previous life, he felt that this alone was not enough.

If it is to promote the effect of the game, this comic can only be said to be qualified, not up to the level of excellence in his mind.

Hayazawa Airi leaned forward, with an unfinished apple stuffed in his mouth, his mouth was a little bulging, and he said vaguely: "I think it's very interesting, the brave is about to start an official adventure, but it's a pity that The story of taking risks just now is over, it would be great if there could be more."

"Hehe, it's good to break it into pieces..."



Takeyuho stood up abruptly, and then bumped into Hayazawa Airi's head with a bang.


Zhu Youxing rubbed his head, then turned his head and asked, "Are you okay?"

"It''s okay, I'm stiff." Hayazawa Airi held half of the apple in her mouth, and covered her forehead with her hands.

"Uh, sorry, I have something to go out first, you should stay at home."

Zhu Youxing decided to find Sansuke Tsuchiya.

"Really, don't you know how to comfort people?"

Hayazawa Airi was annoyed.

Forget it, continue to optimize the game console.

Zhu Youxing left home and drove to the address given by the editor-in-chief Daigo Ikeda.

At this time, Tsuchiya Sansuke was concentrating on drawing the content of the second chapter of Dragon Quest, and he had already completed one-third of it.

Since he had the outline of the main body of the whole story, he felt as if his mind had been opened all of a sudden.

Now is the time for creative thinking.

Especially when he learned from the editor today that the initial feedback of the latest Dragon Quest manga was not bad, he felt even more empowered.

Everything around seems to be no longer important.

He gradually entered into a state of ecstasy.

He didn't even feel anything when Zhu Youxing came in.

"Teacher Tsuchiya?"

"Teacher Tsuchiya?"


Tsuchiya Sansuke was suddenly brought back to reality by Zhu Youxing, and was startled.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tsuchiya, I must have interrupted your train of thought, right?"

Zhu Youxing stood in front of Tsuchiya Sansuke with a little concern.

"It's Zhuyou-san, why are you here?"

"It's because of this work."

Takeyuho took the latest issue of the manga magazine, and then sat beside Sansuke Tsuchiya.

"Has Takeyu-san seen the latest manga yet? That's the result of my hard work for a week, how is it?"

Sansuke Tsuchiya looked at the manga magazine in Takeyusei's hands, with stars shining in his eyes.

He seemed to be waiting for Zhu Youxing's praise.

But Zhu Youxing just responded with an ambiguous action.

"Well... how should I put it, it's a little bit different from my ideal."

"Gap? What gap?"

Tsuchiya Sansuke became puzzled.

The editor-in-chief said in the morning that his work this time is very good.

"I just feel like it can be done better."

After hearing this, Sansuke Tsuchiya smiled clearly.

"Takeyu-san, I can understand what you mean. There is no absolute perfection in any work. You can do better at any time, but sometimes it is very difficult to surpass."

Zhu Youxing listened carefully, then shook his head and said: "No, I have some ideas in my brain, I think it might be better to do this, of course, it's just my suggestion."

Tsuchiya Sansuke immediately felt that Zhu Yuxing was planning to guide the laymen to the experts.

This is somewhat of a taboo.

His expression suddenly became a little embarrassed.

"Zhuyou-san, when it comes to comics, cartoonists must be more professional."

If Takeyuho was a manga editor, Tsuchiya Sansuke would listen carefully.

If Zhu Youxing had excellent comic works, he would listen carefully.

But now Zhu Youxing is more like a creator who can create good text stories in his impression.

Or use Zhu Youxing's self-introduction, he is a game producer, which has nothing to do with comics.

Zhu Youxing nodded approvingly after listening: "Of course, Mr. Tsuchiya is definitely more professional in the field of comics, so I just said that I have a little suggestion, if you think it is inappropriate, just treat it as me talking nonsense. "

What Zhu Youxing hopes more is that the comics can play a better role in publicity.

The current level of manga barely meets the standard in his heart, but it is much worse than the manga from his previous life that he recalled in his mind.

An excellent work can often drive the popularity of its derivatives. If the quality of the comic is very good, it will also play a very good role in supporting the sales of the game.

Therefore, Zhu Youxing wanted to try to suggest that if Sansuke Tsuchiya didn't intend to do what he said, he wouldn't insist either.

Hearing Zhu Youxing's words, Tsuchiya Sansuke didn't say anything on the surface, but he was already a little unhappy in his heart.

It's always unpleasant to be pointed at by an outsider.

But Zhu Youxing is also his employer now, the two parties are not simply a cooperative relationship, Zhu Youxing is more dominant.

So he had no choice but to say patiently: "Okay, Zhuyou-san, please tell me."

Tsuchiya Sanjie said so, but he didn't really want to hear it in his heart.

He doesn't want his creative freedom to be completely taken away.

In this way, it is not in line with his original intention of drawing comics.

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