Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 28 Ten Billion Market

A business with a scale of tens of billions, I won't be troubled if you say this.

But, is there really tens of billions?

In fact, Zhu Youxing blurred this number a bit.

The tens of billions that Zhu Youxing said are beautiful knives.

And Ota is subconsciously thinking about tens of billions of yen, which is not even a little bit worse.

However, if Zhu Youxing really said tens of billions of dollars, it is estimated that Datian can treat him as a psychopath.

This company has just started thinking about a business of tens of billions of dollars. It can only be said that young people think too much, and they really think it is too easy to do business.

"Mr. Zhuyou, please tell me in detail what this tens of billions of business is all about. Is it related to this game console?"

"That's right." Zhu Youxing nodded, "Game consoles have this kind of potential, but they haven't been excavated in the past. This area is like an untapped gold mine."

Da Tianzheng pondered for a while and said: "I have to admit that your game console is indeed very popular, Mr. Zhuyou, but I don't think the scale should be that big. If you say a billion scale, it is still possible."

Zhu Youxing was not in a hurry to defend himself, but instead asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Look, now your game consoles are placed in some shopping malls and entertainment halls. How many game consoles does an entertainment hall need? On average, a hundred is the most?"

Zhu Youxing nodded without denying it.

"The one hundred units will be calculated according to your future price. One unit is 50,000 yen, and one hundred units is only five million. If you want to sell one hundred units to twenty entertainment halls, it is only one hundred million yuan. For the games you mentioned, how much do you plan to sell a game?"

"Estimated at three thousand to four thousand yen."

"Huh? So cheap? I thought it would cost 10,000 to 20,000."

Zhu Youxing waved his hand: "In that case, no one will buy it. I don't intend to set such a high price. However, if it is a special version for the entertainment hall, there may be a price difference, because additional data adjustments are required."

Da Tian blinked his eyes, he seems to have heard the special version of the entertainment hall just now?

What's the meaning? The game for the entertainment hall is still a special offer, so there is a normal version? Who is this regular version for?

But this was just something that came to mind for a moment, he didn't take it seriously, but continued to talk about his own opinion.

"Then, a game is calculated at a maximum of 4,000 yen. If one hundred game consoles are installed with the same game, that is an additional income of 400,000 yen. If the game is installed for 20 games, it will only cost 800,000 yen. One million, this is too little, it can't reach the scale of tens of billions at all."

Unless, this thing can be sold all over the world, it is still possible.

But by that time, it is estimated that it will be seven or eight years later.

The scale of tens of billions after seven or eight years is also a bit tempting, but there are too many variables in it. Mr. Zhuyou is only a young man in his early twenties, and he has no idea what will happen in the process. What waves.

There is no shortage of smart guys in this world.

When they find out that this thing has the potential to make money, they will immediately follow suit. Even if it may not be as good as your Zhuyou Jun's games and game consoles in every aspect, as long as it is attractive enough and cheap enough, it can take your money away. market.

In many classic cases in the past, the same scene is being staged.

The first movers have a certain advantage, but it is difficult to achieve a monopoly position, and the rising stars will catch up, and there are countless examples of shooting the front wave on the beach.

Especially once this thing is targeted by such a large-scale enterprise, relying on the large investment and the influx of massive funds, the small company Zhuyouxing will be destroyed in an instant.

The entertainment hall industry is not so easy to do.

Zhu Youxing listened carefully to Da Tianzheng's opinion, and at the same time nodded his head in agreement, which made Datian Zheng a little confused.

You see that you agree with me so much, so why do you still swear that there is an industry with a scale of tens of billions?

After Ota was finished speaking, Zhuyou-kun finally spoke.

"Mr. Datian, I think you've gone in the wrong direction from the very beginning. The tens of billions of industries I'm talking about don't just mean the game consoles sold to entertainment halls."

Da Tian was taken aback.

If you don't sell it to the entertainment hall, who else will you sell it to? Sell ​​to the mall? Or rent it out yourself? or……

Ota suddenly thought of something.

He stares.

"You don't want to sell it to someone, do you?"

Zhu Youxing smiled: "Why not, I positioned my game console from the very beginning as a home game console, not an entertainment hall game console."

"But... it's too expensive, 50,000 yen. The average family will never easily buy something that can only be used to play games. This is absolutely impossible."

Da Tian was shaking his head vigorously, no matter what he thought it was impossible.

"Let me be honest with you, the cost of this game console is only about 2,400 yen now, which is the reason for the high labor cost caused by manual assembly, and the price of the home game console I plan to sell in the future is 7,000 yen Below the yen."

Daejeon was short of breath.

How many?

The cost is only two thousand and four?

You sold me 200,000 yen!

How much did you earn from me?

Da Tianzheng had forgotten the more important news that Zhu Youxing said just now, but suddenly remembered the price that Zhu Youxing sold his game console.

This is already more than eighty times the profit, right? !

It's outrageous!

His original idea was that the cost of this game console was estimated to be around 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, so now this is the only company making game consoles and games, so he had no choice but to accept it.

What the hell is more than 80 times the profit?

"I know, what you may be thinking at this moment is that I will sell you a game console for 200,000 yen, but in Huaxia's words, it is business talk business. This is a wish to fight and a willingness to suffer. You should The thing to note is, if this thing is sold to thousands of households, how big do you think the industrial scale will be?"

Every family has children.

And even in the downturn period when the economic bubble burst, the overall average income of the Japanese is still relatively high in the world.

If you let them take out 7,000 yen to buy a game console for their children, and then spend 3,000 to 4,000 yen to buy an additional game, they can keep their children happy for a long time, and many families can afford it.

According to the current population statistics of Japan some time ago, it is about 120 million, and the urban population has reached more than 80 million. If the average family of three is calculated, then there are more than 26 million urban families, excluding the elderly. It is estimated that there will be more than ten million normal urban families.

Among them, as long as one tenth of the consumption is for children, that is more than one million families.

This is all well calculated stuff.

And one million times the price of a game console with an average price of 10,000 plus games, that seems to be a scale of tens of billions...

Da Tian was looking at Take You-kun, in his eyes, he saw many things.

Then, Zhu Youxing threw out another piece of data that made him short of breath even more.

"Actually, the profit of the game console is only secondary. When necessary, I can even sell it at zero or even negative cost. The real profit is those games. One game is three or four thousand yen, and ten? Twenty? What about the money? These are long-term windfall profits.”

Ota Masa: "..."

My brain has temporarily shut down.

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