Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 43 Don’t slow down the offensive and don’t give the enemy a chance to breathe.

——Is Guan Lin, the fourth son of the Guan family, here?

Zhuge Ke was very concerned about this issue.

After all, the last "surprise attack on Jingnan" plan was ruined in the hands of the Fourth Young Master Guan Lin.

Of course, there must be many entanglements in this process.

Most likely... the news spread by Guan Lin was secretly planned and deployed by Guan Yu or Zhuge Liang in advance.


It is undeniable that the dispute between the Guan family and his son caused the "Soochow surprise attack on Jingnan plan" to be aborted.

So? This Guan Lin? Is it a dragon or an insect?

Zhuge Ke didn't know, but inexplicably, he became more interested in this fourth son of the Guan family.

"It's coming." The servant was very sure.

"What is he doing?" Zhuge Ke asked with interest.

"He got into an argument with his brother in the carriage and had heated words."

"What was the dispute about?"

Zhuge Ke asked eagerly.

"This, it seems that Fourth Young Master Guan is sure that the Marquis of Wu will be defeated in the battle at Hefei." The servant's tone was low, and the people he arranged only took a general view.

Zhuge Ke, on the other hand, smiled when he heard this and narrowed his eyes with interest.

He pondered for a moment.

"Joke." The corners of his mouth cracked and he shook his head. "This Fourth Young Master of the Guan family really dares to say that!"

"No wonder Guan Yu would choose such a rebellious son to confuse his father!"

Thinking of this, Zhuge Ke opened his eyes and turned his attention back here.

But he thought silently in his mind that the Hedong Jieliangguan family was, after all, a family of vulgar warriors, and it was not surprising that a short-sighted 'treasonous son' would come out.

On the contrary, their Langya Zhuge clan has a long family history.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Ke continued to give instructions: "My father's letter must be handed over to the hands of Marquis Wu as soon as possible. We have to burn this fire more fiercely."

The situation has developed to this point.

The most critical period has been reached.

As the saying goes - don't slow down the offensive, don't give the enemy a chance to breathe!

The harp and harp played in harmony, playing a soft and elegant movement rich in Jiangnan rhythm.

Sun Quan sat high in the court hall, and all the officials in the hall stood at attention, with Zhang Zhao standing at the top.

Some officials listened with curiosity and interest as the messenger recounted Zhuge Jin's letter.

Young Lu Xun was at the end, with a playful smile on his face.

Finally, the messenger finished writing his letter, and Sun Quan smiled. "As Zhuge Ziyu said, today's Jiangling City is already full of turmoil. The whole Jingzhou, this 'Hefei Bet' will also be spread. If I, Soochow, can take Hefei, Guan Yu has no choice but to take it. The three counties of Changsha, Guiyang and Jiangxia were returned to me, this is a God-given opportunity!"

Hearing this, Gan Ning, one of the generals, stood up and shouted carelessly: "What if Guan Yu still doesn't return it? The general feels that the most real thing is to keep the stolen things in your arms."

Gan Ning's words expressed the thoughts of many generals.

Are many Soochow generals filled with "fire"?

Either don't make a surprise attack, Jingnan's surprise attack has already arrived at the door.

But you, Marquis Wu, directly ordered to stop the march and station yourself on the spot. Isn't this nonsense?

Do you have the energy to station yourself? If they can't protect everything, Changsha City will be captured directly.

"General Gan, calm down." The minister Zhang Zhao, who was standing at the head, suddenly took a step forward and said, "Gan Xing robbed Cao Cao's camp with hundreds of cavalry. Don’t you know your bravery, Gan Xingba?”

"It's just that dealing with Guan Yu is different from dealing with Cao Cao. Cao Cao is a traitor and can be attacked no matter what. However, Jingzhou has to take into account the 'friendship of the alliance'. Cao's thieves are powerful, and the Sun and Liu families will benefit from peace and division." There are two evils, so...Jingnan will either be decided in a battle, or else we can't act rashly and something unexpected happens. Besides, no one knows whether Changsha is protected or not, and the Lord cannot take this risk!"

Zhang Zhao said a lot, and Gan Ning waved his hand, "I don't understand these."

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

"You have to listen even if you don't understand!" A cold voice came from the side of the court hall.

Everyone looked around and saw that the voice also came from the general's seat.

——It’s Ling Tong!

Previously, Ling Tong led his army to conquer Wancheng, and Sun Quan promoted him to General Ling among the bandits and prime minister of Pei State. His troops were all from his father Ling Cao's old army, which was the most elite naval branch in Jiangdong.

"How can the imperial court of a country allow a reckless man like you to make a mistake?" Ling Tong glared at Gan Ning with red eyes.

Although he endured the "revenge of killing his father" due to Sun Quan's favor, the murderous intent in Gan Ning's eyes could not be stopped every time.

"How can this court have the right to talk to this baby? When grandpa was a Jinfan thief and killed people, you weren't even weaned yet!" Gan Ning didn't get used to it either.

"You..." Ling Tong held the hilt of the sword, drew it, and swung it towards Gan Ning. Gan Ning held it back with his sword and replied: "You're still wet!"

For a time, the Soochow court was tit for tat.

Sun Quan scolded the two of them, "Get out of here!"

His voice was sharp and crisp, not angry or authoritative.

Gan Ning and Ling Tong glared at each other, one put away his sword, the other put away his sword, and retreated patiently.

Sun Quan said: "If you have this strength, you might as well use it to capture Hefei!"

At this point, Sun Quan pointed to Zhuge Jin's letter and said, "Zhuge Ziyu has written in the letter that this is a God-given opportunity. We, Soochow, should unite as one and march forward together to capture Hefei and take back the three counties of Jingzhou."

"According to Gu's order, Governor Lu Su and General Lu Meng immediately led their troops back from Changsha County. Three days later, Gu himself led the troops north to Hefei, with Gan Ning as the left forward, Ling Tong as the right forward, and Lu Meng and Chen Wu leading the center. Guarding the army, Pan Zhang, Song Qian, Xu Sheng, Ding Feng, Jiang Qin, and He Qi accompanied the army on the expedition. This battle is related to the agreement to demarcate the Xiang River, and is related to our defeat of Jiangdong! If Hefei is not broken, we will not return the power alone! Everyone listens Is it clear?"

At the end of the sentence, Sun Quan suddenly stood up due to excitement.

He pressed his palm to the corner of the desk in front of him, which was the missing corner.

In the thirteenth year of Jian'an, after he decided to fight against Cao Cao, Sun Quan cut off the corner with his sword. At that time, he said resolutely - "Anyone who wants to surrender to Cao Cao again will be like this case!"

This time, the same desk, the same missing corner, and the same determination and ambition of the Soochow leader.

"Take orders!"

The entire court, both civil servants and military generals, surrendered one after another.

The time for the expedition has been set.

The battle for Hefei is about to begin.

Sun Quan, leading an army of 100,000 people and Jiangdong's all-star lineup, will embark on a journey in three days.

It was almost dusk, the day market had closed, the night market had not yet started, and the streets were somewhat quiet.

The beggars in the mountain temple were sharing today's bread.

Nowadays, the situation is so sensitive that Guan Lin no longer dares to send it off in person.

He hid the bread in a package and placed it in the street opposite the gate of Guanfu, and asked the beggars to send someone to pick it up.

These beggars are all loyal brothers.

Just because he didn't recruit Guan Lin out, Guan Lin thought - these people are capable, and if something happens, they will really come forward!

Bedding and clothes have been separated long ago. It is rare for more than twenty beggars to find a trace of warmth in this mountain temple.

Many beggars gnawed on the noodles and said with emotion from time to time: "Thanks to my benefactor, this 'old man'!"

"Old man" is the nickname of "Hong Qigong"...

Beggars are already familiar with this term.


"Bang" sound.

The door of the mountain temple was pushed open...

Countless torches lit up the place. Among the torches, a mighty general stepped out, it was Zhou Cang.

He looked at the beggars in front of him with cold eyes, and said coldly:

"Okay, there are plenty of bedding, clothes, bread, and everything... Beggars are now well-off, haha, it seems that 'Hong Qigong' has given you a lot of benefits!"

"This general asks you for the last time, who is Hong Qigong? Where is Hong Qigong?"

——"If you don't say anything, not only will these bedding and clothes be gone, but your lives will also be gone!"

At this moment, Zhou Cang's tone was harsh and fierce.

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