"I'll come back after all my money is gone……"

Cai Yong recited this sentence silently in his heart, and greatly praised Dong Yu's actions.

He took the initiative to say,

"Having the people at heart is the blessing of all peoples"

"I know that there is an inner treasury in the palace that belongs to the imperial court. If the food and winter supplies in this inner treasury are taken out, it will be enough to meet the needs of the people of Chang'an City for one or two days."


Cai Yong drawled a long tone.

He seemed a little worried.

Dong Yu still wanted to maintain the small court of Emperor Xian of Han Dynasty and was unwilling to take action.

But Cai Yong was wrong about this.

Dong Yu wanted to blackmail the emperor so that the princes would be honest, but at this juncture, he had even handed over his own property, and would he help Han Xian Emperor protect the private property of the Liu family?

He immediately waved his hand and said,

"good! Cai Zhonglang, I will allocate one hundred flying bear guards to you. You can just go to the inner warehouse to move things!"

"If there is any obstruction, the Flying Bear Guard will do it for you!"

Cai Zhonglang was once again impressed by Dong Yu's courage.

He cupped his hands and said,

"Mr. Dong, you have such a big heart. I would like to thank you first on behalf of the people of Chang'an City!"

Dong Yu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He was not eager to accept Cai Yong's compliment, but said rather troubledly,

"Now the people of Chang'an City are afraid that they have already begun to scold me, Dong Yu's eighth generation ancestor!"

"If the crisis of this heavy snow cannot be passed, then we will not be able to stay in Chang'an City any longer."

"It’s better to plan early and go back to your hometown in Xiliang!"

Li Ru and others also looked a little ugly.

As a military advisor, he immediately thought,

"My lord, for today’s plan, we must prepare for the worst."

"If we can't stay in Chang'an City any longer,"

"When we return to Xiliang, we still have to pass through the territory of Li Guo, Han Sui, Ma Teng and others."

"These people are not good people, so it’s better to make plans in advance!"

Dong Yu stood up, stretched and said,

"That's all for later."

"If I left Chang'an City in despair just because of a heavy snowfall,"

"Not to mention that Li Jue, Guo Si and others would laugh at me, but wouldn't Lu Fengxian, who was wandering outside just a few days after I drove him away, also laugh at me?"


Li Rugang wanted to persuade Dong Yu to put the overall situation first, but Dong Yu still smiled and said,

"Don't worry, please follow my arrangements first."

"This heavy snow cannot crush me, Mr. Dong!"

Everyone agreed to leave, but Dong Yu stopped Cai Yongdao,

"Cai Zhonglang, the disciple named Ma you told me a few days ago,"

"Didn’t you say you wanted to recommend it to me?"

Cai Yong clapped his hands quickly and said,

"It's been snowing heavily these past few days. I was really busy and forgot about it."

He hurriedly explained to Dong Yu,

"Sir, can you wait a few more days until I have finished my work with the victims, and then I can introduce you to you?"

"That's not necessary,"

Dong Yu asked immediately,

"Cai Zhonglang has a famous post, can't I just go directly to his Ma's house to meet him?"

Cai Yong was very confused.

There were clearly more important things to do in front of him.

This snowstorm had already frozen and crushed hundreds of people in Chang'an City to death.

Could it be that such a big thing is not as important as a disciple, Ma Jun?

But he Still obeying Dong Yu’s order, he thought for a moment and said,

"Since you are determined to see him, sir, I don’t have the name card in my hand at the moment."

"But my little daughter also came to the military camp with me, and she was waiting outside."

"You can let your daughter lead the way for your son!"

After a while,

Dong Yu took Cai Yan to a carriage, carrying the goose feathers of steamed buns and heavy snow, and went to Ma Jun's house.

Cai Yan on the carriage, although his eyes were always looking at the simple decorations on the carriage. , but in fact, he was looking at Dong Yu from the corner of his eye all the way. Dong

Yu, who was lowering his head and thinking about how to regain Ma Jun, a capable man, did not notice Cai Yan's eyes for a while, until the carriage came on the road. After a jolt,

Dong Yu suddenly raised his head and suddenly met Cai Yan's eyes.

A trace of panic was revealed in those sharp eyes.

She hurriedly spoke, trying to divert Dong Yu's attention and said,

"Mr. Dong, this heavy snowfall is truly unprecedented."

"I'm afraid it's rare in the four hundred years of Han Dynasty's history."

"Do you have any coping strategies?"

What's the strategy to deal with it?

Of course Dong Yu wanted soldiers to come and cover up the water and the earth, but he couldn't explain too much to Cai Yan.

Everything needed to be done after meeting Ma Jun, until this epoch-making master Lu Ban could bring him What kind of surprise, only then can we know the specific response strategy. Cai Yan was a little disappointed when she saw Dong Yu smiling slightly but not saying anything to her. At this time, Dong Yu's words made her daughter feel sad. A tremble,

"But just now, Miss Cai Yan, you were staring at my face, right?"

"Could it be that you want to find some strategy for dealing with this heavy snow from my face?"

Cai Yan blushed, then pouted and said,

"Where did I look at you? You are just in a daze!"

Dong Yu smiled indifferently, and his next words completely aroused Cai Yan's careful thoughts.

"Don’t worry, all your questions will be revealed when you meet Ma Jun next!"


Before Cai Yan could ask the question behind him, the shadow guard in front of the carriage had already grabbed the horse, and then he reported to Dong Yuhui,

"Lord, we have arrived at Ma Jun's house!"

Cai Yan had no choice but to open the curtain of the carriage, get out of the car and go directly to the front of Ma's house, and said to the Ma's servant who was guarding the door,

"Do you recognize me?"

The Ma family servant who was guarding the door looked at it for a moment and immediately said with a smile on his face,

"I recognize you. You are the daughter of Cai Yong’s Confucian family and a classmate of our young master."

"I'm going to report it right now!"

At this time, Dong Yu also stood up from the carriage.

He strode forward and walked directly to the door of the Ma family.

Seeing that the Ma family still had the energy to repair part of the house amidst the war and heavy snow, he was a little amazed at the Ma family.

In terms of financial resources, according to the information collected by the Shadow Secret Guard, the Ma family cannot be compared with those aristocratic families with four generations and three princes, and the current level of restoration of the house is no less than that of the Yuan family.

, either there are other backgrounds in the family, or Ma Jun...

When Dong Yu was thinking for a moment, the servant at the door looked at Dong Yu's noble appearance and couldn't help but ask,

"Dare I ask if this is our young master?……"

"I am a classmate of your young master Ma Jun……"

Dong Yu made a careless joke.

The servant just wanted to ask Dong Yu to wait outside the door, but Cai Yan revealed the secret:

"Hurry up and ask your master to pick him up. This is General Wei and Lord Dong Yu!"

Dong Yu!!!

The expression on the Ma family's servant's face suddenly became extremely exciting.

Just now, he had a smiling expression to welcome guests.

After hearing the name Dong Yu and knowing the changes in Chang'an City, his expression immediately changed. All the expressions on the face were frozen, and the whole person seemed to be stunned.

After a long time, he came back to his senses, hurriedly opened the door, and shouted towards the depths of the house,

"Head of the house! Head of the house!"

"The Xiliang army is coming! Someone is coming!"

Dong Yu sighed and deliberately glared at Cai Yan with a reproachful look, which seemed to mean that Cai Yan had ruined his good intention of continuing to tease her.

Cai Yan also knew that Dong Yu meant to tease her, so he was not angry. He just stuck out his tongue playfully.

While waiting for the Ma family to come, the goose-feather-like snow in the sky did not stop for a moment.

Dong Yu sighed and said,

"Ande Guangsha has tens of millions of rooms!"

"The poor people all over the world will be happy!"

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