The entrance to Zhaojiazhuang Village.

Cao Cao led Zhao Yun and the villagers out to welcome him.

The news that the imperial court sent people spread throughout the village, surprising the villagers.

Zhao Yun frowned.

In such chaotic years, I'm afraid there will be no apportionment

"Cao Mengde?"Wang Yun, who dismounted, saw Cao Cao whom he knew and the obvious villagers.

But he did not see Cao Bin, who was thinking about it day and night.

This made him a little disappointed.

Jian Shuo glared at Cao Cao.

Although several years had passed, but He still couldn't let go of Fangzhang's killing of his uncle.

Upon seeing this, Wang Yun immediately asked Cao Bin about his movements. He was relieved when he learned that the other party had gone to pacify the Yellow Turbans in other counties in Changshan and would return to join them later.

"In this case, Mengde accepted the order."

In order to ease the atmosphere, Wang Yun suggested

"snort! Jian Shuo turned away and snorted coldly:"It is true that the imperial edict was passed on to the Cao brothers!""

"But let Cao Bin take the lead and wait until Cao Bin returns to announce it!"

Wang Yun was helpless.

Zhao Yun stood at the entrance of the village, secretly surprised.

The eunuchs and ministers from Luoyang!

And the emperor's imperial edict!

Combined with what Cao Cao told him about the two battles in Jicheng, Zhuojun, he knew that Cao Bin had already Being valued by the court!


The earth shook, and Jian Shuo and Wang Yun suddenly panicked. The two people in Jizhou were afraid that the Yellow Turban Army would come.

If the two of them were caught, there would definitely be no good end!

Cao Cao stood on tiptoes and looked Looking into the distance, he then said:"It is my brother who is leading the cavalry back."

His words made Jian Shuo and Wang Yun let out a sigh of relief.

Looking from a distance, Zhao Yun saw that the figure riding a white horse was extremely eye-catching in the smoke and dust.

The mood that had always been calm about honor and disgrace suddenly became hot.

It was like adding fuel to a fire. , burst into flames on the spot!

Wang Yun's eyes were immediately attracted tightly.

He couldn't take his eyes away and praised:"Seeing once is worth hearing a hundred times!"

"The horses are galloping and the weapons are majestic!"

"What a true young talent! Wang

Yun, who was over fifty years old, stroked his beard and praised:

"I have seen too many young people in Luoyang, but they don’t have this kind of appearance and temperament!"

The main force also fell on the figure of the cavalryman who was gradually galloping towards him. Jian Shuo sighed:"I have never seen it before!"

"Such an appearance will definitely make the talented women in Luoyang go crazy!"

Changing the topic, Jian Shuo said in a strange tone unique to eunuchs:

"Unlike some short and ugly people"

"It really ruins the style of the family."

Cao Cao was furious on the spot.

But he didn't have any words to fight back.

After all, compared with Cao Bin, he was really short and ugly!


He looked up to the sky and sighed.

It is a blessing to have such an excellent brother.

But it is even more tragic!

The judgmental eyes of the world on their two brothers made him feel like he was in an abyss and extremely uncomfortable!

This feeling will stay with him. For life!

Cao Bin led his troops and galloped to the front of the village.

He raised his hand after reining in the horse, and a thousand cavalry stopped neatly.

The formation was not messy at all.

"good! Jian Shuo applauded on the spot:"Such an ability in running the army is worthy of his consecutive battles and victories!""

Wang Yun was equally excited and said:"If Sili Xiaowei has this son, the lintel will be greatly prospered!"

Cao Cao and Zhao Yun went to greet him first, but found that Cao Bin, who had turned over and dismounted, had a strange look on his face.

"My brother, what happened?"Cao Cao asked.

Cao Bin said seriously:"The Southern Huns took advantage of the Yellow Turban rebellion to rebel."

"Qiangqu Shanyu beheaded the Xiongnu Zhonglang general Zhang Xiu"

"Lead various ministries to conquer Bingzhou and counties"

"Dingxiang, Yunzhong, Wuyuan, Shuofang, Shangjun and Yanmen are all in emergency"

"Yanmen, which is adjacent to Changshan, has sent people to ask for help."

"Military emergency."

His words made Cao Cao and Zhao Yun angry.

"Damn barbarians!"Cao Cao scolded him on the spot

"You deserve to be damned for taking advantage of the chaos to rebel!"

"If you are not of my race, your heart must be different!"

Zhao Yun was born in Changshan. Although he was from Jizhou, he was close to Yanmen in Bingzhou and Daijun in Youzhou. He knew that the Hu people raided and robbed the border people since he was a child.

The reason why their village resisted danger and defended it was also related to the Hu people's raids southward..

As soon as he heard about the rebellion of the Southern Xiongnu, he was furious.

He wished he could rush to Yanmen alone and punish those damn Southern Xiongnu!

"We must lead our troops to rescue Yanmen!"Cao Bin said loudly, which immediately attracted Zhao Yun's favor.

"Brother Cao!"Zhao Yun, who cupped his fists and saluted, said:

"Someone is willing to follow and go to Yanmen to help!"

"To kill Hulu!"

The villagers at the entrance of the village immediately raised their arms and shouted in response.

"I am also willing to follow!"

"We must not let the barbarians harm our Han land!"

"Kill all the Hulu!"

Suddenly, the roar was like boiling!

The mighty momentum deeply shocked Jian Shuo and Wang Yun.

The two of them were pampered in Luoyang, and this was the first time they were among angry people.

After the upright Wang Yun stepped forward to introduce himself He said anxiously:"Your Majesty sent an order for your brother to come to Beijing quickly."

"This Yellow Turban must be reused in times of chaos"

"Are you going to disobey the emperor's order?"

Cao Bin turned around and replied coldly:"We will be out here, and you will not accept your orders!"

Looking around at the quiet villagers, he said loudly:

"The Xiongnu invaded the territory and plundered our Han people!"

"It is everyone’s responsibility to resist the barbarians!

The loud words were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Zhao

Yun took the lead and shouted:"It is everyone's responsibility to resist the barbarians!""

A group of villagers chanted.

The roars were like thunder!

In the excitement of the crowd, Wang Yun was suddenly in a dilemma.

Jian Shuo turned his eyes and said in a high-pitched voice:"Master Shi Yushi, we didn't see it at all. Guo Cao Bin"

"Only Cao Cao was seen.

His words made Wang Yun suddenly stare:"Is this... possible?""

Cao Bin turned to look at the eunuch and found that the eunuch was also looking at him.

Jian Shuo continued:"I haven't seen Cao Bin, so I can't convey the imperial edict."


He slightly lengthened his voice to attract everyone's attention

"The Yellow Turbans in Jizhou caused chaos and blocked the road"

"The two of us are looking for Cao Bin's whereabouts. It's normal to spend a lot of time."

"Mr. Shi Yushi, do you think so or not?"

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