Wang Qing shook his head and said: "No, this is my first time participating in the Origin World League."

Guo Han showed an expression that I already knew, and he obviously didn't believe that Wang Qing was telling the truth.

Guo Han had felt strange before, but with the in-depth conversation with Wang Qing, Guo Han had basically determined that Wang Qing had entered this world for the second time.

After all, this kind of descendant who has collected five thousand achievement points but is not even a trainer is really weird.

In Guo Han's opinion, Wang Qing must have made some preparations to return to the world of origin.

Wang Qing had no intention of explaining.

On the surface, he continued to communicate with Guo Han, but secretly his consciousness was divided into two again. He continued to use the creation technique in the real world, trying to continue to send some fluctuations that could generate achievement points to this body.

Unfortunately it didn't work out this time.

Wang Qing discovered that after traveling to the world of origin, there seemed to be some gaps in the passage between the game ring and his game character, and the fluctuations of the creation technique could not be transmitted normally at all.

Without thinking much, Wang Qing looked at Ye Hao, who was already following Yuri dozens of meters away, and continued to ask Guo Han: "I just heard that they wanted to recruit some people into the team. What does this team do?"

Guo Han said: "Since three years ago, in addition to individual competitions, Origin World has also held team competitions. A team can have up to ten people, and you can also get rewards for ranking.

In addition, teams can also go on missions in dangerous and damaged worlds.

The reason why they are so picky about candidates is because the spots in the team are precious. After all, descendants like us don't have enough background and are not as good as those aborigines who have discovered the truth. "

After Guo Han finished speaking, he explained in detail the titles behind the heads of these people. There were three titles in total.

Aboriginal people, adventers, origins.

The first two titles are easy to understand, but the third origin means that humans with the title have obtained the qualification to permanently settle in the world of origin.

If you want to be qualified to live permanently in the Origin World, you must first participate in the annual Origin World Elf League Grand League, and then pass the qualifiers and semi-finals to reach the top 64.

However, as the years have passed, more and more humans have stayed permanently in the origin world, and they have become stronger and stronger. If you want to emerge from nowhere, it is no longer possible to reach the top 64 when you first come here.

In "Elf World", any legendary trainer has a chance to become the world champion.

But in the origin world, if the legendary trainer is unlucky, he may not even be able to make it to the top 64 through the semi-finals.

If you want to get to the top 64 directly for the first time, unless those children of destiny with hundreds of thousands of destiny points arrive.

However, as Yuri said about those who rebel against fate, it is extremely difficult to escape the shackles of fate and go upstream.

The more powerful the destiny is, the harder it is to detect the truth of the world. They may have vaguely noticed something, but even if you tell it in front of them, they will not hear anything.

Unless something unexpected happens to those children of destiny and they are greatly stimulated, they will have the possibility of realizing the truth of the world.

In short, it is not realistic at this stage to obtain permanent residence qualifications by participating in competitions.

However, if you want to live permanently in the origin world, there is more than just participating in the competition.

The second method is to pass the recruitment assessment of seventeen gyms and become a gym trainer. Guo Han also used this method.

This assessment is not entirely based on strength, but also on the compatibility of the elves, as well as the talents of the trainer and the elves. As long as the standards are met, they will stay.

The third method is to join a team and win.

The top sixteen in the team competition will get the opportunity to live in this world permanently.

In addition, becoming the captain of the team can also obtain the qualification to live in this world permanently.

Guo Han recommended that he try his luck at seventeen gyms.

Wang Qing thought for a while and asked: "How can I create a team?"

"There are too many destiny points needed." Guo Han shook his head and said: "The team center in the city can receive the task of creating a team, but to create a team requires a full 250,000 achievement points or destiny points. These points are what we will use It’s very difficult to collect, and you can only get up to 10,000 or even a few thousand points in a year.”

Wang Qing touched his chin, looked at the remaining 1.18 million achievement points on his information panel, and said nothing.

After thinking briefly for a while, Wang Qing continued to ask Guo Han: "You just said that the team can go to dangerous damaged worlds to perform tasks. What is a damaged world?"

"Actually, this matter is not a secret. The damaged world refers to the world that was destroyed by Wujijina. The world there has been dominated by Wujijina and is extremely dangerous.

At present, one-tenth of all worlds are facing the Promise, and half of them have been completely reduced to damaged worlds, where humans and other elves can only survive in the cracks. "

Wang Qing frowned and said: "So, Wuji Tai Na has destroyed many worlds? Then do we have any way to resist Wu Ji Tai Na?"

Guo Han shook his head and said: "Currently, there is only one way to continuously delay its arrival, but the phenomenon of Gigantamax is still unavoidable. The power of Wuji Tai Na will become stronger and stronger, and one day it will still come.

But you don’t have to worry too much. After every year’s competition in Origin World, the league winners will upgrade their methods to deal with Wuji Tai Na. "

Wang Qing said thoughtfully: "You are saying that the winner of the Origin World League, after gaining the right to change the world, will use this right to deal with Wuji Tai Na. Are they really going to do this?"

Guo Han frowned slightly and said, "That's right."

Guo Han's answer was hesitant. After all, if it were him, he would be more selfish and use this power for himself.

Seeing the hesitant expression on Guo Han's face, Wang Qing shook his head slightly.

It seems that it is basically impossible to expect people from the Origin World to take action against the Wuji Tai in their world.

However, Wang Qing never expected these people to really deal with Wuji Jina's world-ending crisis, and he had to rely on himself.

As for this origin world, it is not useless.

Masters are everywhere here, kings are as numerous as dogs, and the system here is very restrictive, and people will not fight with each other.

In other words, this should be one of the safest areas in all the world.

There are three cunning rabbit caves. If Wuji is unstoppable and he has no way to escape, he should be able to take his family here to take refuge.

Without thinking any further, Wang Qing, Guo Han and others left the square and came to a relatively secluded place.

Then under Guo Han's surprised gaze, Wang Qing made a strange gesture with both hands.

"The bond of Chao Ke. Chao Ke."

Wang Qing murmured softly, and the overpowering power that had no response in the past finally responded.

Wang Qing released the Explosive Mosquito at will, and then stood on the shoulders of the Explosive Mosquito and flew into the sky.

With the power of superpower, Wang Qing felt the veins of the earth. At the same time, Wang Qing felt seventeen power gathering points, corresponding to the seventeen gyms in the origin world and the seventeen stone slabs of Arceus.

Wang Qing's face showed a solemn look.

It seems that Arceus is really dead.

As one of the four guardian clans of Arceus, Wang Qing knew that he had the responsibility and obligation to get in touch with Arceus' body.

Not with his current body, but with his original body. This is also the respect he deserves for Arceus.

In addition, Wang Qing wanted to confirm whether the person guarding Arceus' body at this time was a descendant of the four Kunlun Mountain tribes.

If not, Wang Qing will find a way to take back Arceus' body...

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