This young insect catcher is as steady as an old dog

Chapter 188 Can't kill the old ones, can't I kill the young ones?

"Brother is very powerful. After I got the news, I thought he would be alive, but unexpectedly, he is still dead."

"The murderer who killed uncle has not yet been found out, and the eldest brother died again."

"However, this time at least I know who the murderer of Big Brother is."

More than two months ago, Ye Shenjian III's uncle Yasushi Kawashima was brutally killed in Arakawa City in the Northland, and even the Geng Gui couldn't escape.

According to the news sent back by the Dongying Group, the murderer who killed the uncle was the "clown".

Although the Big Business Alliance handed over a dead "clown", the real "clown" is still alive.

It's just that they are in another country, so although more than two months have passed, the Dongying Group still hasn't found out the real information about the "clown".

But this time, the Shield Sword Monster fled back, and with the evidence of the Dongying Group's investigation, Ye Shenjian San confirmed who the murderer of the elder brother was.

Wang Yaozu.

That is, in the memory screen of the sword monster, the powerful old man who rode on the big needle bee and then stood on the tentacle platform.

The facts are even more serious than the news sent back before.

The Great Merchants Alliance always likes to exaggerate. According to the news obtained by Ye Shenjian III, the mysterious old man is extremely powerful, and may even be a legendary trainer. His eldest brother resisted fiercely and was eventually defeated and killed.

But Ye Shenjianyi's body never appeared.

Ye Shenjian III has always thought that his eldest brother might have escaped, and then hid somewhere to recuperate.

And judging from the battle screen sent back from the Shield Sword Monster, his eldest brother was absolutely at a disadvantage from the beginning, and was crushed to death in the end.

"Sword Sword Monster, that giant vine is not our real enemy, our enemy is the old man, the old man riding on the big needle bee."

With the sound of Ye Shenjian San gnashing his teeth, the body of the sword monster trembled slightly.

Ye Shenjian III's body also began to tremble continuously.

However, the trembling of the Shield Sword Monster was due to anger, and the trembling of Ye Shenjian III was due to fear.

That mysterious old man is really too strong. Even if he inherits his big brother's strong shield, sword monster and ghost eyes, Ye Shenjian III has no chance of winning.

Ye Shenjian III clenched his fists.

The Dongying Group of Qingshan Province is located in the southwest of Dashang. It is too far away from the Cherry Blossom Alliance, and it is not a strategic location. It is impossible for the Cherry Blossom Alliance to send strong support.

As for the original allies of the Dongying Group in Qingshan Province...

"In the families and gyms of these big merchants, when the elder brother is here, the elder brother pleases the elder brother like a dog, but when he heard the news of the elder brother's death, he immediately changed his face and squeezed our interests as much as possible. He wanted to take advantage of the situation and kill our Dongying Group in Qingshan Province. It really deserves to be damned."

"Obviously I received so many benefits before, but now I immediately turn my face and deny it."

Ye Shenjian San took a few deep breaths. In order to investigate Wang Yaozu in Baishi Village these days, he not only lost more than 20 investigators, but also paid a high price to those families in order to obtain information about his eldest brother.

"If one day the Sakura Alliance occupies this fertile land, I will make these duplicitous guys pay the price they deserve."

Ye Shenjian III stopped thinking about these families and started thinking about the news about Wang Yaozu.

Wang Yaozu's past is very ordinary. Decades ago, he participated in more than a dozen trainer selection competitions, but he lost continuously. In the end, he lived in Baishi Village, which was almost isolated from the world.

Wang Yaozu's life is very simple, but it is this simple information combined with that powerful strength, which is very strange.

Wang Yaozu had a son and daughter-in-law who died thirteen years ago. It is said that the cause of death was a car accident.

However, according to Mr. Kuroda's analysis, things may not be that simple.

Thirteen years ago, a heavenly king of the Xuanyuan family of the great merchant went south, and finally disappeared.

And the last appearance of that Xuanyuan Heavenly King happened to be near Kunshan Town.

The death of Wang Yaozu's son is likely to have something to do with Xuanyuan Tianwang's disappearance.

In other words, Wang Yaozu's son did not die at all, and disappeared together with King Xuanyuan.

In short, things are confusing.

Ye Shenjian III didn't think about it, it was not realistic to use this matter to make a fuss, and the operation was more complicated.

And even if it is operated, it will only cause some trouble for the other party, not revenge.

But as long as there are people, there are weaknesses.

Although Wang Yaozu is powerful, but Wang Yaozu is not alone.

Can't deal with the old, can't he also deal with the young?

Wang Yaozu has a grandson and a granddaughter, and these two are Wang Yaozu's fatal weaknesses.

According to the latest news, Wang Yaozu's grandson Wang Xiaobing returned to Baishi Village a few days ago, and her grandson Wang Qing also returned to Baishi Village from the Lost Forest in Tiannan Province a few days ago.

Ye Shenjian III did not hesitate too much, so he set his target on Wang Yaozu's grandson Wang Qing.

I don't know Wang Qing's apprenticeship in the Northland. He seems to be studying mega evolution and has gained some fame, but he is too young.

Ye Shenjian San stroked his left eye and said, "Brother, although my younger brother can't avenge you yet, he can kill his closest relatives first, no, maybe I can use his relatives to do something."

The Strong Shield Sword Monster has the power to control people's hearts. With his newly awakened ghost eyes, if he can use secret techniques further, he can completely turn Wang Qing's corpse into a puppet.

Then use Wang Qing's body to assassinate Wang Yaozu.

If it can be successful, the picture must be beautiful.

Thinking of this, Ye Shenjian smiled. After killing Wang Yaozu, he will liquidate these duplicitous families in Qingshan Province.


At the same time that Ye Shenjian San was holding the sword monster with the shield and showing a crazy smile, an invisible elf in the air hundreds of meters away tilted its head, looking a little puzzled.

The elf muttered to himself.

"It is obviously used by humans as a tool, why should it be driven by humans willingly?"

"These humans only know how to use us to kill each other..."

"Why are you willing to sacrifice your life for the sake of mankind?"

"The potential is obviously very good, it seems that it needs to wait a little longer, and let it completely disappoint humans."

The invisible elf removed his camouflage armor, revealing a dark purple body with sharp edges and red eyes flickering slightly.

The elf's body is not tall, only about 1.5 meters. It is shaped like an upright walking insect. Its body is wrapped in purple steel armor, and a powerful cannon is mounted on its back. At this time, a transparent cassette is inserted into the cannon.

It was this cassette that gave it the ability to act stealthily.

The steel body began to deform, and soon turned into a purple disc only thirty centimeters thick, like a flying saucer suspended in mid-air.

One last glance at the shield and sword monster in the courtyard who is bent on avenging his master, the spirit flying like a flying saucer flies rapidly, and the time has disappeared in the blink of an eye...

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