This young insect catcher is as steady as an old dog

Chapter 178: The Qianlong Clan (Part 2)

Wang Qing turned his head and glanced at the passage behind, and he could tell that the passage had collapsed because of the long time.

Unless he used Xiao Hei's wall-penetrating ability to directly reach this location like him, or dug up the cemetery of the old Wang's family, it would be impossible to find this secret door under the cemetery.

"It seems that I am not the only one who likes to build bases underground, but also the ancestors."

Wang Qing shook his head, picked up the dragon stone on the stone table, and gathered the remaining dragon's blood into his palm again. As he approached the dragon stone, the blood in his palm boiled more violently.

According to the records on the animal skin paper, this dragon-forming stone is the key to activate the blood of the Qianlong clan, otherwise, unless there is an existence like Wang Qing, it is almost impossible to activate the blood on its own.

In addition, the dragon stone is also of great benefit to the cultivation of dragon elves.

Not only can the blood of the dragon elves be more pure, it can also allow the dragon elves to better control the power in their bodies, and it can also completely restrain the breath of the dragon elves.

This is the case with the so-called Qianlong, which is to sneak and keep a low profile on weekdays.

Wang Qing thought for a while, then released the carapace dragon Xiaobao from the poke ball.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Little Treasure let out two roars as usual, expressing his desire to fly, and then looked at his master suspiciously.

This space is a bit stuffy, it seems that there is a lack of oxygen, but as a dragon elf, Xiaobao can still bear it.

Is it for breath holding training?

Then soon Xiaobao felt something, one was the ball of blood in the master's hand, and Xiaobao felt that he had a deep connection with that blood.

It gave Xiaobao the illusion that the little ball of blood was his master.

Of course, just like the little ball of blood, Xiaobao also found the feeling of master in Wang Qing's body, which is very strange.

It's as if it has two masters.

"Ah, ah?" (Master, what is this?)

Tielong Xiaobao quickly found the stone on the table, and then felt the power contained in the stone, so he asked Wang Qing.

"Dragon Transformation Stone is of some help to the growth of dragon elves."

After Wang Qing finished speaking, he took down the football-sized dragon stone and put it on the crustacean.

The body of a crustacean is like a white ball with four legs underneath.

After the Baby Dragon evolves into a Crustosaurus, the Crustosaurus will stop eating, wait for the body inside the carapace to transform, and then evolve into a Tyrannosaurus.

The most important function of the dragon stone is to literally transform the dragon.

Is the golden scales a thing in a pool, it will transform into a dragon when encountering a storm.

In some respects, the Dragon Transformation Stone is particularly effective against the Crustacean, even more effective than the carp king before crossing the dragon gate.

As the Dragon Stone approached his body, Xiaobao felt the blood in his body start to boil, which was exactly the same as the boiling frequency of the ball of blood on the palm of the master.

After that, Xiao Bao felt sleepy, and then he seemed to fall asleep.

"Master, Little Treasure seems to be enlightened. It seems to understand the power of the pupation and transformation of insect-type elves. The degree of completion of evolution should be much higher."

Xiaolu's voice appeared in Wang Qing's mind.

In fact, even without Xiaolu's reminder, Wang Qing could feel Xiaobao's changes, the fluctuations of the dragon element became more and more pure and restrained.

Except for the basic subjects, Wang Qing's elves' training depends on the elves' self-awareness.

This was the case with Xiao Fei and Pikachu back then. After completing the prescribed training every day, they would immediately rest, and Wang Qing never cared about it.

And if there is an elf who needs extra help, he will also help. For example, the current Giant Pincer Mantis Xiaofei, Big Food Flower and Xiaodai, Wang Qing, Xiaolu, and Xiaodai often help.

The same is true for Xiaobao. Although he doesn't look very smart, Xiaobao is extremely obsessed with flying. Whenever he hears something related to flying, Xiaobao will listen attentively.

Occasionally Xiaobao would take the initiative to ask Wang Qing for advice.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Qing, Xiao Hei, and Xiao Lu cooperate with each other, allowing Xiao Hei to leave some insights about pupation and transformation in Xiao Bao's mind in the form of dreams.

In fact, Xiaobao likes to watch this kind of sentiment very much, but because his brain is not very smart, watching this kind of sentiment is just like watching a movie, just purely very happy.

After coming into contact with the Dragon Transformation Stone, Xiao Bao suddenly had some understanding of this perception.

In a trance, Xiaobao seemed to have a dream.

In the dream, it was transformed in its carapace, like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis, it spread its blood-colored wings, and soared in the sky to its heart's content.

Afterwards, it landed next to Dianlong and used its IQ to play with Dianlong wantonly. Dianlong wanted to retaliate against it, but Dianlong couldn't fly, and Dianlong screamed in anger.

"Aww, aww!" (Fly, fly!)

The carapace dragon let out two roars and woke up.

Wang Qing took the dragon-transforming stone from the back of the crustacean, then stroked the body of the crustacean and said, "It seems that the progress and completion of evolution have been greatly improved, and it will be able to evolve in the near future."

Xiaolu's voice appeared in Wang Qing's mind, and it was consistent with Wang Qing's opinion.

Putting the dragon stone into Xiaohei's black hole space, Wang Qing's palm once again had a ball of blood the size of a ping pong ball, and then separated a small drop of blood into the cyan sphere in the center of the round stone gate.

The sphere emitted a cyan light towards Wang Qing, and then the cyan light scanned the entire space, not only Xiao Bao, but even Xiao Hei who was hiding in the shadow was detected by the light, only Xiao Lu was not found as usual.

It seems that a unique detection technique, related to the waveguide, should be to see if the blood matches the waveguide of the blood host, and at the same time, to see if there are strangers around.

In this way, it is avoided that someone pretends to be a member of the Qianlong tribe, and it also avoids the situation where the Qianlong tribe is threatened.

As if he had received some kind of confirmation, Wang Qing heard a voice that seemed to tell him that his identity matched and the door was about to open.

The sphere in the center of the gate gradually raised light blue lines, and the entire circular stone gate began to tremble.

The light blue pattern gradually spread to the entire stone gate, and then the circular stone gate began to rotate, like a petal, and a passage appeared after the stone gate rotated.

Many cyan light balls appeared on both sides of the passage, acting as light sources.

"Is it driven by the power of the dragon?"

Wang Qing let out a sigh of emotion, and was about to take Xiaobao into it, but found that a lot of dragon energy was escaping from the passage, and these energies gradually converged, forming some kind of light blue whirlpool.

Part of the dragon power poured into the blood ball in Wang Qing's palm, and the other part directly poured into the body of the head iron dragon Xiaobao.

Wang Qing could feel that this part of the dissipated energy was very gentle, and seemed to recognize him and Xiaobao, so the fusion was very smooth.

"Absorbing the energy of these dragons, the power of dragons in my blood has not increased significantly, but it has become much more refined, and it seems that some kind of change is taking place, and Xiaobao should be the same."

Wang Qing walked into the passage with Xiaobao while talking.

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