This young insect catcher is as steady as an old dog

Chapter 153 The Unity of Heaven and Man and Attributing Great Power to Himself

After more than ten minutes, Wang Qing and the three had reached the position where everyone was standing still.

Wang Qing saw Xiao Zhi, and also saw Fifth Senior Sister Gao Youyou. They seemed to have fallen into some kind of illusion, whether it was a human or an elf.

The eyes lost focus, like a trial of illusion in another world's fairy tale.

Obviously, if you continue to move forward, the trial of the path of asking the heart will escalate.

"No, no, I won't do such a thing..."

A murmured voice suddenly appeared from Xiaozhi's mouth in the front position. His legs had already started to move forward. Not only Xiaozhi, but also Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon and Ba Dadie also gained certain mobility and moved forward together.

It was the strongest Gyarados, showing a painful look, and finally returned to the poke ball.

"Small blog?"

Wang Qing greeted Wang Zhi from behind, but found that Wang Zhi ignored him at all, but was still heading towards the top of the mountain with the two elves, probably in some kind of illusion.


In the square at the foot of the mountain a few kilometers away, the heavenly king-level old man disguised as an ordinary person yawned, walked up to the fat old man and said, "Sun Lao Liu, do you think anyone can do it this time?"

The fat old man shook his head and asked back, "Grand Elder, what do you think?"

The Great Elder answered the wrong question: "After all, it is the foundation of the Sun family, and the magic circle and facilities are not damaged. It is a pity that it is so empty here."

The fat old man shook his head: "It is said that hundreds of years ago, the trial of the road of asking the heart would be held every five years, with thousands of people participating each time, and then only one person would emerge in a few decades, and now it can barely be opened once in more than 20 years, and only one or two hundred people participated..."

"That's right... After I die, this kind of trial will not be done anymore, the times have changed." The elder sighed, looked at Lucario who was sitting cross-legged in mid-air, and said, "Master Tianhe, what do you think?"

As always, Master Tianhe's phantom did not respond in any way, except for opening his eyes when the magic circle was activated, there was no movement.

The Great Elder said: "If you don't speak, I will take it as your consent."

The fat old man asked: "Grand Elder, there is a question that I have never figured out. Compared with the past, do you think we have become stronger or weaker?"

The Great Elder thought for a while and said: "The weak ones have become stronger, and the strong ones have become weaker, but since there are more weak ones, they should still become stronger."

The Great Elder seemed to be thinking, but suddenly found that Lucario Xuying named Tianhe suddenly opened his eyes.

The Great Elder rubbed his eyes, watched again, and found that Lucario had returned to his original appearance again.


The Great Elder showed a puzzled expression, touched the staff, and didn't seem to find anything special, and no one passed the test.

Yes, it is impossible for someone to pass the test so quickly.


The way to ask the heart.

Wang Qing looked at Xia Lingyun and Leiluo who were beside him. These two people looked confused and seemed to be deeply in an illusion.

In fact, it was the same for Wang Qing just a moment ago, but just after the illusion had disappeared, he heard a voice in his heart.

It seemed to be the voice that the old man Lucario told him, telling him that he could not obtain the power of the unity of man and nature, and then said a bunch of things to him.

Wang Qing entered two illusions successively, both of which were formed by his deep memories.

In the illusion, he seemed to have lost all his memory, but he knew what he should do.

The first illusion was that a few years ago when he was doing daily training in the forest, he came across that hudi, and before the hudi could make a move, he smashed the head of the hudi with a punch.

The second illusion turned into a coffee shop. This time he didn't order coffee. Instead, he walked out of the coffee shop ahead of time, followed the man secretly, and then made a sudden attack from a hidden location, smashing the man's head off.

At the moment when the hammer exploded the man's head, the illusion shattered, and a voice appeared in Wang Qing's mind. It was not a language, but Wang Qing still understood the general meaning.

This passage told Wang Qing what the unity of man and nature is, and the reason why he could not achieve the unity of man and nature.

The unity of man and nature is a way.

It refers to the mutual integration of spirit, body and nature to achieve a state of being indistinguishable from each other, one can feel the laws of all things around you, and at the same time borrow the power of all things to a certain extent.

As for Wang Qing, I don't know when his way has been determined, and it has reached a certain level.

That is to attribute the mighty power to oneself and calm everything down with absolute power.

In a sense, the two paths of harmony between man and nature and attributing great power to oneself are contradictory.

It is precisely because of this that even though Wang Qing fell into the illusion, he still knew what he should do, and directly used absolute power to rewrite the ending of the illusion and break the illusion.

Instead of repeating illusions again and again like ordinary people, and then in the process of finding a way out, comprehend the laws of all things, and finally escape from the cyclic illusions and achieve the unity of nature and man.

But although he couldn't obtain the unity of man and nature, Wang Qing obtained something similar to authority, similar to a vague perception, and he could move forward with his elf.

He cannot obtain the unity of man and nature, but it is possible for his elves to obtain it.

But Wang Qing feels that the chances are not very high. After all, most of his elves have listened to his teachings, and basically agree with the path of attributing great power to themselves.

However, stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. Although the road is different, Wang Qing feels that the bottleneck that he has been stuck for more than half a year seems to have loosened a bit.

Did not continue to think about it.

Wang Qing turned his head to look at his elf, Little Seed and Little Liu had entered a state of trembling at some point, their expressions full of fear.

However, the endurance was quite strong, and the armored rhinoceros next to Leiluo was also trembling, but returned to the elf ball in less than half a minute.

It seems that Little Seed and Little Six can bear it for a while.

Hiding in the shadow, Genggui Xiaohei broke the illusion not long after Wang Qing broke the illusion, which was exactly the same as Wang Qing's way of breaking the illusion.

As for Xiao Fei, Xiao Hui, and Xiao Bian, they are still in some kind of illusion, similar to Xiaozhi's elves, as long as Wang Qing keeps moving forward, they will follow, and then enter a certain illusion cycle.

"Xie Yiyi..."

"Xie Yiyi..."

Xia Lingyun beside her murmured.

Xia Lingyun, who was immersed in the illusion, still couldn't let go of Xie Yiyi's enemy, and spoke indistinct words.

But soon Wang Qing found that Xia Lingyun's illusion was not what he imagined.

"Xie Yiyi, I will not give up Wang Qing to you."

"The person he likes is me."

"Wang Qing, Wang Qing said that he likes me."

"No, you can't have Wang Qing's child."

Xia Lingyun's voice trembled a little, and after that, she suddenly moved towards the side of the road as if she had been stymied.

In fact, not only Xia Lingyun, but also many people will move forward on both sides of the road after falling into the illusion, and some people will even retreat in place. There are still relatively few people who can really continue to move forward like Xiaozhi.

Sighing, Wang Qing knocked Xia Lingyun unconscious and placed it carefully on the side of the road. Xia Lingyun's elves all returned to her elf ball at the same time Xia Lingyun fainted.

Wang Qing stroked Xia Lingyun's hair, and suddenly found that Leiluo next to him was talking in his sleep.

"Isn't it just being pressed to the ground and rubbed against it? What's the big deal? I can bear even more shame!"

While talking, Leiluo took off her clothes and walked towards the top of the mountain...

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