Olivia and Mugen have now left the port office building. This was Olivia's idea:

There is no city for people, only robots playing human roles... Don't you think the words of these robots seem to be implying something? It always feels like a few games I've played before. "

He also gave an example: by collecting clues, he finally got important information. Isn't that what the protagonist of the "xxxx" game did? "

Mugen was convinced by what he said, and after talking to the Ypsilons who were left behind on the spacecraft, they decided to go out and look for other clues.

The snow is still falling, and if there is no robot A to open the way in front, they will definitely be unable to move forward at all.

The weather here is completely unsuitable for humans..." Olivia struggled to walk in front, and then as she walked, she tripped and fell heavily, hitting the thick snow. Although it didn't hurt, it still hurt. Very cold.

While holding her nose and getting up from the ground, Olivia also dug out a robot buried in the ground.

Well, the weather here isn't suitable for robots either. "

November 17th, today’s news is really scary, I’m so worried. "When he helped him up, the robot doll facing down suddenly spoke."

Olivia was stunned for a moment, and he quickly turned over the robot doll in his hand. When he saw the robot's face, he hurriedly called Mu Gen behind him to come over.

You see, the robot is crying. "

This is not a big discovery!

Along the way, the robots they encountered were doing their own things, but most of them had ordinary expressions. Now the robot making a crying expression seemed very special.

The moment he saw this special robot, Mugen was stunned just like Olivia.

They listened to what the robot said again, and Mugen suddenly spoke: Where can I see the news? "

Olivia was stunned for a moment, but quickly came to her senses.

Go to the tavern! "

In this era, various taverns are still places where people gather before going home from get off work. They watch the news together, have a drink, etc. They are very well-informed.

They had already found a map of this area at the port office. After searching according to the map, Olivia and Mugen quickly found the nearest tavern nearby.

The moment they pushed away the tavern, the two young men were stunned——

After walking for so long, it was the first time they saw so many robots so densely packed together!

The tavern is densely packed with countless robots standing or sitting, no matter men, women, old or young, no matter what they are doing, if you look carefully at their faces, they all look like they are crying...

...something happened in the star field where he is located. "

He may not come back..."

That idiot Duoduo! "

The appearance of the name "Duoduo" made Olivia and Mugen look at each other. It took them a long time to record all the words, carefully arranging all the sentences together, and they began to study the possible connections between these sentences. There is a connection.

This... is a diary, right? "Reading all the sentences together, Mugen raised his head: Master Duoduo's diary."

Olivia didn't answer him immediately. He had been reading the electronic newspaper on the bar for a long time.

...I'm afraid you're right. "

These robots are the diaries left by the owner of Baiyun Duoduo. "

Olivia handed the newspaper she had been reading to Mugen who was sitting aside, and glanced at Olivia with a puzzled look on her face. Mugen gently unfolded the newspaper——

...On November 17, 847, Brown Cloud Calendar, His Majesty Louis I's fleet encountered a catastrophic galaxy impact while passing the Earth, the main planet in the Milky Way..."

The huge black headline was extremely eye-catching and occupied most of the newspaper. The report in Mugen's hand was all about the death of Louis I. The black and white photo of the emperor was displayed on the newspaper, looking handsome and sad.

Throughout the newspaper, people used various angles to analyze the causes of the disaster, the results of the rescue efforts currently underway, and possible events in the future. Those words were sharp and sharp. From a distance in time and space, Mu Gen seemed to have seen that era. , people were confused when this happened.

Look at the lower left corner. "It wasn't until Olivia reminded him that Mugen turned his attention to the section he was talking about.

A small corner of the newspaper reported the names of other possible people affected by the galaxy explosion. The name of a pirate group in it attracted Mugen's full attention - that was the pirate group Duoduo belonged to!

All the media's attention was focused on the emperor, and no one cared about the ordinary people affected by the disaster.

People, especially these ordinary people are pirates.

Turn back. "Olivia reminded Mugen again at the right time, so Mugen turned the page of the newspaper.

The date on the next page had changed and it was a month after the disaster. The newspapers were still overwhelmingly filled with reports about the emperor, but at the same time there were also reports about important figures who died with the emperor, such as some political figures or a certain big star.

In addition, there are also some missing person notices issued by private individuals.

One of the paid revelations is the most eye-catching - the photo is the largest, but it is completely blank.

Look for the spaceship Baiyun Duoduo. If you find it, please contact Ms. Duolai from the M7 planet (number md4a654901). Any useful information you provide will be rewarded with 100 million kaberi. "

Carbery was the name of the common currency during the reign of Louis I. This was a very large bounty figure both at that time and in modern times.

However, such an attractive reward did not seem to be taken away, because Mugen saw the same revelation in every subsequent newspaper. As time went by, the amount of the reward became higher and higher, and finally became A very scary number.

She searched for four hundred years. "However, what Mu Gen paid attention to was the duration of the reward.

Then, the missing person notice in this newspaper came to an abrupt end.

Mugen looked at the date when the last revelation appeared: January 14th.

I am too old. Today, I feel the chill of death around me. I think I am going to die. Today is January 21st…”

The words "recorded from the robot's mouth in the snowdrift" came to Mugen's ears.

She is dead. "After a long while, Olivia finally said what Mu Gen was thinking at this time.

☆、Chapter 40

The Big Bang eventually affected the planet. In the two hundred years after that disaster, the climate conditions of M7 gradually deteriorated and became no longer suitable for human habitation. Under the organization of the government, the inhabitants of the planet immigrated to nearby planets step by step and in batches within ten years.

This place is already a ruined star.

The above information was pieced together by Olivia and Mugen based on the clues they found.

Everyone left except Ms. Duolai. "As long as they roughly infer the time, it is not difficult for them to come to this conclusion.

After the others left, she continued to live alone on this planet with a harsh climate for about 100 years until she passed away.

For Olivia and Mugen, one hundred years is too long.

They were silent for a long time. After a long time, Olivia suggested going back to the spacecraft. However, when they opened the door again, they found that it could not be opened.

Finally, Olivia broke the upper window and took a look outside: the snow was so heavy that the house was stuck in the snow. "

It seems that I can only sleep here tonight. "Mugen also went over to take a look, and he knew that they couldn't go out today. So, they notified the uncles staying on the spacecraft, and Mugen and Olivia decided to sleep here for the night.

Although the house here is made of special materials that are very cold-proof, it is still very cold if you stay overnight. In desperation, Mugen decided to borrow clothes from the robot in the tavern.

Ms. Duolai is really good to these robots. She puts beautiful clothes on each robot. The clothes are made of very good materials and have not deteriorated after so many years.

Sorry ma'am. "The thickest clothes in the entire tavern were worn by a robot who was sitting in the corner of the tavern...applying a facial mask. Unfortunately, she seemed to be a woman. She clasped her hands together. Mugen was very embarrassed to put on the fancy dress. The coat was pulled off the seemingly female robot and then draped on herself.

So warm(≧▽≦)

Thanks. "After zipping up the zipper, Mugen also thanked the stripped robot doll.

Then he ran over to Olivia, who had already quickly cleared the area behind the bar of the tavern and covered it with thick coats (←The robot was removed from the tavern ), in addition to spreading it on the ground, he also pulled down the curtains and covered himself with it to serve as a quilt. By the time Mu Gen got in, the bed was already hot.

Ollie, you are so warm (≧▽≦." After rolling in the bed, Mugen quickly rolled to the source of warmth - Olivia. Olivia was like a small heater, continuously exuding blazing heat.

..." The moment he rolled over, Olivia's body froze, and she strongly resisted the urge to run away. He finally let Mu Gen hug his arm.

Good night Ollie! Good night, Dad! "After whispering good night to the friends and family around him, Mugen closed his eyes.

Good night, Ollie. "After Mugen fell asleep, Robot A also said hello to Olivia in a muffled voice.

...Night, night, good night..." The word "good night" lingered on my tongue for a long time, and finally

When Yu vomited out, there was silence around Ollie.

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