After Zhao Jun killed the wild boar and relieved Li Ruhai's crisis, neither Zhao Jun nor Li Baoyu went to talk to this kid.

Yes, that's intentional, because this guy hates people so much.

As for Li Ruhai, as soon as the gunshot rang out, he changed from sobbing to howling.

After Zhao Jun finished disemboweling the wild boar and Li Baoyu came over, Li Ruhai gradually stopped crying.

At this time, he wanted to get down from the tree, but he found that something special happened to him, which prevented him from getting down from the tree by himself.

After listening to Li Ruhai's words, Li Baoyu turned around and looked up at the mountains in the distance.

Li Baoyu was angry, hateful, and afraid of Li Ruhai. This was his biological brother. If something happened today, Li Baoyu would not forgive himself, not to mention Li Dayong and Jin Xiaomei.

Therefore, now that Li Baoyu is angry, he is afraid that he will lose control and really beat his brother to pieces.

Seeing this, Zhao Jun shook his head helplessly. He divided the wild boar's heart into two parts and fed one piece to Hua Xiaoer and the other to Daqing.

Then Zhao Jun thrust his knife into the snow beside him, walked towards the oak tree, raised his head and said to Li Ruhai, "Come on, go down by yourself."

"Hmm, um." Li Ruhai said "hmm" obediently. He grabbed the branch of the tree with both hands, crossed his inner leg this way, and lowered his legs so that his body was parallel to the trunk of the tree.

Zhao Jun stretched out his hands and grabbed Li Ruhai's legs, but when his hands touched the cotton pants Li Ruhai was wearing, Zhao Jun only felt wet, and there was a faint odor coming from Li Ruhai.

Looking at Li Ruhai again, he walked a little unnaturally after getting off the tree, and his legs were bowed.

Zhao Jun could tell that it wasn't because he had put it on a tree, or that his legs were weak because of fear. It was probably because his crotch was wet and his crotch was pulled up when he walked.

Zhao Jun turned over his hand, and there was a bit of irritation on his palm. Then he looked at Li Ruhai's cotton shoes, which had ice stains formed by water stains.

Zhao Jun squatted down helplessly, grabbed a handful of snow, rubbed his hands fiercely, and shouted loudly: "Baoyu, gather the fire!"

"Ah?" Li Baoyu was startled when he heard this. He came to Zhao Jun's side in two steps and asked, "Brother, what time will we eat? We are not hungry after eating this morning."

"What else are you going to eat?" Zhao Jun said angrily: "Your Ruhai is so scared that he peed his pants. Hurry up and build a fire to cook for him!"

"I'm C!" Li Baoyu shook his head helplessly and let out a long sigh. At this time, he didn't even dare to look at Li Ruhai.

It's not that I'm afraid of anything else, but I'm afraid that after seeing this kid, I can't help but be beaten by him.

Li Baoyu picked up or cut down some dead branches around, and quickly lit a fire, letting Li Ruhai sit by the fire and dry his shoes and cotton trousers.

I don't know whether it was because he was frightened or because he drank too much porridge in the morning. Li Ruhai peed a lot just now, and he peed all over his cotton pants.

He roasted on the mountain for a full hour and a half before following Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu down the mountain.

On the way down the mountain, Li Baoyu was carrying the big yellow dog on his back.

The big yellow dog lay across the back of Li Baoyu's neck, with its two front legs on Li Baoyu's right shoulder and its two hind legs on Li Baoyu's left shoulder.

Its four legs just hung on Li Baoyu's chest, and Li Baoyu held the two front legs of the big yellow dog in his right hand and the two hind legs of the big yellow dog in his left hand, and carried it down the mountain.

On the way, Li Baoyu stopped several times, put down the yellow dog, and let it take two steps forward on its own.

This is to allow the yellow dog to move around, otherwise it would be very cold.

As for Zhao Jun, he was carrying two pig legs, one for Zhao Jinshan. This is what you promised, and you have to do it after you promise.

There is another one prepared for Han Shang, the doctor at the Tunli Health Center. Isn't it insulting to ask a doctor to do veterinary work?

Can such an insult be solved without a boar thigh?

As for Li Ruhai, he struggled to get down the mountain by himself, so naturally he didn't take anything.

The three people and the three dogs returned home. As they approached the door, Zhao Jun gave both pig legs to Li Baoyu.

It was Li Baoyu who discussed the exchange of pig legs for bullets with Zhao Jinshan, and he had to deliver the pig legs.

As for hiring a doctor, he was treating a big yellow dog. The doctor had to be at Li Baoyu's house, so he might as well let Li Baoyu do it himself.

Zhao Meilan was very surprised to see Zhao Jun enter the house empty-handed. She was surprised that Zhao Jun came back only this morning after going out today.

"Son, you haven't been beaten down yet?" Wang Meilan was holding back a smile when she asked this question. In her opinion, if Zhao Jun fails a few more times, he will slowly give up the idea of ​​hunting.

Just as Zhao Jun was about to speak, he heard Li Ruhai's howling faintly coming from outside the house.

"What's going on?" Wang Meilan was very confused, wiped her hands on her apron and went out.

Zhao Jun stopped Wang Meilan and explained to her: "Ruhai secretly went up the mountain with us today. My aunt should be beating him."

When Wang Meilan heard this, she stretched out her hand to twist Zhao Jun's ears, but Zhao Jun cleverly dodged it.

"Mom." Zhao Jun knew that Wang Meilan had misunderstood, and hurriedly explained to her: "We didn't lead him there, he secretly followed us."

"This unlucky kid." Wang Meilan scolded, and then pointed the finger at Zhao Jun, "Tell me, you and Baoyu don't lead a good leader. The kid who is so groomed will follow you up the mountain."

Zhao Jun:......

At Li Baoyu's house, there was a lot of excitement.

Li Baoyu leaned against the door, holding a white porcelain bowl filled with sugar in one hand and a sticky bean bag dipped in sugar into his mouth to eat. Then, while watching Jin Xiaomei whipping Li Ruhai with relish.

"Okay, okay." After Li Baoyu finished eating the sticky bean buns, he put the sugar bowl on the table next to him, stepped forward and pulled Jin Xiaomei away, saying: "Mom, our Dahuang let the wild boar pick it up in order to save this little calf. Now, I have to find Dr. Han to come over and give Rhubarb an injection."

"What?" Jin Xiaomei was a little surprised and asked, "Doctor Han has a very stubborn temper. Can you come and give the dog an injection?"

"Yes." Li Baoyu said, "My brother said, give him a pig thigh, and he came with me."

"Ah, then you go and ask."

Li Baoyu fastened the buttons of his cotton-padded jacket one by one. While fastening the buttons, he said to Jin Xiaomei: "Someone will be here soon. Don't hit him. Why don't you let Dr. Han see it and laugh at us?"

After Jin Xiaomei heard this, although she stopped taking action, she still glared at Li Ruhai angrily.

As for Li Ruhai, he cast a grateful look at Li Baoyu.

Meeting Li Ruhai's gaze, Li Baoyu smiled and said, "My brother is old too, so it won't hurt if you hit him. When my dad comes back to hit him, you can save some energy."

Li Ruhai:......

Jin Xiaomei smiled and said, "This is a good idea!"

Not long after, Li Baoyu came in with a man in a white coat carrying a medical kit.

The big yellow dog was injured and could no longer live in the kennel outside. Li Baoyu placed him in the outhouse, where he could keep himself warm by the fire not far from the stove.

As for Zhao Jun, he had been busy all morning and had just fallen asleep after lunch when he was woken up by Li Baoyu.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Jun opened his eyes in a daze, and when he saw it was Li Baoyu, he asked in a daze.

Li Baoyu looked a little embarrassed and said, "I asked Dr. Han to come back, but Dahuang wouldn't let him get stitches."

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