"It's hard to paint a tiger with skin!" Old Huo turned his head to look at the cliff, and Shang Zhen followed suit.

On the cliff, Old Mao Wang and the others had already begun to climb down.

At this time, Wang Laomao and the others couldn't say that there was no danger, but at least Shang Zhen and Lao Huotou were on guard, so their risk was naturally much less.

Just because Hou Kaishan said that the elders go first, the old Huotou could only come down first, and Shang Zhen also followed.

"As for some people, you may not know him well even if you've known them all your life, and there are some people you just met but you can trust each other for life and death." Old Huotou said something that Shang Zhen felt a little written.

Shang Zhen came down at his own request.

What Hou Kanshan said about "the elders go first" is just nonsense, which is obviously "seven people go together, and the old man suffers".

Why should the old man suffer? That's not because among them, only Lao Huotou belongs to Liu Guodong's company, while the rest belong to Wang Laomao's gang.

Who knows if there are Japanese soldiers in the woods under the cliff? Whoever goes down to the bottom of the cliff first will be in danger, so who else can give this kind of unlucky errand to Old Huo?

But these days, Shang Zhen has been instructed by the old Huotou on many things, but he thinks that it should be "the master and the apprentice go together, and the apprentice suffers", so when he came down, he rushed in front of the old Huotou?

When he came down from the cliff, Shang Zhen realized how important his training during this period was, at least his arms could bear his own weight now.

Now Shang Zhen heard what old Huotou said, although he felt that what old Huotou said made sense, but he didn't understand why old Huotou said this at this time.

And at this moment, the old Huo Tou smiled mysteriously at Shang Zhen, and then he actually found out a small boxy thing that was not half the size of a palm!

Shang Zhen has never seen the old Huotou use this thing before. The old Huotou ignored Shang Zhen, opened the cap of the little thing with a click, and swiped it with his thumb. , Shang Zhen saw the flames, but it was a lighter!

Shang Zhen was dumbfounded, he really didn't understand what old Huo was up to? But old Huotou was already using the lighter to light the match on the mountain cannon in his hand.

"Ah? Are you gawking?" Shang asked in shock.

But what's the use of asking again, seeing the matchlock burning rapidly, the old Huotou clamped the shotgun under his armpit, and with a "boom", the muzzle of the mountain cannon exploded. A cloud of white smoke rose.

Shang Zhen looked forward again, and saw the branches and leaves of the trees in front of him trembling!

A rifle fires only one bullet each time, which is a straight line. Although the bullets fired by a machine gun are called scattered fire, no matter how fast the bullets are, there is a sequence.

But what is this mountain cannon? But a piece of gun sand was shot out. According to the Northeast dialect, it was called paste (hū), and it was directly paste into a piece!

As for the gunshot of old Huotou, do you think it makes people scared?

Not only Shang Zhen was surprised, but also Old Mao Wang who had already climbed to the bottom of the cliff was also surprised. Old Mao Wang jumped off the tree he was holding on to!

At this moment, Shang Zhen saw Old Huo turning his head.

As soon as Old Huo turned his head, he followed suit.

Due to the occlusion of the trees, Shang Zhen naturally couldn't see the bottom of the cliff, but he could see that there was no one on the place that was approaching the bottom of the cliff!

No need to ask, those people all jumped off.

At this time, Old Huo pulled his neck and shouted: "Hurry up, there are Japanese soldiers over there!".

This joke was not a random one. When it was said that there were Japanese soldiers there, even though Shang Zhen didn't look at it, he still turned his head back and pointed at his tricks.

It's just that Shang Zhen looked and looked, and saw that there were many trees and fallen leaves all over the ground, but there was no sign of the Japanese army!

Besides, based on Shang Zhen's understanding of the Japanese army, if there were really Japanese soldiers there, how could the Japanese army not shoot at them with their ferocity?

At this time, the old hat of Kung Fu Wang ran over from behind and asked anxiously, "Where are the Japanese soldiers?"

"Where can't you see it yourself? The stick is pointing the gun at it!" The old Huo Tou Gunzai, who was filling his mountain cannon with gun sand, said confidently.

Wang Laomao also pointed the gun, and after a while, Wang Laomao exchanged glances with those who had already lay down, their eyes were full of confusion.

Just because what they saw was the same as what Shang Zhen saw, it was full of trees and fallen leaves all over the ground, not to mention Japanese soldiers, but they didn't even see a bird feather!

"Ma Gan'er, have you seen the Japanese army?" Old Mao Wang asked.

To be honest, Shang Zhen was in a daze when Lao Huotou fired the cannon.

But Shang Zhen has learned to use his brain to think after all. He was confused just now, but now he wants to understand one thing.

It's just that lying is not in Shang Zhen's nature.

So Shang Zhen neither answered Wang Laomao's question nor looked into Wang Laomao's eyes. He still put the flower mechanism on his shoulder and pointed at the direction where Lao Huo was shooting, maintaining a full-body alert look. .

Wang Laomao was speechless, he finally saw something unusual, if Shang Zhen is not a fool, then is Wang Laomao a fool? no! Not only is he not an idiot, but he is still an old fritter!

Just when Old Mao Wang was about to say something more, they heard the clacking sound of the branches and leaves of the forest being touched on their right side, and at the same time there were gunshots of "crack" and "crack", and even And the bullet passed through the gap in the woods and directly hit the pine tree above their heads, scattering a cloud of green pine needles.

"Get ready to fight!" Wang Laomao ordered immediately, and pointed his gun in the direction where the leaves were making noise.

"Shouldn't we run that way?" Hou Wangshan, who also felt something was wrong, suggested.

The end that Hou Kanshan mentioned undoubtedly refers to the direction where the old Huo Tou shot just now.

"Let you go ahead to explore the way, do you dare?" Wang Laomao said angrily.

Everyone has their own weakness, and it is Hou Kanshan's weakness not to dare to move forward bravely, so Hou Kanshan is speechless.

But at this time Shang Zhen moved, he took advantage of the cover of the forest, and ran towards a dense pine tree that was as tall as a man.

Hejiatun was originally located in a valley, and the surrounding area was basically surrounded by original ecological forests.

But now the trees they are in are mostly tall pine trees.

The seeds of the pine tree are all in the pine tower. After the pine tower matures and falls to the ground, the pine nuts will germinate after all, and this small pine tree grows only after the pine nuts germinate, so it is not very tall but eventually grows up. dense.

There are few branches under the tall pine forest. Although the upper part is full of shade, the lower part is very transparent.

But that small pine tree provided Shang Zhen with a rare place to hide himself.

Parents watch over their child, and the child is growing up slowly.

Because they are often together, parents are not able to pay close attention to the growth of their children, such as growing taller, such as being able to talk, and the growth is always unconscious.

Just as Wang Laomao and the others were still wondering whether there was really a Japanese army, Shang Zhen had already made preparations for the war, which forced Wang Laomao to take a high look at Shang Zhen, okay! This kid can do it! Not only is it not a coward to fight, but he also has enough brains!

"Boy! Look out, don't hit your own people!" At this time, the old Huo Tou who had already loaded the mountain cannon reminded him. After saying this, he bent over and ran to the back of the small pine tree.

Old Huotou's words made Wang Laomao and them all curl their lips, and even Hou Wangshan glanced at the back of Lao Huotou's head before he could take a good look. What he was thinking in his heart was undoubtedly, you old bastard! I'll settle the score with you after this matter is over!

Hou Wangshan also figured it out, it was true that there were Japanese soldiers in the woods.

It's just that it was impossible for the Japanese army to find them just now, but now the Japanese army was recruited by the gunshot of Lao Huotou!

By this time, Shang Zhen had already reported the situation in a low voice: "The six who ran over are our people, there must be Japanese troops behind!"

Now that the matter has come to this, what else can Old Mao Wang say?

At first they were on the cliff, and they didn't want to make do with the place where the gunfire sounded, but this time it was okay, but the old Huo Tou fired a mountain cannon with a "boom" to recruit them all.

This time Old Mao Wang had to make a move, this time it wasn't something he could pretend he didn't know about!

"Go over soon?" Old Mao Wang ordered, he and Hou Wangshanqian Chuan'er also hurriedly ran to the back of the small pine tree and spread out. This was an ambush for the Japanese army.

In just a moment, the six Northeast Army came running over, and at the same time, the Japanese army appeared in the gap between the trees behind them! .

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