The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 96: : 1 sentence breaking defense tips

The matter was finished, but Yun Mei did not let Xia Ye leave. The two of them sat crooked in the room for a whole morning before Xia Ye limped out of Yun Mei's boudoir.

From the back, Yun Mei's voice could still be heard: "Brother Xia~ I'll be waiting for you in Shenzhou."

After listening to this sentence, Xia Ye's body trembled again, and he quickened his pace to leave Yichun Building.

As soon as he got on the carriage, Xia Ye let out a long sigh. It was too dangerous, and Yun Mei almost took away his innocence.

Just a little bit.

Why is he limping? Because the wound on Xia Ye's body hasn't healed yet, while pushing and shoving each other, he accidentally tore the wound on his leg again.

Looking at the three storage rings in his hand, Xia Ye felt a burst of melancholy again, and the plot had just begun.

Zhao Hao just fell into such a big somersault, how will he live in the future?


His own son was even robbed of his storage ring!

What is a storage ring? That is something more important than the lifeblood of a warrior, of course, it is talking about some advanced warriors.

Although Zhao Hao is still only an eighth-rank rusher, the rings in his hands are all treasures of the Zhao family.

There are hundreds of high-quality spirit stones in it, and some martial arts secrets are even more numerous.

If Zhao Hao and his father knew about this matter, would his father still let him go?

The more Xia Ye thought about it, the more terrifying it became that Yun Mei quietly did such a big thing.

The most important thing is that Xia Ye can't use the things in it. With the system, he still cares about these things?


"I'm here~"

"Let's discuss it, can I exchange these things for villains?"

Xia Ye held three storage rings in his hands, and began to discuss with the system carefully. After all, he had already had this experience before.

Wasn't the fourth-grade exercise that Linnai found for himself immediately recovered by the system?

"Are you thinking of farting? Impossible!"

The decisive answer made Xia Ye's face froze, and then he continued: "It's better if it's cheaper, there are good things in here too!"

What Xia Ye didn't expect the most was that the Clear Sky Sword was actually in it.

This is the 44th-ranked weapon. The protagonist relied on this weapon in the early stage to be all-powerful, and now it has fallen into the hands of one of his villains.

"Warning! If you bribe the system again and use items to exchange for villain value, you will be severely punished!"

have to!

Why don't we change it? Xia Ye silently put away the three storage rings.

After the system was upgraded, it was more humane to speak. Xia Ye thought that this method would work, but he didn't expect that the system was still the same, and he was unwilling to step back.

The carriage turned a few streets, and Xia Ye looked out from the carriage window. The street was being built everywhere.

Many workers were sweating profusely. The tiles on the house were all overturned, and there were dozens of deep pits on the ground.

This is the street where Xia Ye almost died.

Thinking of the thrill of that night, Xia Ye still has lingering fears until now. It was the first time in his life that he experienced an assassination, and Xia Ye's personality grew a lot that night.

However, isn't this a lot closer to returning to the original world and becoming a superhero?

An iron-blooded Dark Knight...

Xia Ye's secondary illness started to flare up again. Just as he was stunned, a cold voice came from outside the carriage: "Xia Ye."

"Ning Ruxue?"

[Why did this woman come here? 】

Hearing this title, Ning Ruxue suddenly felt nervous. During the four years, Xia Ye's title has always been Ruxue, and she has never called her full name.

what is it today? The plot of the summer night is not going on? Or subconsciously?

Although it is said that he often calls himself his full name in his heart, he never does it verbally.

what happened?

Xia Ye didn't know, but his words broke Ning Ruxue's defense, just like Xia Ye fired a shot and Ning Ruxue fired a tank directly.

But Xia Ye has now completed the plot of the villain Xia Ye, so he naturally doesn't need to continue licking Ning Ruxue.

"Is something wrong?"

Seeing Ning Ruxue stunned in place, Xia Ye didn't use a too indifferent tone. After all, Ning Ruxue came here several times when she was injured. no?

At least the heroine's nature is not bad, Xia Ye still believes in her own writing skills and will not create a nasty heroine.


Ning Ruxue stood there, not knowing how to answer.

During Xia Ye's hands, Ning Ruxue did go several times, not because she wanted to leave, but because of Xia Ye's inner voice.

Every time he went, Xia Ye would pretend to be in love in front of Ning Ruxue, saying that he was hurt and took Ning Ruxue to the end of the world, so embarrassing and outrageous.

Ning Ruxue can't take it anymore. Looking at Lin Naiyi, who has been laughing all the time, Ning Ruxue will naturally stay for a long time.

But today's Ning Ruxue really came to find Xia Ye. After going to Xia's house this morning, she heard that Xia Ye could move freely.

I thought that Xia Ye went out to find herself, but the answer she got really went to Yichun Ning Ruxue didn't think much about it, and subconsciously wanted to ask Xia Ye to find out.

Just like this, he walked towards the Yichun Building angrily, thinking that when he sees Xia Ye, he will see how he explains it.

But after meeting Xia Ye on the road, Xia Ye's first name completely disrupted Ning Ruxue's mind.

At this time, Ning Ruxue realized what reason did she use to force Xia Ye?

After all, Xia Ye is only her suitor in the plot.

"I... I went shopping, I came here."

Ning Ruxue didn't know how to answer, so she subconsciously chose the worst excuse.


Xia Ye first replied, then looked at the damaged buildings around, and then shifted his perspective to Ning Ruxue.

[Who comes here for shopping? 】

[Besides, your home is in the east, and this is the west of Midtown. Do you not know how far it is? 】

[Still shopping, you're not looking for me, are you? 】

When Xia Ye thought about it like this, she felt something was wrong.

[No, didn't Ning Zheng announce that he was going to marry Ning Ruxue in Zhongcheng? 】

[What does Ning Ruxue want to do? 】

Ning Ruxue's cheeks blushed a bit when she heard that her behavior was seen through by Xia Ye, and then she quickly changed the subject and said, "What are you doing?"

Naturally, this sentence was asked because she knew, Ning Ruxue knew that Xia Ye went to Yichun Tower.

But according to the plot, Xia Ye likes him, and he can hear his heart. Isn't it easy to ask the answer?

During the period of Xia Ye's injury, Ning Ruxue had been thinking about this matter. Is it true that the Yichun Building's private room is true, and what is his relationship with Yun Mei?

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