After the stowaway drank the Gene Activator, he curled up on the ground with a very painful expression on his face, as if there were countless ants crawling on his body.

The stowaway kept rolling and tumbling on the ground, and a painful whine kept coming from his cloth-gagged mouth, as if repeating a prayer for Qingcheng to let him go.

After about ten minutes like this, the stowaway was in a state of rage, but he managed to awaken a D-class body enhancement ability.

Qingcheng condensed a metal dagger, and cut the blood vessels on the stowaway's wrist with a knife, and suddenly the powerful blood pressure spurted blood, Qingcheng was worried that the stowaway would die too quickly and couldn't wait for him to complete the plunder, so he quickly activated the plunder ability.

"Ding Dong!" "D-class ability body enhancement detected, may I ask if the host is enhanced to copy?" "Hmm! Why is there no plunder option?system

?" "Ding Dong!" "Does the host need to turn on Marauder Mode

?" "Ah, do you want to switch modes?"

"Then switch and plunder his D-class body enhancement ability by the way!"

"Ding Dong

! The Marauder mode was successfully activated, and the body of the D-class ability was being plundered...... and

the next second the mechanical sound of the system ended, the stowaway's body began to emit a trace of red smoke.

"Is this the Ability Factor?It turns out that the Marauder Mode can still absorb other people's Ability Factors?"

The Stowaway's loss of the Ability Factor lasted for about 5 seconds, and a small blood-red D-class body enhancement ability factor fog floated in front of Qing Cheng.

"Ding Dong!The D-class ability factor has been plundered, and the host can choose to store it or absorb it on its own.

("A D-rank ability doesn't do much for me, so save it up and give it to the twins as a reward.")

After making his decision, Qingcheng looked at the stowaway who had been plundered by him, and found that he was now dead, and not only dead, but even his body began to decay rapidly.

("It turns out that the ability will die quickly if it loses the ability factor, so should I dispose

of Ye Feng, the treasure hunter now?") ("Bai Lili, they may not be able to catch the owners of those rare abilities scattered around the world, Ye Feng, as a child of luck, must be faster than ordinary people to catch it.")

("However, Shen Mengxi is the chief scientist of the Pretty Country Medicine Alliance, so there should be a lot of news about rare abilities.")

("Hey, let's take a look at the situation on Shen Mengxi's side before making a decision, anyway, Ye Feng will definitely chase after him, and it will be good to catch him and train him when the time comes.")

After thinking about it for a while, Qingcheng chose to store the D-rank body enhancement ability factor he had just obtained, and then burned the stowaway's body with a burst of flames.

Calculating the time, Bai Mengli and the others should also come back, and I should almost go to find them, and it is estimated that Ye Feng is about to catch up.

At this time, Bai Mengli and the others were driving a Humvee to the outside of the military region where Liqing City was located.

"Major Qinghao! This Humvee of yours can't drive in, please get off here and walk. In

the face of the soldiers' obstruction, Qing Hao didn't care, people were also doing things, and besides, this military Humvee was still used by the military of the beautiful country, and it was indeed not suitable for him to drive into the military region of China.

Qing Hao turned off the engine and got out of the car, while Bai Mengli and Liu Wei opened the trunk and lifted Shen Mengxi, who was bound, out.

Bai Mengli looked at Shen Mengxi who was tied up, and couldn't help but feel a little familiar.

("Hey, the dragon slayer will eventually become an evil dragon, and I seem to have been kidnapped by the master in the first place.")

Thinking of what happened to her, Bai Mengli couldn't help but feel some sympathy for Shen Mengxi.

("I don't know if this little girl will suffer the same as me, the master's stick is not for fun, it's a stick to the meat, but it hurts, I can't stand it after the beast is turned into a beast, and I don't know if Shen Mengxi's thin skin and tender meat can withstand it.")

("Hey, don't think about it, what's my business, as long as the master doesn't come to me for trouble, what will happen to Shen Mengxi about my.")

Bai Mengli cleared his mind and swept all the worried thoughts out of his mind.

One person mentioned that Shen Mengxi, a big living person of 100 catties, was ready to run to Qingcheng to ask for credit.

After Qing Hao completed the formalities for entering, Bai Mengli ran in front with Shen Mengxi in one hand, and Qing Hao and the twins followed behind her.

Qing Hao was not surprised at all that a little woman could easily mention Shen Mengxi in the face of Bai Mengli, after all, his status was not low, so he naturally knew about the superpowers, and Bai Mengli was Lin Chen's partner before, so it was not surprising that they had special abilities.

The twins were also eye-opening after the Lin Chen incident, so they naturally wouldn't be very surprised.

However, the soldiers they met along the way were not so calm.

If they were to lift a woman who had been stunned, they wouldn't be able to lift it with one hand, but it would definitely not be as easy as carrying a bag of rice like Bai Mengli, and Bai Mengli was not the kind of female warrior who had been trained for a long time.

Obviously, Bai Mengli is just a pampered young lady, with thin arms and legs, and she doesn't look like a female soldier at all.

Bai Mengli saw that the war gods of the military region she met along the way all threw surprised glances at her, and the vanity in her heart swelled up all of a sudden.

deliberately replaced it with a middle finger hooking the rope to lift Shen Mengxi.

This surprised the soldiers on the road even more, such physical fitness was already at the level of the god of war in the military region, and the twins also changed from calm to amazed.

"Sister, you said how we caught Sister Bai in the first place, why don't I believe that we caught Sister Bai, but we were played by her. "

I don't know, maybe it's the special treatment that Qing Shao gave Xiaobai, otherwise we wouldn't be Xiaobai's opponent at all."

Qing Hao was more clever, he immediately realized Bai Mengli's idea of pretending to be forced, and directly hit Bai Mengli with a set of combination punch compliments.

"Sister-in-law Bai, it's amazing, I've been practicing for more than 200 years and I haven't had such a big finger power as you, you are really good, you can hook up more than 100 catties of things so easily.

"Sister-in-law Bai, shouldn't you be a fairy descending to earth, it's really blessed to ask my brother." Bai

Mengli was confused by Qing Hao, and her nose was about to rise to the sky, if she could give her a pair of wings, it was estimated that she would have flown out of the clouds.

"Hey, Xiaohao, don't talk nonsense, this is all the master's help for me, it's all the master's credit, I'm just helping the master share his worries and relieve his troubles. "

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