The silver fox general of the pirate

Chapter 954: Carrying out hydrogen bomb attack

The live broadcast was cut off, but the chaos had just begun.

Sweetheart and Scarlet's red faces and white faces, especially Scarlet's uncompromising attitude, made more people behind the scenes laugh evilly.

They will not be frightened by this statement.

Compared with these remarks, they are more willing to take a bite of flesh from the chaotic utopian empire. Not to mention just a bite of flesh, even a lick is a mountain of gold and silver.

As for ordinary people, they were indeed frightened.

But there are still some people who are not afraid of death. After all, the charm of money is full of temptation.

"I've been given a chance."

Scarlet rubbed her forehead. After all, according to Foxy's wishes, there would be no live broadcast at all.

He and Zefa stopped talking, which was for the best.

The right to choose lies in the hands of the people. The opportunity has been given. It is up to you whether you can seize it or not.

"How many forces are fanning the flames behind this time?"

Sweetie looked at Catalina.

"There are now a total of thirty kingdoms, twenty of which are controlled by the revolutionary army. In addition, there are more than fifty large and small forces fishing in troubled waters. They are all under investigation. There will definitely be some that slip through the cracks before three o'clock. of fish.”

Catalina now has a list in her hand, all of which are the forces behind the incident that the intelligence agency has tracked down.

"Thirty kingdoms and more than fifty forces, large and small, are much less than expected. How many overlapping forces are controlled by the revolutionary army?"

"Ten kingdoms, thirty large and small forces, including world alliance countries."

"It really shouldn't be underestimated. The Revolutionary Army actually controls so many kingdoms. They sent the list of world alliance countries to the world government. I believe they will be happy to handle it. We will focus on all the investigated forces of the Revolutionary Army and other kingdoms that are fishing in troubled waters. Let’s take it upon ourselves!”


"With so many kingdoms involved, are they all going to be destroyed?"

Zefa and He were a little uneasy.

With so many countries and forces combined, more than tens of millions of lives would be lost?

If all the forces of these kingdoms were destroyed, it would be a brutal massacre.

"Don't worry! We will notify you before launching a nuclear bomb strike."

As for whether you can escape at the critical moment, it depends on your luck.

This world lacks everything except people.

Innocent must be innocent, but there is no other way!

As time passed bit by bit, the riots in the Utopia Empire indeed decreased a lot.

Many families are keeping their families at home, and the chaos outside has nothing to do with them.

Still, there was massive chaos in various provinces.

Until the clock reaches three o'clock, the live broadcast starts again.

"The following is to inform you of the thirty-one kingdoms including the Kingdom of Sta Annan, the Kingdom of Gotha, the Kingdom of Green, the Kingdom of Augeas, and the Kingdom of Niobe. According to investigations, the royal families of these kingdoms are behind the instigation of chaos in the Utopian Empire. Please ask these thirty-one kingdoms All residents have to leave within one day, and one day later the Utopian Empire will carry out a hydrogen bomb strike."

"There are more than fifty forces below, and the Utopia Empire will fully hunt them down."

"The military from each province fully controls the city. All those who participated in the riots, regardless of men, women, old and young, and of all races, will be killed on the spot! Act immediately."

Scarlett only said three sentences during the live broadcast, then pressed the red button on the table, and then the live broadcast disappeared.

The entire utopian empire, the whole world, began to suffocate.

Especially the thirty-one kingdoms and more than fifty forces whose names were read, as well as the people who were still robbing and destroying the Utopia Empire, felt a chill go down their spines.

Some people still hold on to luck and believe that the Utopian Empire cannot do so at the risk of becoming the enemy of the whole world.

Until the seas of various provinces in the Utopian Empire were blocked by the navy, the clone armies in various cities began to enter the scene, and cold and ruthless like killing machines began to clean up all the lives still on the streets.

Police and traffic policemen were cleaning up the bodies behind them.

Screams, blood, and corpses enveloped the entire Utopian Empire.

This scene was naturally broadcast live online by reporters who were not afraid of death.

Only now did those troublemakers in the Utopia Empire become afraid. The Utopia Empire was serious.

The unilateral massacre was carried out without blinking an eye. Old and weak women fell into a pool of blood one after another. People everywhere were crying and begging for help and mercy.

But these armies did not pause at all, and swept directly.

"This is real."

“Is the Utopian Empire crazy?”

"Damn, help!"

"I'm wondering what a hydrogen bomb is? Isn't it said that nuclear bombs are the most powerful?"

"Tell me, what kind of weapon is a hydrogen bomb?"

"It must be a newly researched weapon by the Utopian Empire. It is much more powerful than a nuclear bomb without even thinking about it."

"What a joke."

"Isn't the Utopian Empire afraid of greater chaos?"

"Idiot, if you were afraid, you wouldn't do this."

"What about the list of kingdoms that were notified?"

"What is a hydrogen bomb?"

Now it's not just the panic within the Utopia Empire, but all the kingdoms and forces whose names were mentioned by Scarlet are now in riots.

Many members of the royal family were captured and killed by the public.

And some people are rushing to flee, trying to leave the country where they were born and raised.

The Utopian Empire only gave them one day, which seemed like a lot of time, but in reality it only took the blink of an eye.

In addition, the word hydrogen bomb has also entered the world's attention.

"Crazy, crazy, the Utopian Empire has gone crazy."

"Isn't the Utopian Empire afraid of the whole world resisting?"

"Hurry up and pack your things and leave this country. Are those damn royal families idiots? They went to build a utopian empire."

"We are on the Grand Line, so everything should be fine!"

“Can a nuclear bomb cross the red continent?”

"Idiot, it's a hydrogen bomb, not a nuclear bomb. As soon as you hear the name, you know it's more terrifying than a nuclear bomb."

"Idiot, even the War Utopia Empire can launch a nuclear bomb to hit Marinefando. Do you think it can cross the Red Earth Continent?"

"Have you never heard of nuclear fighters? Watch the news more often."

"Did the royal family of our country grow up eating shit? I will **** your whole family."

"Quick, go!"

"Leave here immediately and go to the world."

Those who were read the names of the forces cautiously left the base.

Some forces are dismissive and even want to wait for the Utopian Empire to come to crusade.

At this time, the internal cleanup of the Utopia Empire was smoother than imagined.

The clone armies in various provinces, armed with various advanced weapons, were almost overwhelming in their efforts to clean up various cities.

Slowly, the screams on the street became less and less, but the vomiting smell of blood became more and more fishy.

Some residents hiding in their homes looked through their windows at the scene of trucks dragging carloads of corpses outside. Their faces were all pale and horrified.

This is killing shock.

Some people who were brought back by their families in time were also frightened and uneasy.

They didn't know if they would settle the score later. After all, every street was under surveillance.

The riots were resolved quickly, and cities were cleared quickly.

As carloads of corpses were pulled out of the town, the transportation department then sprayed some chemicals to completely clean up the blood and dirt in the city. Everything returned to its original state, and the streets were even cleaner than before.

But beneath that clean face, what flows is a mountain of souls.

In just one day, the Utopia Empire completely suppressed all chaos.

This speed scares the outside world.

The ruthlessness, brutality, directness, and strength of Utopia Empire are beyond anyone's imagination.

And some people overestimate themselves or others, thinking that such a heartless massacre by the Utopian Empire will definitely cause more people to resist.

However, the reality is cruel. Not to mention those who have not been fanned, but those who have been fanned. After escaping everything, seeing all this, they are scared to death.

Once the internal problems are solved, the external problems will come next! ! ——

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There is a brother who chases his girlfriend and gets a pack of heart-shaped biscuits and a bottle of milk every morning. Perseverance and finally got it. One morning, he brought heart-shaped biscuits to see his girlfriend. She asked, "Where did you buy these biscuits? I went to many supermarkets, but I couldn't buy them in this shape." He said proudly: "Of course I can find them. No, I chewed this out..."

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