The silver fox general of the pirate

Chapter 584 Involving Admiral: Silver Fox

Here, Foxy accompanied Scarlett and Sweetheart on a leisurely vacation in Pisces, while Alabasta had a falling out.

In Miyagi City, King Naferutali Cobra was in the main meeting hall with a worried expression.

The ministers below also had different expressions.

The atmosphere is a bit heavy.

"The three cities of Juba, Rapeseed Flower, and Aluma have already fallen into the hands of the rebels, the Duck Runners. Is it true that our 600,000 standing troops are all vegetarians?

He was beaten by a group of running ducks and lost three important cities.

The most important thing is why did the Duck family rebel? And is it an organized and planned rebellion? "

Cobra didn't take these things seriously at first, but now he has to.

Because the rebels have captured three cities.

If the rebel army is human, he has no objection, but the key is a group of running ducks, and now other animals in Alabasta are added, such as deceitful birds, Santa Dora lizards, banana crocodiles, moving crabs, and camels.

Now under the leadership of the running duck, a mighty army of animals has formed and occupied three cities.

This IQ seems to be a bit high!

"Your Majesty, the Quick Run Duck has been arrested by outsiders in recent years, and even some people in this country have arrested the Quick Run Duck. After our investigation, we found that the reason why the Quick Run Duck has become so troublesome is because of their actions." leader."

A minister stood up with a dignified expression.

"Leader? Is it some kind of human ability?"

Cobra looked at Bell, the adjutant of the guard beside him, because Bell was a bird-fruit falcon-type ability user.

"No, their leader is also a running duck. After careful observation and comparison, we found that this running duck is very likely to be the king of ducks, Donald Duck."

"Duck King Donald Duck?"

"Admiral Silver Fox's pet, and Donald Duck is a lieutenant commander."

"Admiral Silver Fox?"

"Isn't that a crazy sailor?"

"What about the admiral?"

"It's all quiet." Cobra put his hands together and looked at the minister with a frown. "Are you sure?"

"It's very certain, and half a month ago, the Duck Duck rebels also bought a batch of arms in the underground world, and now our frontline is very tight."

"It's about the admiral of the navy. I think we need to communicate with the navy."


Everyone discussed the matter for almost five or six hours, and finally decided to let the navy handle the matter unanimously.

With all the ministers leaving, Cobra dialed the navy contact number, and Bell also went to Marin Vandor himself.

They had to pay attention to this matter, after all it was related to General Silver Fox, and who was General Silver Fox? That's the lunatic sailor, the most powerful admiral in the navy.

After contacting the navy, Cobra began to deal with government affairs. At this moment, a pair of small hands covered Cobra's eyes from behind.

There is also a little duck next to it.

"Guess who I am."

The weird voice sounded, making the corners of Cobra's mouth curved into a doting arc.

"It's my favorite little princess."

"What! It's not fun at all."

The little hand left Cobra's eyes, and Wei Wei, who was wearing a small white dress, looked at Cobra dissatisfiedly with her mouth pouted.

"Father still has government affairs to deal with, how about playing with you later?"

Cobra spoke softly.

"Hmph, Karu, let's ignore him."

Wei Wei is very angry, calling the little yellow duck next to her as if to run outside.


The little yellow duck stared at her big round eyes, with two streams of snot hanging from her nose, and followed behind Wei Wei.

Seeing the little man and the little duckling running out of the hall, Cobra couldn't stop smiling.

On the other end, the city of Juba.

Now it is the base camp of the rebel army. The city is basically full of animals, which can be said to be very chaotic.

After all, not all animals have such a high IQ as the running duck.

After continuous efforts during this period, Donald Duck has become the king of the animal world in Alabasta. Now there are five or six hundred running ducks, all of whom were met or rescued on the road of revolution.

And with the weapons secretly supported by Utopia, let alone the possibility of bringing down Alabasta.

But Donald Duck doesn't know that this incident is getting bigger and bigger, and as Foxy guessed, he will eventually have to take the blame.

In the waters of Alabasta, a white trail roared and disappeared on the horizon in the blink of an eye.

Foxy sat on the main driver of the Ferrari, holding the steering wheel with one hand, and holding a cigarette against the car window with the other, with a helpless look on his face.

Before the Warring States period, Xingshi called Xingshi to question him.

The reason is naturally because of that idiot Donald Duck, the king of Alabasta has found him.

You said that you, a lieutenant commander of the navy, dared to brazenly start a revolution, even if you make a revolution, the key is that you don’t have a strong mind?

Don't know who you are?

A duck all right!

Even through the phone bug Foxy could feel the laughter and anger of Sengoku.

And what made the Warring States speechless the most was that Donald Duck even thought of buying weapons in the underground world, so he just pulled out a small team of men and took down three cities in Alabasta one after another.

Putting other things aside, Donald Duck is indeed capable.

But more people still can't laugh or cry, such as He, Garp, Ghost Spider and other high-ranking naval officers are all impatient.

Although Warring States was laughing and scolding, he still gave Foxy an order, that is, don't let Donald Duck do any more mischief. If this continues, the impact will be bad.

So here comes Foxy.

"Father God, it seems to have arrived."

Just when Foxy was in a daze, Zeus spoke.

The outline of an island can be vaguely seen directly ahead.

Three hours later, Foxy came to Albana, the capital of Alabasta.

Foxy intends to meet the king of the Alabasta Kingdom first, and if he wants Donald Duck to stop, Duck must be guaranteed in Alabasta.

Otherwise, with that idiot's temper, he would never let it go so easily.

When Foxy and Zeus appeared on the streets of Albana, they naturally attracted a lot of attention.

After all, the Ferrari that Zeus turned into was too ostentatious for the residents of Alabasta.

It took a little time to come to the palace, the most important thing is that the guards didn't stop them.

Apparently Cobra already knew Foxy was coming.

This news was naturally told to Cobra before Sengoku.

Donald Duck to blame, who else but Foxy can carry it?

"I've seen General Silver Fox."

In the royal city, Cobra was already waiting with a group of ministers.

Foxy closed the door and got out of the car, Zeus turned into a cloud.

"King Cobra."

Foxy looked at this middle-aged man with black mid-lengths, who would soon become Crocodile's puppet.

It is said that in the underground burial hall of the Naferutali royal family, there is a historical text stele engraved with the ancient weapon Pluto.

Now Tom is already in Utopia, although he has not yet brought out the Pluto blueprint, but Foxy believes that it will only happen sooner or later.

And the underground burial hall of the Naferutali royal family may record the location of Hades, which is the intact Hades.

As for whether it was the real Foxy, he was not sure, he needed to go to this underground burial hall to have a look.

In fact, Pluto is not important to Foxy now, because Foxy looks down on this so-called Pluto battleship, even though it destroys an island with one shot.

But when Caesar invents nuclear bombs and intercontinental missiles, they will be able to strike thousands of miles away, so Foxy is not as keen on finding ancient weapons as before.

However, Neptune is different from Pluto, Pluto can not, but Neptune must be by his side.

Of course, if there is really a Pluto in the underground burial hall of the Naferutali royal family, Foxy doesn't mind digging it out. .


Tomorrow is 2020, and it’s New Year’s Day again, and the cute host (the car on the skyscraper) rewarded another 50,000 rewards, so tomorrow will be 7th update, and I won’t talk to you BB, I will use explosive update to talk.

You know my depth, I know your length.

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