The silver fox general of the pirate

Chapter 338 God's Descending, Returning to Marin Vanduo (Congratulations to the 70th Anniversar

Two days later, the capital of seven waters.

Foxy and his party came to the island quietly.

In the depths of Dock No. 1, Guy Ram couldn't wait any longer.

Even Bacal and Baron Carnival have expectations.

The evil king and Bashas also knew that the purpose of coming to the capital of seven waters was to take their future pirate ships.

"Your Excellency the Emperor."

Tom took Frankie and Bingberg, first glanced at the crowd and then focused on Foxy.

"Take me to see."

It was straightforward, and Foxy didn't intend to delay any longer.


Under the leadership of Tom, everyone went deep into the dock and came to a cave, and a brand new pirate ship appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the pirate ship, Gailam rushed up immediately, his face full of excitement.

"This is our pirate ship?"

There was astonishment in Bashas' eyes.

"This pirate ship is 900 meters long and 200 meters wide. It is divided into five upper floors and three lower floors. There are also six main poles, each of which has a lounge for combined practice.

In addition, according to your request, this ship is not driven purely by wind, and when necessary,

Following Foxy, Tom introduced in detail.

After an hour, Foxy was satisfied with probably visiting the entire ship.

The same goes for everyone else.

"Very well, I did not misread you, Tom."

Foxy looked at Tom meaningfully, making the latter hesitate.

"Cool, so cool."

In front of the bow, the Evil King and Bashas looked at the bow with bright eyes. Who designed this?

It's just perfect.

The bow of the whole ship is the most domineering, not counting the interior. The whole bow is like a sacred giant sword inserted on a ferocious skull, with two pairs of black wings stretching out from both ends of the sword, like a fallen angel revealing evil and coldness. , Thriller and Horror.

The main thing is that this pair of wings is not an ornament.

Meanwhile inside the ship, Katerina browses through all the facilities.

Grass, flower garden, small forest, aquarium, small playground, practice room, library, kitchen, swimming pool

All kinds of measures are like walking eight-star hotels.

Flawless, dazzling and luxurious, this boat ticks all the boxes.

"My lord, what is the name of this pirate ship?"

Everyone gathered together, and the more they stood on the shore, the more satisfied they became.

"God descended."


"Extra! Extra! Crazy sailors fought with the captain of the Emperor's Pirates, and ended in defeat."

"Shocking news, the Emperor's Pirates appeared on the Great Route and clashed with the lunatic sailors."

"The latest news is that the lunatic sailor who made the world's strongest man vomit blood was severely injured in a conflict with the emperor on the great route."

Two days later, a sudden news ignited the whole sea.

"Hey! Hey! Is it true or not?"

"How did the Emperor Pirates appear on the great route, and also clashed with the madman sailors?"

"That was the sea soldier who made Whitebeard vomit blood, and he was actually defeated by the emperor."

"Emperor Pirates"

"Crazy sailor."

The whole sea was full of this news, and many people couldn't believe it.

After all, the lunatic Haibing is now soaring in the sea. As for the so-called emperor, he is not very famous at all.

But after this incident, the Emperor Pirates became famous, and its captain, the Emperor, entered the eyes of various forces for the first time.

Even though many forces have already paid attention to it, but now the battle with the lunatic sea soldier is enough to estimate the emperor's strength from one side.

Compared to the excitement of the outside world, everyone in the Emperor Pirates looked at the news with unbearable patience.

That's right, this is the rhythm of Foxy's self-directed and self-acted.

There are two purposes, to enhance the emperor's reputation.

The other is to dispel the possible doubts of the navy or the world government. After the war, the most common view is that the crazy sea soldier and the emperor are two people, and there are grievances.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, that's why Foxy made such a move.

And after this battle, Foxy will resume the status of the navy, and the emperor will temporarily let Katerina take the role, just show up when necessary.

After all, Foxy's identity for the emperor is mysterious, powerful, and infrequent.

A day later, with the gentle sea breeze blowing, a Ferrari drove into the Marin Vanduo waters.

As soon as he entered the port, Foxy was stopped by a navy.

"Lieutenant General Foxy, General Sengoku invites you to the office."

The sailor who came to communicate had a serious expression and looked at Foxy with respect in his eyes.

Although Foxy is seldom in Marin Vanduo, his fame has long been comparable to that of the three of Sakaski.

Foxy was taken aback for a moment, and with a cigarette in his mouth, he exhaled a puff of smoke ring and smiled warmly, "Please inform me."

"No trouble."

The communications marines were excited.

All the marines who saw Foxy or photos along the way greeted each other, and those who met and didn't know each other said hello.

Foxy was smiling the whole time, very humble and low-key.

As for Donald Duck and Zeus, I don't care about it.

The headquarters building is still the same.

Under the leadership of Hai Bing, Foxy, Donald Duck, and Zeus came to the gate of the Warring States Office.

"Come in."

With the knock on the door, the voice of the Warring States Period sounded inside.

"Report, Lieutenant General Foxy will bring it."

"Go down!"


As the sailor left the office, Foxy looked at Sengoku and Crane in the office and gave a military salute.

"I've met the General of the Warring States Period and Chief of Staff Crane."

Next to Donald Duck and Zeus imitated the example.

From the moment Foxy entered the office Sengoku, the three kept smiling.

"Okay, relax."

Warring States beckoned Foxy to sit down, and there was a sofa next to him.


Foxy touched his nose without being polite, and sat on the sofa while Sengoku and Crane watched.

"How did you come back?"

Crane also sat on the sofa, looking relieved at Foxy.

"Come back and ask for leave."

Foxy grinned.

"Ask for leave?" Zhan Guo was stunned, and he also left his desk and sat on the sofa, his eyes were a little burning. "Now you are a vice admiral in the navy. It's not good to be outside for a long time."

"Lieutenant General?"

Foxy was taken aback.

"At the beginning you said that you would become a lieutenant general in three years, but now it's only halfway through, and you have lived up to my expectations."

Crane took the words and laughed.

"It's a fluke, it's all a fluke."

"This is not something that can be done by luck. Tell me about your battle with the Emperor Pirates a few days ago. What do you think of the Emperor?"

While talking about the Warring States Period, I mentioned pirates.

Foxy's expression became serious, "Very strong, I'm no match."

"You really lost?"

Sengoku looked thoughtfully at Foxy seriously.

"We lost, but with Donald Duck and Zeus around, it's useless for him to kill me."

Foxy nodded solemnly, then looked at Donald Duck and Zeus who were eating fruit.

Yiya Yiyun completely regarded this place as his own home, and all the fruits on the table went into his stomach.

Looking at the smiles on the faces of Donald Duck and Zeus Warring States again, it seems that Mihoz of BIG MOM has really been subdued by Foxy.

Then Zhan Guo and He asked about some other things, and they talked for three hours before they knew it.

Sengoku is very enthusiastic and satisfied with Foxy, and is not too satisfied compared to Sakaski, Polusalino, and Kuzan. .

The thief who stole my wallet opened it and only saw the five yuan and cried, "It's not easy!".

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