The Secret History of Mars

Chapter 401 The Reset of Humanity

Cui Xingmeng couldn't help but sigh after hearing Hu Li's tragic and dramatic life!

If the Sun God had known that this would be the result, would he have agreed to the high priest's last wish?

If he had not agreed to the high priest's last wish, Hu Li would not have had to pay the price of awakening, humans in the Stone Yi Period would not have destroyed themselves, and the solar system would not have returned to zero so quickly!

Unfortunately, there is no if in the flow of cause and effect!

Before Cui Xingmeng could finish his emotion, white mist appeared from nowhere in the Wisdom Palace, and soon filled the entire palace.

Yuan Yizhou was only one step away from Cui Xingmeng, but he could no longer see his face clearly.

At this time, Kong's voice penetrated the fog and came out.

"It's time!" Kong's words made Cui Xingmeng, who was already confused by Bai Wu, even more confused.

"It's time to do what?" All civilizations in the solar system have been extinct. What kind of splash can this "Sun God" who has only a name in name be?

"It's time to restart the Solar Laboratory!" Sora said.

"How do you want to restart!?" Cui Xingmeng sensitively realized that this restart was related to the mission Kong mentioned before.

"After a hundred years of recuperation, the earth has regained its abundant products and a natural environment suitable for the reproduction of living things!" Kong said, and at the same time, the white mist in front of Cui Xingmeng instantly turned into a scene on the earth.

At a glance, the vast golden wheat waves look like Qi Yan’s golden collar.

"So, the only species left are seeds!" Kong's words made Cui Xingmeng excited.

"Sowing species? What do you mean?" Cui Xingmeng asked alertly.

"It's time for you to return. The solar system has experienced 4.5 billion years of development. The last species to bring civilization to zero in the entire galaxy is you humans!" Kong's words were without a trace of likes and dislikes. Cui Xingmeng did not know that he was labeled as the terminator of the civilization of the solar system. The hat is an honor or a shame for mankind.

"So, the first seeds of the new laboratory naturally start from the reset of human beings!" Sora said matter-of-factly.

"The first batch of seeds, you mean me and Yizhou?" Cui Xingmeng is now used to being called like this. First, he was the Martian Civilization, the No. 1 seed selected from the Earth Laboratory, and then he became the Restart Earth Civilization. of human seeds.

"And your friends who have catalysts!" Cui Xingmeng seemed to understand Kong's words. If Yizhou is his seed catalyst, does Kong mean those friends who have lovers?

"Our friends? Who are you talking about?" Cui Xingmeng hoped to hear his familiar name from Kong's mouth.

"You'll know when you get there!" Kong did not answer Cui Xingmeng's question.

"What do you want to take away from the Wisdom Palace?" Kong seemed to be preparing a bag for Cui Xingmeng's return.

"What can I take away from the Wisdom Palace?" Cui Xingmeng asked.

"As the name suggests, it is wisdom!" Kong said, "It's just that after you reset the human species, no matter how much wisdom you take away from here, the human brain will slowly forget it!"

"Has the Solar Laboratory been reset in the past 4.5 billion years?" Cui Xingmeng felt that it might be helpful to learn from the experience of his predecessors.

"Of course, many times, the development of civilization is not linear progress, and there will naturally be regression and wandering!" Kong didn't understand why Cui Xingmeng cared about this.

"What did the last reset of the species take away?" Cui Xingmeng had an idea and asked.

"Last reset?" Kong obviously didn't expect Cui Xingmeng to ask this.

"Why do you want to know?" Actually, it's not that Kong doesn't want to tell Cui Xingmeng, but since he has returned to the starting point, it naturally means that the last reset has failed, and it has no reference value.

"I just want to know, there is no reason!" Cui Xingmeng really hasn't completely sorted out his thoughts in his heart. Naturally, the more information, the better.

"She took away wisdom and original sin!" Kong didn't want to delay the restart of the laboratory, and answered all questions.

Wisdom and original sin! Hearing these two things, Cui Xingmeng was in a trance, and a sense of familiarity surged from the bottom of her heart.

"Yes, she is the human Eve. She was tempted by Juno and ate the fruit of wisdom. At the same time, she opened the Pandora's box of human original sin. The story of the eternal lost paradise is the record of that reset by human civilization!" Kong said This made Cui Xingmeng even more confused.

"Impossible, Yizhou and I have been to the Garden of Eden. It's not a myth or legend, it's a real place!" Cui Xingmeng was confused by Kong's words, but looking at his golden spirit, it came from the holy water baptized in the Garden of Eden. She was very sure that it was real and not an illusion.

"That Garden of Eden does exist, and it is one of the inns I often visit!" Kong did not deny Cui Xingmeng's statement.

"It's just that I didn't build it!" Sora explained.

"There is a similar tone to your Wisdom Palace there. Even Xuantian's changing face and Jehovah are similar to the show. You didn't build it. How did it come about?" Cui Xingmeng asked in confusion. At some moments, she will suddenly feel that Mercury’s wisdom palace is similar to the Garden of Eden she visited as Eve.

"That is a dream paradise built with the faith and will of the entire human race, and your soul has already received their blessing and protection!" Kong explained!

"It was built by the power of human wishes?! Doesn't it mean that it has also disappeared with the extinction of human beings?!" Cui Xingmeng knew the power of wishing, but he didn't know that if the species that made wishes had become extinct, the paradise built by wishing would Has it also disappeared?

"Nothing will disappear completely. That paradise and its residents have been incorporated into the files of the Mercury Wisdom Palace and become part of the civilization of the solar system!" Kong explained, "And the new era you are about to start will What kind of spiritual paradise is there? I’m looking forward to visiting it!”

Kong's voice was still floating in Cui Xingmeng's ears, and Cui Xingmeng felt that his soul was once again pulled by a powerful force, flying rapidly away from the sun.

With her only consciousness, Cui Xingmeng felt that she was not the only one with such a flying soul.

Soon, the familiar yet strange planet appeared in front of Cui Xingmeng!

Familiar blue, unfamiliar green!

Even the space junk orbiting in low-Earth orbit has disappeared. It seems that the cleanup of the space is really thorough.

Before he could carefully observe the changes on the earth, Cui Xingmeng lost consciousness.

When she woke up again, the sun was warm and dazzling, caressing her new body gently, as if Kong was urging her to start work!

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