The rise of nanometers

Chapter 736 Response

Judging from the current situation.

It is very likely that the alien civilization in that star system has not yet discovered the existence of human civilization. The logic is very simple.

The information observed by the Yuan Tiangang Observatory is the situation of that star system 132 years ago.

By the same token, the solar system the other party saw should also be the solar system 132 years ago, when Blue Star was still around 1885.

On Blue Star around 1885, human civilization had just entered industrial civilization, and there were no traces of activities in space at all.

Unless the observation method of that civilization exceeds the limit of the speed of light, it will be difficult to accurately observe the situation inside the blue star.

This is completely different from the difficulty of observing each other at Yuan Tiangang Observatory.

After all, the Yuan Tiangang Observatory observed data and discovered that the star system has a huge Dyson-like structure and traces of large aircraft activities.

Blue Star had been playing in the mud 132 years ago, around 1885.

Although planets within star systems can be observed, for example, the upgraded Yuan Tiangang Observatory can observe star systems within 208 light-years and accurately observe large planets within them.

The specific size of an observable planet should be no less than 1/20 of the moon. If it is smaller than this limit, it can only be observed unless it is very close to the star and its own reflectivity is relatively good.

However, this kind of observation can only determine some vague outlines and obvious large-scale landform features on the planet's surface.

As for seeing the creatures above clearly, unless the observation accuracy can be improved tens of thousands of times, and the distance between the two sides is close enough (within 50 light years), it will be difficult to see clearly the details inside the planet.

Huang Xiuyuan and a group of researchers believe that the other party's observation technology is still within the speed of light limit, and the solar system seen must be ancient information from around 1885.

Analyze based on current information.

Both sides have advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage of a megastructure civilization is that technology has already built Dyson-like structures and super-giant spaceships 132 years ago; the disadvantage is that the existence of Dyson-like structures exposes its own existence, and the overall technological level is most likely still at the speed of light. under restrictions.

The advantage of human civilization is that it has not exposed itself and is still hidden in the vast sea of ​​stars; the disadvantage is that its technological level is relatively backward.

"Based on this situation, can I understand that we should not build a Dyson-like structure to avoid blocking the sun's wave frequency and causing abnormalities in the solar system to be discovered?" a federal executive asked.

Huang Xiuyuan nodded: "If we build a Dyson sphere-like structure, then civilizations with observation techniques similar to ours will definitely observe anomalies on the sun's surface at the corresponding time."

Obviously this is not good news. For human civilization, the sun is the core of the solar system, enriching most of the matter and energy in the solar system.

If a Dyson-like structure cannot be built, it means that human civilization is handcuffed and unable to fully develop the solar system.

Another academician added: "In fact, according to our current development, there is no need for a Dyson structure yet. What's more, the amount of material required to build a Dyson structure cannot be solved by current technology."

"If we can develop the technology to produce antimatter in large quantities, we may not need the Dyson structure." Academician Yu reminded.

The meetings continued for more than a week, and Huang Xiuyuan also participated several times.

Finally, on November 8, the federation initially determined a solution.

The first is to establish a specialized Space Intelligence Bureau responsible for collecting intelligence on the star fields surrounding the solar system.

Second, build a batch of new astronomical telescopes. It is planned to deploy five high-precision astronomical telescopes in the orbit of Blue Star before 2020.

Third, set up a cosmic observation technology research project to specialize in better technology so that the federation can more accurately monitor the periphery of the solar system.

Fourth, establish a space strategic research office to study how to deal with other civilizations, whether it is hiding oneself or the direction of strategic deterrence, etc., a complete system needs to be formed.

Fifth, keep it secret from the public for the time being to avoid causing social panic.

Sixth, we must find ways to cover up human traces in outer space as soon as possible, including the space broadcast detectors launched by NASA into the universe. They must be recovered as soon as possible or shut down.

As for today's large space stations, the probability of being observed is actually low.

However, the federal government did not take it lightly, and still urgently issued a "Space Emergency Management Regulations", which stipulated that the surface of the spacecraft must be treated with wave absorption to reduce reflected light waves and electromagnetic waves as much as possible.

As long as these processes are carried out, the current scale of human artifacts in outer space is not too large, and the possibility of observing the solar system from other star systems and discovering signs of human activities will be minimized.

As for giant structures like Dyson spheres, don’t think about them for the time being.

In terms of strategic arrangements, the Federal Ministry of Science is more inclined to antimatter technology to achieve further development of energy.

A superstructure like a Dyson sphere requires astronomical amounts of raw materials. Even if all the planets in the solar system are dismantled, it will be difficult to gather all the materials to build a Dyson sphere.

Of course, that’s not to say there’s no way to build a Dyson sphere.

In some star systems where the stars are relatively small and the total amount of matter inside the galaxy is relatively large, it can be built if there is special solar thin film technology.

In star systems like the solar system, the conditions for building a Dyson sphere are not sufficient.

On the contrary, antimatter technology is more suitable for future development.

The discovery of the Yuan Tiangang Observatory on the Moon has not appeared in the public eye, and the Federation has pretended that nothing has happened. In the near future, it announced to further improve the space development strategy.

In fact, the Federation has been improving its space development strategy in the past few years, and the public is no longer surprised by this.

The Space Information Agency, Space Strategic Research Office, and Space Observation Technology Project are just inserted into a series of arrangements.

It appears reasonably without appearing too abrupt.

Moon, Guanghan Palace City.

The testing work of Laurel 1 is in full swing. The nuclear fusion power station continuously supplies power, allowing the testing of the mass projector to be carried out intensively.

However, as time went by, during the testing process, a group of researchers discovered that the biggest problem with the current mass projector is that the upper limit of the supercapacitor is too low, resulting in the mass projector being unable to obtain a huge amount of electrical energy in an instant.

Originally, they planned to continue waiting for the upgrade of capacitor technology before building Laurel 2.

But today, their project suddenly received a joint official letter from the Ministry of Aerospace and the Ministry of Science, asking them to speed up testing and make technical preparations for next year's Laurel 2.

Obviously this news disrupted the plans of the Mass Projector project team.

However, after the project team leader came back from the meeting, he did not object to the speed increase. Instead, he asked all members to fully cooperate with the research work and prepare for next year's Laurel 2.

Those who can be the leaders of the mass projector project team have basically entered the core layer of the federation. They naturally know why the speed is suddenly accelerated.

Although on the surface, the Federation has not made any major moves to go to war because of the emergence of giant civilization.

In fact, small adjustments and changes are being made secretly one after another, all to improve the federation's overall strength and to prepare for the future.

Thank you for your support (ω`). I have a cold and am feeling groggy. Today is just one chapter.

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