The rise of nanometers

Chapter 719 Situation of all parties

The second group quickly advanced into Arizona.

After all, there are no tall mountains blocking Arizona and California, and this is one of the areas with less impact from volcanic ash.

But the problem in New Mexico, which we are about to enter next, is more troublesome.

Not only is the terrain plateau and mountainous, but the local population is also very complex. Many stowaways from Central America have taken root in this area.

If it were the period when Noah's Society was at its peak, there wouldn't be much trouble here.

But now in North America, social order has almost collapsed. The Federation only had time to control the west coast area, and it also had to prevent the Yellowstone Volcano from continuing to send volcanic ash into the atmosphere.

Although the Noah Society was temporarily put in charge and the top leaders of the Noah Society surrendered, the Noah Society was only a loose interest alliance with many careerists in it.

Even these days, the expeditionary force has dispatched instructors to most military bases in North America through forced air landings, and with the cooperation of latent personnel from the Intelligence Department, the military bases have not been controlled by careerists.

After taking control of Arizona, the local American army was quickly adapted.

The second group's two vanguard regiments, totaling 100,000 men, advanced into New Mexico along two railway lines, one from the south and one from the north.

The forward corps on the northern front had entered Albuquerque at this time.

Countless sinking agent rockets exploded over the city of Albuquerque. A large amount of sinking agent was released into the air, and then a large amount of volcanic ash was condensed into particles and settled from the sky.

Albuquerque is a transportation hub city with a large international airport, two railways, and a highway.

Zhang Shaoyang, the leader of the forward corps who was looking at the map, was about to give an order when he heard bad news.

"Report, the highway in Santa Rosa was blown up and a section of the highway bridge was blown up, and the city of Santa Rosa has been occupied by rebels."

Zhang Shaoyang received careful frontline intelligence and quickly figured out the situation and purpose of this group: "Order the 2043 Regiment to eliminate the rebels in Santa Rosa."


On the west side of Santa Rosa is the upper reaches of the Pecos River.

A group of rebels controlling this place blew up the highway bridge a week ago and then announced their separation from the Noahide Society and the Federation.

In this chaotic era, there is no shortage of careerists.

The leader of the Santa Rosa rebels, named Heimer Gallio, was a local police chief. While cutting off the highway, he tried to contact careerists in other cities, and also wanted to instigate the American army at a nearby military base. .

It's a pity that his ambition will come to an end today.

The Santa Rosa police station building was temporarily converted into a fortress by Heimer, and more than 200 rebels he had temporarily gathered were discussing whether to abandon this place.

At this moment, a series of screams sounded.

In an instant, this temporary fortress was in a roaring and violent explosion, with flames shooting into the sky, thick smoke billowing, and the buildings shattered into pieces.

As for the creatures inside, it is estimated that some cockroaches and the like may survive.

The bridge erecting vehicle quickly built a temporary pontoon bridge in the river. Federal soldiers equipped with exoskeleton armor, a large number of drones, and adapted temporary soldiers rushed into the city of Santa Rosa like a torrent of steel. .

Most of the rebels were actually coerced. After Haimer and other core members were eliminated, a large number of them surrendered directly, while others drove away. Only six people chose to resist.

In modern war, what is fought is systematic industry and logistics.

Those so-called careerists are simply vulnerable to the real torrent of steel.

The expeditionary force is recovering the out-of-control areas in North America, and on the other side of the Atlantic, the Western Continent Alliance is also in dire straits at this time.

On the British Isles, the impact of volcanic ash here is even more severe than in California. Regardless of the Atlantic Ocean, due to the existence of westerly circulation, the volcanic ash from the Yellowstone Volcano can easily cross the ocean and reach Xizhou.

The Atlantic Ocean is not the Rocky Mountains and cannot block the large-scale movement of air currents.

In London, the thickness of volcanic ash that has fallen to the ground over the past few days has reached about 16 to 18 millimeters.

This is not 16 to 18 millimeters of precipitation, but volcanic ash that cannot flow. Many wild animals have become the first victims of this disaster.

In the Fountain Square, where tourists used to gather, the pigeons that had been fed and fattened by humans had now turned into hard corpses.

The pigeons killed by the volcanic ash turned into black-gray hard little lumps, covered with a layer of volcanic ash.

At the beginning, many local cleaners were organized to clean up the volcanic ash, but their cleaning speed could not keep up with the falling speed of the volcanic ash.

Transportation, communications, power supply, tap water, and food supplies have all been paralyzed to varying degrees.

The British Isles became a true island at sea.

Even after urgently purchasing a batch of settling agents and the federal government blocking the output of volcanic ash from Yellowstone Volcano, various places in Xizhou were still in huge trouble.

In Downing Street, a group of tightly packed gentlemen finally gathered together to prepare for a meeting.

The middle-aged man with messy blond hair asked with a frustrated look on his face after reading the Military Intelligence report: "Mr. Sharon, will Noah really surrender completely?"

"Yes, according to the hard work of our intelligence agents, it is now basically confirmed that the Noah Society has completely surrendered to the Chinese Federation." Sharon, the head of the Military Intelligence Bureau, answered meticulously.

However, his words aroused the rebuttal of another middle-aged man with curly hair: "NO, we have received 73 notices these days, all from free people in some cities in North America, seeking..."

"Mr. Bruno? You don't think these guys are really capable of fighting against the Federation and the 6.73 million-meter army, do you?" Sharon said sarcastically as if he was looking at an idiot.


Sharon shrugged: "I'm just stating a fact. Instead of caring about the free people across the Atlantic here, it's better to care about Noah turning the button over to the Federation."

Golden Retriever said with a headache: "This is indeed a problem. What do you think?"

Any ideas?

We had a weird idea. It was not them who decided to give the button to North America back then.

One of them, a middle-aged man with silver hair, said nonchalantly: "First of all, we can pretend that nothing has happened."

"Uh..." Jin Mao was about to complain, but then stopped. In this situation, pretending to be an ostrich is indeed a solution.

The more he thought about it, the better he felt.

After all, the button of Britain is now in the hands of the Federation, and to clean up the volcanic ash, we must rely on the support of the Federation.

At this time, if you jump out to sing against the Federation, it is really like an old man drinking arsenic - dissatisfied with his long life.

The golden retriever sat upright and cleared his throat: "Ahem, let's put the matter on hold for the time being! I will report to His Majesty the next topic after the meeting."


Lafayette suffered a stroke and was paralyzed the day before yesterday. What do you want to report? Everyone despised him in their hearts, but on the surface, they still looked reasonable.

Britain is acting like an ostrich.

The other forces in Western Continent are also busy working on their own territory. As for matters in the Americas, of course they highly appreciate the Federation's responsibility, as it is the sun of human civilization.

Anyway, smart people know what the situation is now. If you make small moves, be careful of being settled by the queen.

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