The rise of nanometers

Chapter 708 Snowball (7)

January 1, 2017, New Year’s Day.

Siam, Bangkok.

Even in tropical areas, walking in the streets and alleys, I feel a slight chill at this time.

Many Bangkok residents who have just woken up are a little uncomfortable. They have long been accustomed to high temperatures and rainy weather all year round. Now this subtropical climate is really not used to them.

Li Kang, who was working on a grain storage warehouse construction project outside the city, had just gotten out of bed. As soon as he opened the north-facing window, a cold wind hit his face.

The sudden cold wind made him shiver involuntarily, and he had goosebumps all over his body. He quickly put on the multi-functional daily clothes issued by the company.

After wearing multi-functional clothing, the cold feeling gradually subsided.

In fact, the temperature in Bangkok was not too low at this time, about 12 to 20 degrees Celsius, but this was the first time since Li Kang was born that he had encountered such a low temperature.

He hurriedly brushed his teeth and washed his face, and then walked to the bus stop on the roadside. When he arrived at the bus stop, several acquaintances greeted each other.

"Jia Gong, it's so cold today!" The fat young man at the side said while rubbing his hands.

But Li Kang reminded: "I told you, my name is Li Kang, don't call me by that name again."

"Uh..." The fat young man shrugged helplessly.

Changing names is already very common among the younger generation in Siam, especially since the Chinese have lived there for thousands of years, and there is more or less mixed blood on both sides.

This has led many Siamese people, in order to behave more like the local Chinese, to be keen to trace their ancestors, establish a relationship with the Chinese mainland, and then change their names.

According to his father, Li Kang's ancestor was the Li family of the Tang Dynasty royal family. Anyway, it's really hard to explain this kind of thing.

People who have no connections can talk about things, not to mention that in a region like Siam where a large number of Chinese people already live, it is really easy to have connections.

After Li Kang changed his name, he always cared about it very much. He emphasized his new name to everyone he met, which made him a little bit crazy.

There are actually not a few Siamese like Li Kang.

Take an old-fashioned bus. As a subsidiary of the Federation, although Siam's economic development is rapid, the internal gap between rich and poor is still relatively serious.

This large-scale infrastructure plan is to rebalance the local gap between rich and poor and bring this place to a stage of true prosperity for all.

The bus's diesel engine roared slightly, and a puff of black smoke spewed out from the rear as it headed toward the construction site of the China National Grain Storage Warehouse in the northern suburbs.

After walking and stopping along the way, we finally arrived at the huge construction site half an hour later.

Li Kang and Fatty walked down and then came to the canteen at the construction site. Many people had already arrived and were eating and chatting.

After taking a bowl of hot beef noodles, Li Kang saw a few coworkers with whom he had a good relationship and sat aside.

The TV program in the cafeteria was showing the global ice and snow weather, especially the panoramic view of the planet from above the northern hemisphere, which made these tropical erect apes seem to feel the ancient memory in their genes.

"Add... uh! A'Kang." The fat man responded: "Do you think it will snow here?"

"Probably not!" Li Kang replied with some uncertainty.

"If it snows in Bangkok, I might freeze to death." The fat man said exaggeratedly.

Haha... Several workers around started laughing.

Jin Sikuan, who was transferred from the mainland, smiled and shook his head: "Little Fatty, don't worry, Bangkok will build a dome system in a few years. Even if it enters the Ice Age, you don't have to worry about being frozen."

"The dome system? Is it the large greenhouse city in the north?" Li Kang asked with some uncertainty.

"Yes, Akang, you still have some knowledge." Jin Sikuan nodded.

Li Kang took a sip of the soup and asked with a hint of worry: "Brother Jin, I heard from the Internet that if global cooling continues, agriculture in mid- and high-latitudes may be greatly affected. There is really no problem with the federal food supply. ?"

Jin Sikuan, who knows the federal reserves, smiled and said: "Don't worry, the federal food reserves are enough for everyone to eat for three years. Moreover, many agricultural factories have been built in the northern region. Even if the freeze period exceeds six months, it will not affect the normal food supply." .”

"Everyone can eat for three years?" Xiaopang's ignorant mind seemed to be unable to imagine what a huge amount this was.

Jin Sikuan pointed at the construction site outside the window with his chopsticks: "If the grain warehouse we are building is completely filled with grain, it will be enough to feed everyone in Bangkok for about five years. Now you understand how much it is!"


"My dad went to his hometown in Chiang Mai a few days ago and bought a lot of food. He said he would prevent food prices from rising. It seems that there is no need to worry now."

"Haha, my mother is the same. She bought a lot and I don't know how I will finish it all?"

Others were also talking about it.

After breakfast, everyone put on their exoskeletons and began to get busy operating engineering equipment according to their respective positions.

Large construction sites like this are everywhere in Southeast Asia.

But for Blue Star as a whole, the Federation's internal construction is somewhat unique, and other forces are still wrangling internally, acting like ostriches, and getting by.

Maybe this is the difference in the world!

Hasegawa, who traveled from the Tiangong Space Station for a week, rested in Tanegashima Space City for another month after returning to the Blue Star surface.

Later, he went with Brian, a tourist from Xizhou, and after touring Japan and Korea, he came to Tongliao in the eastern part of Mongolia.

In the ice and snow, the urban area of ​​Tongliao, wrapped by the dome system, seems like an independent paradise.

Brian stood on the rooftop observation deck of the central building. Although the thick floor-to-ceiling glass blocked the blizzard outside, he could still feel how cold it was outside.

Hasegawa handed him a cup of hot ginger tea: "I plan to go to the Lingnan area next. What are your plans?"

After taking the ginger tea, the temperature of the cup could not warm the frustration and pain in his heart:

"Austria must be like Tongliao now, frozen in ice and snow, but here there are warm greenhouses, while my hometown can only resist the blizzard naked."

Hasegawa knew Brian's pain, but he had no choice: "Brian, it is basically impossible to eliminate the contradictions within human civilization and get everyone to put aside their prejudices and unite to fight global cooling."

"..." Brian remained silent. Although the Federation has technology that can solve it, the question is why does the Federation want to save other forces?

In this world of fierce confrontation, the Federation has no reason to save the world. Even if it lends a helping hand, some white-eyed wolves may appear.

Brian did not blame the Federation, because this was their own choice. Since they chose this path, they could not blame others.

At the same time, he also knows that he is not qualified. If we are not relatives, why should we offer real money and silver to help? Isn't it good to invest these resources in internal construction?

He drank all the ginger tea in his hand: "Mr. Hasegawa, let Lingnan be my last stop!"

"No problem." Hasegawa nodded.

Outside the window, the wind and snow are blowing, and the snow-covered Tongliao city looks like a big mountain in the grassland outside the Great Wall.

This cold weather did not affect the city under the protection of the dome. The residents seemed to be living in the spring season. This is the power of technology.

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