The rise of nanometers

Chapter 628 Snow Train

Snowy area.

This super plateau on the roof of the world actually saw snowfall earlier than Gorkha on the southern side of the Himalayas. As early as mid-October this year, the temperature began to drop below zero degrees Celsius.

However, the local government has already made a series of preparations for the possibility of early cooling.

With the entire National Highway 318 being upgraded and transformed into a super highway, transportation into the snowy area has become very convenient.

You must know that the specifications of local super highways are one level higher than those in non-local areas.

This difference is not a difference in quality, but in the road width and number of tracks on roads and railways.

The super highway reconstructed from National Highway 318 has three high-speed railway tracks inside, and the speed is also very fast, with an average operating speed of 350 to 370 kilometers per hour.

The Lajia Line, which is an extension of National Highway 318 out of the country, has only two railway tracks inside, and there is no secret transportation channel at the bottom. The bottom level has been transformed into a gas, power transmission, and telecommunications cable area.

If the railway on National Highway 318 is used at full capacity to transport materials, it can transport up to 180 to 240 million tons of materials to the snowy area a year.

This is why the Laga Line, as a branch line, is confident that it can transport 1.84 million tons of grain to Gorkha within three months.

In fact, in addition to the Laga Line connecting Gorkha, Xueyu District also cooperated with Zhuyu to build the Latin Line. Even this transportation line was completed earlier than the Laga Line and was fully connected in late July this year.

The Lating Line has transported a total of 160,000 tons of grain and 70,000 tons of various commodities to Zhuyu. Although these are not many, the population of Zhuyu is not large, only about 860,000.

However, due to the terrain and altitude of the Zhu region, it is even more miserable than Gorkha. Most of the areas within the territory are high mountains and plateaus, and only a small number of river valleys and plains can grow crops.

The snowline moved downwards, severely damaging the agriculture and animal husbandry on which the Zhu region depends for survival, and the food self-sufficiency rate once fell to 82%.

If it had not been for the opening of the Latin Line, at least a quarter of the population would have starved to death.

In fact, the purpose of the Lating Line and the Lajia Line is not only for these two small areas, but also undertakes the task of transporting supplies to some areas in Tianzhu.

As for what materials to transport, it will naturally depend on the situation.

As the core of local influence and control over northern South Asia, the existence of the Snowy Region is crucial, and it is also a resource-rich area.

Of course, the local people are not eager for quick success and quick gains when it comes to the development of snowy areas. Now the resources in Greater China are relatively sufficient, and there is no need to worry about external constraints. The development of resources in snowy areas is generally based on exploration, so you have to know it well. .

If the external situation changes suddenly and there is a gap in resource input, large-scale exploitation of resources in snowy areas and Qinghai will be considered.

Snowy area.

Nagqu City is where the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, National Highway 109, and National Highway 317 intersect.

The re-upgraded National Highway 317 has not yet been completed and is not expected to be built near Nagqu until around March next year.

At this time, a train slowly stopped at Mendui Station near Nagqu from the north along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. More than a dozen people got off the train. The group seemed out of place with the surrounding tourists and seemed to be here on business.

One of them, a tall man who looked slightly young, let out a sigh of relief when he got out of the car, and a white mist dispersed in the air.

"It's been eight years. Before I knew it, it had been eight years."

"Mr. Huang, have you been to Snowy Land before?" The assistant on the side was a little confused.

Huang Wei often smiled and said: "I used to be a soldier here, let's go!"

A group of people got on the minibus arranged by the Suiren Department of Security and headed towards Nagqu City. There was a vast expanse of scenery along the way.

Thousands of mountains are wrapped in white snow, and thousands of paths are blocked by the shuo wind.

There are no human traces in the snowy area, and the ancient city has a road leading to the sky.

Along the way, in addition to the vast expanse of white, there is still vast expanse of white.

Huang Weichang couldn't be more familiar with the scenery in front of him.

But as the minibus approached Nagqu City, the situation changed drastically from the Nagqu City in his memory.

The huge agricultural building covers an area of ​​nearly 3,000 acres and is 30 stories high. It has nearly 100,000 acres of indoor farmland where vegetables, fruits and some grains can be grown.

Huang Weichang came to the Snowy Area this time. In addition to a secret mission, he also had an apparent daily job, which was to inspect Suiren's properties in various places on behalf of Huang Xiuyuan.

The indoor agricultural factory located on the outskirts of Nagqu City is not an industry of the Suiren Group, but an industry of the COFCO Group.

Suiren's indoor agricultural factory is located in the northeast of Nagqu City, next to National Highway 317. It covers an area of ​​8,500 acres, is 40 stories high, and has a total area of ​​340,000 acres. The subsidiary responsible for the operation is Fengmin Agriculture.

This indoor agricultural factory does not grow vegetables and fruits, but grows food and pasture to supply food to local people and feed to breeding farms.

As one of the executives of the Suiren Department and Huang Xiuyuan's confidant, Huang Weichang knew many unknown things.

The agricultural layout in the snowy area seems to be a loss-making business, but it is very critical here.

Currently, Fengmin Agriculture, Beidahuang Group, and COFCO have invested in the construction of 65 indoor agricultural factories throughout the snowy area, with a total area of ​​9.27 million acres.

For a snowy area with a population of only 3.15 million, 9.27 million acres of indoor farmland can produce agricultural products equivalent to 20 million acres of tropical open-air farmland.

Among them, the grain planting area is planned to be 7.5 million acres, and the total annual output is expected to reach 15 to 18 million tons.

Of course, this is the data in the plan. There are 65 indoor agricultural factories, but only 12 are currently in operation.

The grain, vegetables and fruits produced can barely supply local residents, and part of the gap needs to be transported from the east or north.

Especially in terms of feed, 62% of the feed supply for local farms comes from the Hexi Corridor and Bashu Basin.

For future climate change, the local government has made many arrangements, including the rapid advancement of indoor agricultural factories and indoor breeding farms.

Huang Weichang settled at the Time Hotel in Nagqu City, and then headed non-stop to Fengmin Agriculture’s local indoor agricultural factory.

The indoor agricultural factory covers a vast area, with 40 floors and a height of about 320 meters.

Due to the continuous snowstorm, the roof of the building was covered with a thick layer of snow. Looking down from the sky, it was difficult to distinguish it from the surroundings.

Go inside the factory.

The staff took Huang Weichang and his team to visit each agricultural planting area. The terrible thing about indoor agriculture is that it ignores the weather and soil. Except for gravity, all other factors are replaced by artificial ones.

Rice can be grown here three times a year.

There are advantages and disadvantages to this agricultural model.

The advantage is that it can ignore a large part of natural disasters and weather changes, and it can also save land resources.

The disadvantages are also very obvious, that is, the energy consumption is very huge, and the one-time investment in the early stage is not something that ordinary private enterprises can afford.

However, Huang Weichang knows that local controllable nuclear fusion technology has matured and energy consumption is no longer an issue.

In fact, the snowy area has a lot of energy surplus, such as potential hydropower resources, geothermal resources, and solar energy resources, which are all local advantages.

However, in the past five or six years, due to the continuous innovation of domestic energy technology, the energy advantage of the snowy region has declined.

Especially as controllable nuclear fusion technology matures, there are very few new hydropower stations planned in the country except for those under construction.

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