The rise of nanometers

Chapter 570 Technology Development

At the Mobei base of Eagle Aerospace, there are already three Golden Winged Dapengs at this time, and three super-large flight runways have also been established.

Huang Xiuyuan and the new base director Zhang Zhenhai were discussing some arrangements for Eagle Aerospace. The previous base director was assigned to the Western Australia base by the company.

"The scale of the Zhenhai and Mobei bases is sufficient. There is no need to expand it in the short term."

The meticulous Zhang Zhenhai nodded: "Indeed, I will transfer some of my manpower to Western Australia as soon as possible."

The current Mobei base is indeed very large. With all the supporting facilities added up, the entire base has reached an area of ​​87 square kilometers.

In addition, there are three auxiliary factories, two defense bases, and three radar stations within 100 kilometers of the main base.

The size of the various delivery platforms alone is enough to crush the Western Continent Alliance and Lucia combined.

There are 3 Golden Wing Dapeng, 15 Chang 11 launch vehicles, 6 Chang 12 launch vehicles, plus the Eagle 1 launch vehicle that will be successfully developed this year, as well as factories that can quickly assemble launch vehicles and spacecrafts.

Eagle Aerospace is very powerful.

The scale of Aerospace Science and Industry is naturally larger. The scale of Dongfeng Space City and Wenchang Space City is similar to that of Oriental Space City in Mobei. These three space cities are internally known as first-class space cities.

There is one level, and naturally there are two and three levels.

The second-level aerospace cities are Taiyuan Space City, Xichang Space City, and Nansha Space City; there is currently only one third-level aerospace city, and that is Tanegashima Space City in Japan.

The Dasha Space City under construction by Eagle Aerospace in Western Australia is a first-class space city.

There are also plans to build a secondary space city in the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific as a space backup base in the southern hemisphere.

Huang Xiuyuan used to arrange the space city in Mobei, but there was no suitable location. Now that Australia is a good place, it is natural to reduce the investment in the space city in Mobei.

After all, the safety of this place was not high, and it was too close to Mao Zi. Huang Xiuyuan was very vigilant towards the weak and sensitive Mao Zi.

Just in case, he even planted 15 hydrogen bombs around Mobei Space City.

However, this can only be done at a critical moment to prevent Mobei Space City from falling into the hands of the enemy.

Therefore, Huang Xiuyuan and the management of the Suiren Department couldn't wait to build the Western Australia Space City.

According to the plan, starting from this year, the personnel of Mobei Space City and some aerospace supporting factories will be gradually relocated to Australia or the south of the country.

At the Astronaut Training Center in Space City, Zhang Zhenhai introduced three astronauts to him.

After Huang Xiuyuan shook hands with Cheng Cunwu, he asked seriously: "Are you sure you want to go up in person?"

"Yes, I have to go there myself." Cheng Cunwu replied firmly.

Huang Xiuyuan could only say a few words of encouragement: "Cunwu, although our launch vehicle is very safe, there are still certain risks. I can only wish you a safe return."

Cheng Cunwu smiled: "Definitely, I still need to complete the theoretical integration of electric field synthesis."

This time Cheng Cunwu chose to go to the moon mainly to verify the electric field synthesis technology. In the gravitational environment of a blue star, it is difficult to simulate a microgravity environment.

The most important application of the electric field synthesis technology developed by Cheng Cunwu, Xie Qing and others is the outer space chemical industry.

As leaders in electric field synthesis technology, Cheng Cunwu, Xie Qing and others, after several heated debates, Cheng Cunwu decided to go to the moon by himself.

Last month, Wenchang Space City used a launch window to send two sets of electric field synthesis equipment to the moon.

One set is installed at the Toad Palace Space Station, and the other set is installed at the Guanghan Palace Base.

Since there are currently no professional scientific researchers among the astronauts currently serving on the moon, they are really unable to conduct complex experiments in a microgravity environment.

Originally, Huang Xiuyuan did not recommend that Cheng Cunwu and others go into space, but to quickly complete the verification of electric field synthesis technology in a microgravity environment, senior researchers must go up.

Now going into space has obvious requirements for the physical fitness of personnel.

Those who have not been trained and are over thirty-five years old are not suitable; while the younger generation, some who are physically strong, do not have enough knowledge.

Among the three core developers of the electric field synthesis project, Xie Qing is physically weaker, while Xiong Lingxi is a woman and is not suitable for outer space.

In the end, only Cheng Cunwu was the best candidate, who was physically strong and scientifically literate.

Huang Xiuyuan, Cheng Cunwu and other astronauts chatted at the training center for more than an hour. He has been paying attention to the development of electric field synthesis technology.

This technology has not been developed in Huang Xiuyuan's future memory. The integrated Greater China region has exploded with huge potential with the growth of a new generation of scientific researchers and the stimulation of the Suiren system.

If Huang Xiuyuan had not changed all this, according to the original historical trajectory, domestic scientific research strength would be able to barely resist the Western scientific community at best.

Now, history has changed beyond recognition.

Changes in the resources, energy and agricultural patterns have created domestic economic forces, which in turn suppress North America. With money, determination and talent, scientific and technological development will naturally advance by leaps and bounds.

This environment has spawned many new technologies, which is also an inevitable result.

After communicating with Cheng Cunwu, he learned about the latest progress of electric field synthesis. Currently, electric field synthesis technology can complete the synthesis of some relatively complex compounds, such as polyethylene, silicon nanomolecules, fullerenes and diamonds.

Especially for fullerene, electric field synthesis has found a very fast synthesis route on this compound.

If electric field synthesis is used for industrial mass production of fullerene, not only the cost can be reduced to about one thousandth, but the output can easily reach more than 1,000 tons per year.

Inspired by the fullerene project, Xie Qing is leading research on carbon fiber, carbon nanofoam and various new materials.

Since electric field synthesis is simpler and more crude than traditional chemical synthesis, it also means that electric field synthesis can synthesize many theoretical substances.

In Huang Xiuyuan's latest internal paper, he discovered that Xie Qing's team had successfully synthesized nitrogen 60, a spherical molecule similar to fullerene.

After this theoretical compound was synthesized, Xie Qing's team discovered some peculiar physical and chemical properties on nitrogen 60.

For example, nitrogen 60 molecules have a miniature Faraday cage effect in electromagnetic wave absorption. After nitrogen 60 molecules are used to composite polyethylene films, nitrogen 60-polyethylene films can shield most electromagnetic waves and some light waves.

This is a very excellent material, and the Ministry of Industry is currently discussing the application of nitrogen 60 molecules.

Especially in terms of anti-electromagnetic interference, the thin and efficient nitrogen 60-polyethylene film, with a thickness of about 0.8 cm, can resist the electromagnetic interference of nuclear explosions.

The laboratory took this film and went to Shenguang-4 to conduct a nuclear explosion electromagnetic resistance test. After careful experimental testing, as long as it is not in the core area of ​​a nuclear explosion, a nitrogen-60-polyethylene film with a thickness of more than 0.8 cm can be hardened. Resistant to electromagnetic interference.

This material is also of vital significance for humans to enter outer space on a large scale.

After all, the radiation intensity in outer space is very high, and solar winds often occur. The energy consumption of artificial magnetic fields is too great, so we must find ways to achieve low-cost radiation resistance and interference resistance.

Nitrogen 60-polyethylene film is an excellent product in the aerospace field.

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