The rise of nanometers

Chapter 563 Condition

The physical examination is still continuing.

After several years of physical examination work, the outlook of all medical staff has changed a lot, especially for many medical staff who have just entered the profession. It can be said that their outlook has been completely shattered.

Which grandson is grandpa's son, which son is not his biological son, what is Lao Wang next door, and a series of AIDS patients.

This situation is not uncommon in censuses.

However, they also successfully discovered 372 abducted children, allowing these children to be returned to their biological parents.

Lu Shengli chatted with Bai Siwen from the specialty product work station for a while, and found that there were more than a dozen Annan people working illegally in this village.

Although in recent years, a high wall has been built on the border and a lot of high-tech equipment has been installed, effectively blocking the entry of stowaways.

But many Annamites left over from the past are still a problem and a hidden danger.

Because Annan has been vacillating, Greater China's economic and technological blockade of the region has become increasingly tight in the past two years.

At the same time, it is also cultivating a large number of local people who are inclined to Greater China, hoping to disintegrate the region from within as soon as possible and achieve internal integration in the Asia-Pacific.

Guangxi Province has become a key area for secondary physical examinations, and this is also considered.

Faced with thermal imaging scans by drones and small airships, the 17 Annan people hiding in the mountains behind Xiaoshi Village were quickly found.

The police officers, led by the village chief, quickly brought these people to the small square, and these people also underwent physical examinations together.

Then they had two choices, one was to choose to return to Annan, the other was to stay, but they had to obey the arrangements.

Naturally, these people who came from poor Annan to work illegally would not choose to return, and most of them chose to stay.

After their files are entered, these people are called naturalized people and are managed and trained by specialized agencies.

Physical examination site.

After an old man had a full-body scan, the doctor showed a solemn expression: "Uncle, your left kidney stone is very large. It must be treated as soon as possible, otherwise it may be life-threatening."

The village party secretary on the side translated it in local dialect, and the old man said in a trembling tone: "Doctor, I don't have money, old man, so I won't treat this disease."

The doctor said to the village party secretary: "The old man is living on a minimum living allowance and is over sixty years old. You should apply for a medical exemption for him. This application does not cost you money. Haven't you received the documents?"

The village party secretary showed embarrassment: "I'll do it right now."

An experienced doctor on the side shook his head and sighed in his heart. These grassroots people only know how to flatter their superiors and bully their subordinates if they don't do practical work all day long.

They conducted physical examinations in more than 20 villages and found that this common situation existed. Even the implementation of this kind of universal welfare was in violation of the law.

Give the old man an injection of Xiaoshiqing, a new drug launched by Shennong Group last year that specifically targets various stones.

The effect of this new drug is similar to gold nanorods. It uses carbon molecules with special nanostructures and then irradiates infrared light to promote stones in specific parts to quickly decompose into water-soluble components, which are then excreted in the urine.

The old man drank several large glasses of water. After more than half an hour, the nurse took the old man to the medical car and irradiated the left kidney with infrared light.

In less than twenty minutes, the large stone in the old man's left kidney was quickly broken down.

The nurse ordered: "Uncle, just drink more water today to expel the contents of your body. In addition, this is an anti-inflammatory medicine."

"Thank you, girl! Thank you!" The old man felt a little relieved, and the dull pain before seemed to have eased a lot.

The physical examination working group carries a complete set of equipment, which is equivalent to a small mobile hospital. Some conditions that can be treated quickly, or if medicines are prepared, will be dealt with on site as soon as possible.

In rural areas that lack medical resources, there are all kinds of weird diseases, including cataracts, stones, tuberculosis, skin diseases, parasites, oral cancer, pneumoconiosis, etc. Many of them are caused by carelessness and bad living habits.

For example, the high incidence of oral cancer in Guizhou and Qiongzhou is closely related to the local preference for eating betel nut. Although the production and sale of betel nut products has been completely banned in China, some local people still make homemade betel nut on a small scale.

In Xiaoshi Village, among the 884 villagers who underwent physical examination, two had obvious oral cancer and eight had oral lesions. These people all have the habit of eating betel nuts.

After checking the mouth of a villager, the old doctor raised his glasses and persuaded:

"Young man, stop eating betel nuts. Even though cancer is now reimbursed at a large rate, one treatment costs 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, and there may be some sequelae after treatment."

The young man also became a little scared and asked hurriedly: "Doctor, is it okay if you quit now?"

The old doctor cautiously suggested: "After quitting betel nut, you'd better go to the hospital for regular check-ups, once every six months. If your condition improves, the hospital will adjust the frequency of check-ups for you; if it continues to worsen, you can only have surgery."

"I know." The young man was afraid for a while.

As soon as I took a sip of water, another doctor came over with a physical examination sheet: "Old Zhang, this patient was just brought here, take a look at it!"

The old doctor took the physical examination sheet and after flipping through it, he knew what was going on. The patient was a fifty-five-year-old man. Due to a large number of uric acid stones in his legs and feet, he could no longer walk.

"We can't do surgery here. We have to go to the hospital to do it. First, we can prescribe uric acid-lowering medicine."

"I heard that the group's new uric acid-decomposing drug, which is under internal testing, will soon be on the market. Why don't we suggest that the other party go to the hospital for surgery at that time!"

The old doctor thought for a while and then asked: "When will the new drug be launched?"

"Probably March."

Hearing the time, he nodded: "That's good. The condition can still be controlled. Let him go to Daxin Shennong Hospital in March for a minimally invasive stone removal surgery."

They knew that in the absence of new drugs, the only option was to remove the uric acid stones through surgery, but this operation was very unfriendly to patients.

With the new drug, you only need to inject it around the uric acid stones, irradiate infrared rays to achieve high-speed decomposition of the uric acid stones, and then suck out the decomposition liquid through the syringe to complete the stone dissolution in a minimally invasive manner.

It reduces incisions and sutures and avoids wound infection. At the same time, the operation is very fast. Only two or three doctors are needed to complete this small operation.

If surgery is performed, the patient must be hospitalized for a week or two. Obviously, doing so will increase the patient's financial burden.

Nowadays, Shennong Group’s technologies are all pursuing minimally invasive, efficient, painless, and low side effects. If possible, we should avoid surgery as much as possible.

Gout, caused by high uric acid, has become a high incidence in recent years. Especially as domestic living standards have improved and people have more money and more, this disease of affluence will occur more frequently and even among younger people.

In many coastal areas, young people who often eat seafood and beer suffer from gout in their twenties and thirties, and some are so painful that they cannot walk.

Gout has become a major threat to people's health and is also one of the important scientific research topics of Shennong Group.

The new drugs this time mainly solve the problem of how to treat it, and then there is also the problem of how to prevent it.

Obviously, there is no shortage of money in China now, but we still need to save money that we would not have to spend.

Wouldn't it be better to save this money and use it in the aerospace industry?

Thank you for your support (ω`)

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