The rise of nanometers

Chapter 289 Customization

After discussing the security of smart homes and smart cars, it’s time to talk about those two big purchase plans.

That is, the National Specialty E-commerce Studio and the National Computer Training Center require a total of 8 million to 10 million desktop computers. Although the Suiren Department pays for this market, Huang Xiuyuan plans to use half of the purchased computers to provide various partners.

The purpose of this is, on the one hand, to provide an initial market for these domestic computer manufacturers.

On the other hand, these two plans, seemingly unprofitable, are actually feasible.

The computer training center is cultivating talents in townships and can provide sufficient talents for Suiren-related townships to sink.

At the same time, not all training is free. Poor households can enroll for free, while ordinary families can spend some money to obtain professional computer training.

Moreover, the computers in the training center can be turned into a small data center by adding some servers to make use of the computing power during idle time. Whether it is cloud computing, cloud services, or service offloading, the hardware ecosystem of Time Information can be more complete and consolidated. .

Another plan, the national specialty e-commerce studio, is to equip every village with a studio. This specialty e-commerce studio can improve the agricultural products business of the cloud inspection platform.

According to Huang Xiuyuan’s long-term plan, these e-commerce studios will be like capillaries, actively inserted into rural areas across the country.

At the same time, we collect data on cultivated land, agricultural products, agricultural and sideline products, small handicraft products, and specialty products in rural areas across the country. Together with Fengmin Agriculture, Beidahuang, and COFCO, we will transform the domestic agricultural product market from the current disorderly market into a controllable and organized one. sequence market.

Fengmin Agriculture, Beidahuang and COFCO have jointly established a global agricultural product market research center to calculate the output and price of agricultural products through big data to ensure that the market prices of agricultural products will not fluctuate greatly.

These survey data can also be used to guide agricultural planting, increase farmers' income, regulate agricultural product prices, reduce overcapacity that blindly follows trends, and fully allocate domestic arable land resources.

Therefore, COFCO and Beidahuang also allocated part of their funds to support the Suiren Department in building a national specialty e-commerce studio.

At present, domestic agricultural planting is still in a chaotic and disorderly small-scale peasant economy, especially in South China, Southwest and the Loess Plateau, which are not conducive to large-scale mechanized production. Taking the Western large-scale mechanized route may not be acclimatized.

In exploring new development models, Huang Xiuyuan’s idea is to use the Internet of Things and big data to, to some extent, restore part of the planned economy and adopt big data customized agriculture + large-scale mechanized agriculture.

For many areas and crops that are inconvenient for mechanized production, customized agriculture is implemented.

For example, in the fruit tree planting industry, large-scale mechanized production requires not only customized agricultural machinery, but may not be as efficient as manual labor.

Agricultural machinery for auxiliary production can be used, but the economic affordability of farmers should be considered instead of blindly promoting it.

In fact, domestic agriculture, to some extent, has entered a strange circle, losing the mechanism of coordinated operations. Each locality often works independently and blindly promotes planting projects, making farmers less motivated as they plant more.

The cooperation project promoted by Fengmin Agriculture before was a test of customized agriculture.

However, unlike the later community group buying, although Fengmin Agriculture has an agricultural product store in Good Times Mall, the price is the normal market price, or even higher.

Other large-scale agricultural products are mainly commodities such as grain, oil crops, pasture, cotton, and sugar.

The agricultural products produced by customized agriculture, in addition to being supplied to e-commerce platforms, are wholesale of agricultural products, which will affect the income of some second-tier dealers at most, but will not affect the business of small vendors.

After all, there are more than 180 million small vendors and self-employed households in the country. Community group buying and the like are robbing these people of their jobs. In Huang Xiuyuan’s future memory, Alibaba was hit with the anti-monopoly stick because of its forced community group buying. The head was finally forcibly split.

Huang Xiuyuan naturally does not want to repeat the same mistakes. Although the Suiren system is very large, it cannot eat the plates of 180 million self-employed households. This kind of behavior that damages the domestic basic market is no less than lighting a lamp in the toilet.

Therefore, in terms of community group buying, Huang Xiuyuan not only requires that Time Information cannot do it, but also requires Jindong and future e-commerce companies that enter the Fuxi system to carefully consider this business. Unless they have the ability to take over these 180 million self-employed households, they will just engage in e-commerce. .

The national specialty e-commerce studio is related to the strategic layout of the Suiren Department and the grand strategy of fighting ABCD.

No matter how vast and fertile the foreign land is, the domestic fundamentals must not let down their vigilance. After all, there are too many uncontrollable factors in foreign land.

This is why Fengmin Agriculture, COFCO and Beidahuang would rather invest huge sums of money to promote the transformation of saline-alkali land and sandy land and the east-west water transfer plan.

As long as the domestic fundamentals are stable, it will be difficult for ABCD to make waves in the country, and it can even break ABCD's industrial chain in some areas by concentrating firepower.

The name "National Specialty E-commerce Studio" can actually be called "National Agricultural Data Network".

As for how to make money from this project, it is actually very simple. By purchasing and wholesale agricultural products, plus the fees from the e-commerce platform, it is enough to support these studios.

At the same time, because these studios are rooted in rural areas, they can serve as express delivery points for Feipeng and postal services. They can also provide online shopping services for villagers and open convenience stores.

It can basically be regarded as a simplified version of the Good Times Mall, and the Good Times Mall in the city forms a pervasive logistics and commercial network covering cities and towns.

Since COFCO, Beidahuang and Postal Express are involved, it is naturally impossible for Huang Xiuyuan to give all of his purchasing share to Long Totem.

Giving part to other semiconductor companies can also be a favor, and Suiren has not lost anything.

After Huang Xiuyuan discussed with everyone, he currently plans to become a computer company, including Huawei, ZTE, Great Wall, Tongfang, Shenzhou, and Haier, although there are as many as six.

However, when it comes to desktop computers, the three manufacturers that currently have R\u0026D plans are Huawei, ZTE and Great Wall.

Tongfang, Shenzhou and Haier plan to focus on notebook computers.

Therefore, the purchase of these 4 million computers fell into the hands of Huawei, ZTE and Great Wall. After some competition, the three companies finally determined their shares.

Among them, Great Wall won an order of 1.6 million units, followed by Huawei with an order of 1.4 million units, and ZTE with an order of 1 million units.

The price of customized computers is the same as 4,000 yuan each, with a net profit of about 25%.

These orders alone can keep the three preliminary production lines running, and the profits from these orders can be used to further invest in research and development.

Moreover, Tongfang, Shenzhou, and Haier, which gave up orders for 4 million desktop computers, also got what they wanted, which was Huawei giving up the notebook computer market.

Tongfang, Shenzhou and Haier, which have their own notebook production lines, are actually ready. They have customized a large number of spare parts from Long Totem and other spare parts suppliers.

It is estimated that in two or three months, it will launch its own notebook computer.

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