The rise of nanometers

Chapter 278 Internet


Xiaomi's headquarters.

Rebus hung up the phone. Even though he received an angel investment of 500 million yuan last month, he had never been so happy.

Lin Bin, one of his right-hand men, knew something was up when he saw Rebus's expression: "Did Huang Xiuyuan agree to see you?"

"Yes, May 1st." After Rebus finished speaking, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Huang Jiangji, the person in charge of the MiLiao project, was worried about gains and losses at this time. He was confused about the future of MiLiao.

Perhaps seeing Huang Jiangji's confusion, Rebus comforted him: "Jiang Ji, we have no choice."

"I know, I'm just a little bit unwilling." Huang Jiangji's smile was slightly bitter.

Feixin relies on Penguin, while Chaoxin relies on Time Information and Suiren. What does Miliao rely on? Although the founders have invested a lot of effort, it is a pity that they were born at the wrong time.

In the instant messaging industry research report in April, MiLiao only had 17.73 million users, which is already something Xiaomi is struggling to maintain.

Penguin’s Fetion has 85.37 million users, second only to Penguin’s own Penguin;

Chaoxin, which relies on Time Information and Suiren, originally had only 57.36 million users. However, after the Chaoxin platform was opened, NetEase, Jindong, Sohu and 360 joined the platform, and the total number of users quickly increased to more than 90 million.

Xiaomi and Penguin were caught off guard by this sudden change in the instant messaging industry.

At first, they thought these companies had pirated the Chaoxin of Time Information, but after they got to know more about each company's Chaoxin, they discovered the seriousness of the problem.

Because the super trust of NetEase and Sohu is actually connected with the super trust of Time Information.

Moreover, starting on March 24, Shiguang Information took the initiative to close the download link of Shiguang Chaoxin and recommended software such as NetEase Chaoxin and Sohu Chaoxin to users.

If there was no PY transaction behind this, no one would believe that Time Information would give up the market. Although these Chaoxin seemed to be just Time Chaoxin under another name, the other four companies were happy with it.

If it is just the super-signal interconnection, it is not enough to threaten Penguin, but the super-signal can directly log in to NetEase Games, NetEase Mailbox, Jindong Mall, and 360. This is the real link.

Users can achieve full network access with just one account. There is no need to register an account with a software, and there is no need to enter an ID number, mobile phone number, etc. Super Signal is everyone's "ID card and wallet" on the Internet.

As for Sohu, which successfully delisted from the Mi Stock market and returned, Huang Xiuyuan sold Sohu shares to Wang Xuri and the Social Security Fund in accordance with the terms of the memorandum.

Then Sohu cooperated with Time Information and the Social Security Fund to create "".

Although Time Information and Social Security Fund in account for 67% of the shares, they are only financial investments, and at most they are entrusted to the Locust Ant Company for supervision.

Wang Xuri merged Sohu's portal website into, and Sohu Corporation managed Sohu Chaoxin,, Sogou Company, and Changyou Company.

On April 16, the newly revised was officially launched online. changed from's sluggishness and adopted a user-customized push model, which is the portal model of Toutiao.

This is Huang Xiuyuan's deliberate support of Sohu. Instead of allowing the uncontrolled Toutiao system to rise, it would be better to support the salty fish and half-immortal Sohu.

Faced with the sudden changes in the domestic Internet, Xiaomi has reached a special crossroads. If it makes the wrong choice, bankruptcy is not impossible.

This is the fundamental reason why Rebus seeks a way to meet Huang Xiuyuan. If Mi Liao, who has no ecology, wants to survive, the only option is to join the Chaoxin camp.

Another core business of their company, mobile phones, also has to face the Suiren system. Rebus needs to make a decision whether to join the new semiconductor system or continue the previous development plan and follow the path of Android phones.

Fortunately, their mobile phone has not yet been developed, so the boat is easy to turn around. If the mobile phone has been developed, it will be a difficult choice.

After receiving the notification from the Suiren Department, Rebus did not get carried away. Instead, he calmed down and ordered: "Abin, you stay in Peiping to take charge of the overall situation. Jiang Ji and I will go to Shanmei in a few days."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door of the office.

"I'll go take a look." Lin Bin turned around and opened the door. When he opened the door, he saw that it was his assistant. Lin Bin asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

The assistant made a long story short: "Mr. Lin, Long Totem Company has sent out an announcement and invitation letter. They will hold a global press conference on May 1st at the headquarters of Suiren Company in Shanmei City."

Dragon totem?

Press conference?

May 1st?

In an instant, countless thoughts came to mind, and Lin Bin reacted immediately. He took the invitation letter and a copy of the announcement and came to the desks of Rebus and Huang Jiangji.

"This is the invitation letter for the Dragon Totem press conference. It seems that the Suiren series will make big news on May 1st."

After reading the invitation letter and copies of the announcement, Rebus and Huang Jiangji quickly realized that Huang Xiuyuan's meeting must be on the day of the press conference, or even at the press conference.

Huang Jiangji sighed: "Dragon Totem's mobile phone and computer should be released."

"Yes! It's so powerful. No matter whether Dragon Totem's mobile computer is successful or not, they have created a miracle." Only after Rebus founded Xiaomi did he realize how difficult it is to build a mobile phone.

Xiaomi has very few self-produced spare parts, and most of them are provided by domestic and foreign suppliers.

As for Dragon Totem, although there are a large number of suppliers supplying spare parts, the core spare parts are all produced by ourselves.

It is not only necessary to produce its own CPU and GPU, but also to design a domestic operating system. The difficulty can be imagined. At least Rebus has some self-knowledge and knows that it is almost impossible for Xiaomi to achieve this level.

"Abin, please notify the other vice presidents. I will have a meeting with them here later to discuss our mobile phone project."

Lin Bin nodded.

In this global launch of Dragon Totem, if the performance of the mobile computer launched by the Suiren series can barely meet the standards, as long as it is not overly exaggerated, then the country will definitely spend money to support it.

The road before Xiaomi now is to either follow up Dragon Totem or continue with the previous Android phone. This is a difficult choice.

After a while, several other co-founders came to the office.

Before coming over, Lin Bin had already told them the general situation of the matter.

"Everyone, please share your opinions!"

The other five co-founders also began to express their opinions, but their opinions were roughly the same, that is, wait for the Dragon Totem press conference before making a decision.

Now the specific situation of Long Totem’s mobile phone and computer has always been a mystery. It is the wisest way to choose to wait and see.

Rebus was also hesitant and decided to make a choice only after the press conference.

There are many companies like Xiaomi.

Only Huawei, ZTE, and Ziguang, who are involved in the construction of new semiconductor systems, know the power of Dragon Totem mobile computers.

After Long Totem Company issued the announcement and invitation letter, semiconductor companies, mobile phone and computer manufacturers, and Internet companies around the world have focused their attention on Shanmei.

Various companies with different ideas plan to send senior executives to Shanmei to participate in the press conference to find out the details of the dragon totem.

Time flies by and May 1st comes soon.

Many company delegations have arrived in Shanmei City a few days in advance, quietly waiting for the press conference to arrive.

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