The rise of nanometers

Chapter 275 Waste

The turbulent environmental war is not only fermenting and hotly discussed domestically, but also related content has appeared internationally.

The Western Continent Alliance, the superficially romantic Paris.

A group of young people, all wrapped in plastic bags, held signs in the Eiffel Tower Square to educate passers-by and tourists about the dangers of plastic.

The beautiful environmentalist burst into tears, holding a small trumpet and shouting in tears:

"Today, we are like animals in the ocean, our whole bodies are wrapped in plastic bags, and we can't breathe..."

The propagandists carried a large number of promotional photos and leaflets, which printed miserable marine animals, including sea turtles with their nostrils blocked by plastic straws, seals with their bodies tied up with net ropes, and marine fish with deformed bodies due to strangulation.

Many people at the scene stopped to watch. The local Parisians have long been used to it. These street performance-like protests are held every two days.

Of course, some people will be fooled into becoming anti-plastic.

For example, those rookie college students who are just starting out and have not been beaten up by society can easily feel strong empathy after seeing these miserable animal photos. Many girls showed expressions of disbelief, and their sympathy immediately overflowed.

Julie, who is studying sociology at the University of Paris, held the environmental protection flyer in her hand and felt bad after reading it.

I sat on the fountain bench nearby for a few minutes, dazed and miserable, before I woke up from the intense discomfort.

The careless best friend Vivian on the side persuaded her with concern: "Julie, be happy. This kind of thing should be something big people should worry about. We are just insignificant ordinary people."

Julie, whose eyes were red, covered her face and cried, "No, no, I feel like an accomplice. Hundreds of animals have lost their lives because of us."

"Oh! Dear Julie, we also need to survive, just as Darwin said, natural selection, survival of the fittest."

The two people's opinions clashed fiercely.

Julie, who didn't want to argue, cried quietly for a while, then wiped away her tears, looked at the URL on the flyer, and then opened her laptop.

Log in to Greenpeace’s official website.

There are videos of episodes one and two of "Particles" on top.

After Julie clicked on it, a message popped up on the page.

[Dear users, this video is paid content. All the fees you pay will be used for ocean protection and marine garbage cleanup. Thank you for your support! ——Blue Age Environmental Protection Foundation]

She clicked to pay without hesitation, then sat on a bench and watched quietly for more than two hours before finishing the two episodes of the documentary.

At this time, in the Eiffel Tower Square, the setting sun reflected softly and warmly on the ground, drawing the shadow of the Eiffel Tower into a long and long darkness.

After watching the documentary, Julie and Vivian had a clearer and more in-depth understanding of plastic waste around the world.

After finding a donation channel on the website, Julie donated all the 1,354 yuan from her work-study account to Greenpeace.

"No, my God! Julie, this is two months of hard work, and you're not eating?"

Julie's eyes exuded an incomprehensible light: "Vivian, I will take you to dinner."

After saying that, she closed her laptop, put on her backpack, tied up her hair in a single ponytail, took Vivian's hand, and walked towards the street in the distance.

The two soon arrived at the door of a bakery. Just when Vivian was about to walk in, Julie pulled her to the street at the back door of the bakery.

An old lady was rummaging through the trash can for something.

Julie also opened the trash can on one side and found several bags of bread. She only took a small part of them, which contained complete baguettes, bacon sandwiches, and toast.

"Oh..." Vivian, who comes from a wealthy family, covered her mouth, her eyes filled with disbelief.

The old lady on the side, looking at the ordinary Julie and the glamorous Vivian, picked up the plastic bag full of harvest and said with a smile:

"Little girl, these are breads that were just made today. They have not gone bad and do not affect food consumption or health. You don't know how many people die of hunger every day in this world. Waste is sinful. Amen!"

After the old lady finished speaking, she made a cross prayer on her chest, then left the garbage point with a large bag of bread.

Shocked Vivian was patted on the shoulder by Julie: "Let's go, let's go to the fruit shop."

"All right!"

As soon as the two left, another down-and-out middle-aged white man walked towards the garbage dump with a bag in hand.

In the corners of the city, these so-called "garbage" feed countless poor people.

Due to large-scale industrial agricultural production with standardized production, supermarkets are unwilling to sell even slightly curved cucumbers. The food wasted in developed countries in a year can feed 200 million people.

According to relevant data, nearly 900 million tons of food were wasted around the world in 2010, and the main force of waste was developed countries.

These foods are either kicked out of the food ranks during the production and processing stages; or in supermarkets and restaurants, they are thrown directly into the trash can like the bread Julie picked up because they have passed their best tasting period; Purchased in large quantities and stored in the refrigerator for a long time, causing spoilage and being discarded.

Julie came to the backstreet of a fruit shop and found two women dressed as immigrants, also at the garbage collection point, rummaging for some edible fruits.

Inside the wooden and plastic boxes, there are bananas with slightly dark spots, tomatoes that have become soft, or apples that are not in good condition.

Julie skillfully picked up a handful of bananas and two apples and left the garbage collection point.

Return to your student dormitory.

Vivian still resisted these breads and fruits.

"These things are all clean. When I first came to Paris, I had no living expenses for a while, so I had to pick up these breads and fruits." Julie said casually while washing the fruits.

Vivian looked at the bread she had just picked up from the trash can, and grabbed her long blond hair with a look of embarrassment: "I still can't accept it."

Peeling off the slightly dark-spotted banana peel, the banana pulp inside showed no signs of decay. When Julie took a bite, it tasted very sweet.

Picking up two bacon sandwiches and putting them in the microwave, Julie said on a whim: "Vivian, I plan to visit China."

"Going to China? Why?" Vivian asked in confusion.

After eating the banana, Julie explained with some curiosity: "I want to see how this country with a population of 1.4 billion achieves food and clothing for all people, and why it proposed such a great carbon neutrality plan. These are all things I want to see." knew."

"Can they really meet the requirements of the carbon neutrality plan? I read the BBC report and said that it is very undemocratic there." Vivian has some preconceived arrogance and prejudice.

Julie didn't. She had contact with several Chinese students and learned some things about them.

"Just think of it as a graduation trip."

"By the way, do you have money now?"

Julie smiled and shook her head: "There are still two months left. I can do some work to make money, and then I will have money."

"Okay! I originally planned to go to Tianzhu, so let's go to China!" Vivian shrugged and replied.

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