The rise of nanometers

Chapter 265 Sand Wasteland

It is dozens of kilometers away from the northern border of Mongolian region.

A convoy was driving in the endless desert grassland. In the convoy were many local snakes, as well as Fang Zhan and Tang Tiebing, managers of the Mobei branch of Fengmin Agriculture.

The two of them had just been transferred from the three northeastern province branches to develop the market in the Mobei region.

Tang Tiebing picked up the telescope, stood on a big rock, and looked at the desolate and primitive wasteland in front of him.

A dozen local locals nearby were also a little uneasy. After all, almost no one was willing to invest in this ungrateful place.

One of the big men asked Fang Zhan in a low voice: "Manager Fang, is this a suitable place?"

"Mr. Agudamu, let's just invest in agriculture in this place! Transformation and water are very critical. You are also short of water here and need to transport water from the south." Fang Zhan hinted.

Agudamu, who was fascinated by the colorful world in the south, also yearned for wealth and a better life. He patted his chest and said, "Manager Fang, my uncle is the head of Dongfang Province, and I will be responsible for everything you piped in." ."

Several other local cowards are also scrambling to express their stance and will use their connections to allow Fengmin Agriculture to invest in the local area unimpeded.

Fang Zhan said with a smile: "Haha, with everyone's help, I believe the water pipeline will be completed soon, and everyone will make a fortune together."

"Haha, let's get rich together." Agudamu also laughed.

Mobei Dongfang Province is actually part of the Hulunbuir Prairie. However, global climate change in modern times and excessive local grazing have caused many areas to turn into desert grasslands and deserts.

Especially in the southern part of Oriental Province where there are few rivers, land desertification is even more obvious.

As an Agudamu in Yameni, although he has no worries about food and drink, the local economy does not have much oil and water. Apart from mining, which can make some money, forget about herding.

Tang Tiebing came down from the big rock and said to Agudamu: "Mr. Agudamu, your area is suitable for large-scale planting of forage. We can use a joint venture to establish a forage company. You provide the land and people, and we provide the money and technology." .”

"I wonder how many acres you want?" Agudamu asked excitedly.

Tang Tiebing gestured with his palms: "At least 5 million acres. In addition, we promise to recruit local herders to join our company."

"Five million acres? Does your company really want that much?" Agudamu was both excited and worried.

Tang Tiebing threw out the bait: "Don't worry, the money will definitely not be lost to everyone. If you cooperate with our company, everyone's pockets will not be harmed. It is useless for you to guard this large wasteland."

Faced with such overwhelming wealth, Agudamu could not control his greed: "Okay, as long as the money is available, I will do my best to help your company lobby."

"Haha, I'll excuse you all." After speaking, Tang Tiebing sent a red envelope to each of them.

After receiving the red envelope, Agudamu and others became even more cheerful.

In addition to Fengmin Agriculture's development in Oriental Province, Beidahuang Group has also entered Sukhbaatar Province in the southwest of Oriental Province, lobbying local local snakes to jointly develop deserts and desert grasslands.

COFCO has entered East Gobi Province, where the environment is even harsher.

These three areas in Mobei are the areas closest to water pipelines and are most suitable for reconstruction and development.

With the money offensive and the cooperation of local snakes in the three places, the three companies soon took over large tracts of land in the local area.

Beidahuang focuses on oil crops, COFCO focuses on cotton and oil crops, and Fengmin Agriculture focuses on pasture.

As for food, forget about it. Not growing food in Mobei is one of their strategies.

And the other side.

In Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mobei.

Blue Star Mining, Beijing Enterprises Group, and United Group have also begun to set up branches here. Since the international mining industry is firmly controlled by the three giants, and the geopolitical environment of Mobei is deceptive, they can only export minerals to China. .

Through money, other international mining companies will withdraw from Mobei, or transfer their mineral mining rights to the three giants.

The three giants quickly weaved a network of relationships locally and acquired more than 20 mining areas through holdings and joint ventures.

These mines are mainly iron ore, copper mines and coal mines. Many of the minerals are still held by mining companies in Maple Leaf Country. The reason why they are sold to the Big Three is because they do not want to be targeted by the Big Three.

After all, Maple Leaf Potash Company has learned from the past. It is basically impossible to get involved in the global mining industry without dealing with the three mining giants.

Look at BHP Billiton, which was overthrown, and Rio Tinto, Vale and Fortescue, which are now being annexed. Mining companies around the world are keeping silent for fear of being targeted.

Now only energy mines and precious metal mines can resist the pressure of the three mining giants.

Near Erdenet City in Mobei, there is Asia's largest copper-molybdenum mine, which was previously developed by Lucia and Mobei.

Now this copper-molybdenum mine is joined by China Minmetals Group.

Mining area, in a simple office building.

As the largest domestic mining company after the Big Three, China Minmetals appears to be acting alone, but in fact it has to act in accordance with the internal plans of the Mining Alliance.

The resident manager assigned to the mining area arranged a lot of business as soon as he arrived, such as "modernization of mining mining", "optimizing the mining plan of the mining area", "strengthening the comprehensive utilization of ore", and "improving the security of miners". kind.

The previously discarded tailings and sintered slag are all packaged, and after preliminary selection, all are sold domestically.

This comprehensive utilization has increased the net profit of the Erdenet mining area, and coupled with the massive infrastructure construction brought by Minmetals Corporation, it was quickly integrated into the local system.

The encroachment of the mining group has also attracted a large number of local snakes, like a large invisible net, covering the Mobei area bit by bit.

On the other side, in conjunction with the water pipeline, the agricultural group extending to the northwest is also moistening the land and quietly affecting the land.

In February alone, the three major agricultural groups had just settled in Mobei, investing 1.86 billion in the area and recruiting more than 5,000 local employees.

The agricultural group also plans to build branch towns to serve as employee dormitories, processing plants and office buildings, as well as a large number of roads and railways, to gradually absorb surrounding herders.

In this kind of development, various companies are cooperating with each other and operating very cautiously. After all, if it is too obvious, it can easily cause a backlash.

Therefore, winning over the local gangsters has become the top priority at this stage.

But fortunately, the herdsmen here are easy to fool, and are easier to control than the white-skinned ones in Australia.

After all, many Australian workers are highly educated. Coupled with the differences in skin color and culture between the two sides, they can only use a big stick in one hand and sweet dates in the other to penetrate the economy while beating them from time to time.

Just when the Mining Alliance and the Agricultural Alliance were heading north to Mobei.

The six major domestic mining groups held a secret meeting in Chang'an to discuss future strategic layout and in-depth development of toner.

For the six major mining groups in the Mining Alliance, this matter is very important, because to a certain extent, carbon powder is related to the domestic energy pattern and energy security.

Therefore, the six major mining groups held this secret meeting.

Thank you all for your support (ω`), and thank you to book friends "Qingtianyi", "Yu Ming Taoist", "Reading Storm", "Book Friends 20190524103546045", "I Walk Alone in the World 3687", "Good deeds are up to you", "Darkness" ¥Arbitration", "Mo Xuanwu", "It's Yasuo who blows off his underwear", "The 31st Generation Successor of 007"!

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