The rise of nanometers

Chapter 229 Gold Diggers

After the rain, the sky cleared, and the streets in Dalian were much cleaner. The heavy rain washed away the dust and seemed to wash away all the dust in the city.

The light rail tram slowly stopped not far from the Dalian Exchange. Many white-collar workers in suits and leather shoes got off the tram holding briefcases or backpacks.

Several fresh graduates walked to a nearby office building with their resumes in hand.

One of the fresh graduates, with a young and energetic face, took a deep breath nervously.

"Don't be too nervous. With our academic qualifications and majors, the probability of passing is very high." A young man with a slicked back hair patted the other party on the shoulder and consoled him.

Another girl with a ponytail had a complicated expression. She raised her head and glanced at the huge LED screen in the distance. The global mineral prices scrolling on it were so dazzling and shocking.

He turned around and saw the girl standing there blankly: "Ruixue! What's wrong?"

"No, it's just that things are a bit different." Zhao Ruixue's tone was a little sad.

The boy who was calming down his nervousness was also diverted by this sentence and patted his forehead: "I almost forgot, Ruixue, your hometown seems to be Dalian, right?"

"Yes, I lived in Dalian before 2003." Zhao Ruixue continued with a smile:

"My parents have always wanted to escape the Northeast. They sold their house in Dalian and went to Shanghai to work hard for so many years, but they never thought that Dalian would become what it is today."

"Do you still have a house in Dalian? Housing prices here have been rising rapidly recently."

Zhao Ruixue shook her head and said with a bitter smile: "I sold it a long time ago, just two blocks away from the Ore Exchange."

"..." Big Back Head shrugged speechlessly and joked: "This is a sad story."

Unconsciously, they walked to the door of an office building. The advertising light box of Huang's International looked ordinary in this neighborhood.

However, there are not a few fresh graduates or related practitioners who come to apply for jobs. A company that can monopolize an entire office building near the Ore Exchange is naturally not an ordinary company.

As fresh graduates majoring in finance, Zhao Ruixue and the other three knew about this low-key but extremely powerful financial company from last year's entity list and its confrontation with HSBC and Standard Chartered.

The famous founder of Suiren Company, Huang Xiuyuan, is the actual controller of Huang International, and the previous president of Huang International, Li Hongwen, is currently the general manager of Dalian Ore Exchange.

The recent acquisitions of Rio Tinto, Vale, and FMG, as well as the restructuring of BHP Billiton's shares, all have the shadow of Huang International on them.

Huang's International, which dares to go head-to-head with international capital giants, is a brand new financial giant to domestic financial practitioners.

Coupled with the recent increase in the weight of the Dalian Exchange, it is even on the verge of overtaking the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

Many domestic and foreign financial institutions have settled in Dalian one after another, looking for new profit growth points.

The large number of financial institutions, mining companies, and metallurgical companies settling in has naturally brought huge demand. Whether it is the demand for relevant talents, the demand for supporting facilities, or the drive of consumption, it has brought new vitality to Dalian.

Just like Zhao Ruixue and the others, they gave up their development opportunities in Shanghai and went to Dalian to find jobs.

Although in the despised chain of domestic cities and regions, the Northeast is better than the Northwest. Graduates from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen rarely choose outside first-tier cities.

But after Dalian was hit by the ore exchange, it was like taking hormones. If Dalian seizes this good opportunity, it is not impossible to catch up with Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Like recent graduates such as Zhao Ruixue, many senior financial practitioners are also optimistic about Dalian's future development.

Opposite Huang's International office building, many domestic venture capital fund companies are gathered in several office buildings opposite.

Li Kangfei, Greater China President of BBK Investment Fund Company, and his boss behind the scenes, that is, Duan Ping, the founder of BBK Group, are standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office.

On the busy streets, many people lined up at the gate of Huang's International. It can be seen that there are many people coming to apply for jobs.

"Comfy, please reach an agreement with the iron factory that has trading qualifications as soon as possible. We need to join."

The gentle Li Kangfei asked hesitantly: "Mr. Duan, the other party's asking price is 35 million per year. Is it too high?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as you get the license." Duan Ping waved his hand. Due to the many restrictions on the ore exchange, it is difficult for international capital to get involved. Generally, they can only lease licenses from small steel mills and the like.

In fact, this transaction design was done deliberately by Huang Xiuyuan for the purpose of carding International Capital.

As a big shot in the domestic investment community, although Duan Ping lags a step behind every time, he successfully gets on board every time and becomes a leader in the second echelon. This is indeed a skill.

"Then I'll sign the agreement as soon as possible." Li Kangfei nodded.

The two talked for a few minutes. The secretary came in and said a few words in Li Kangfei's ear. He raised his eyebrows slightly: "Mr. Duan, the innocent Mr. Zhao is outside."

"Oh?" Duan Ping turned around: "Bring him here!"

The secretary hurriedly went out to fetch people.

After a while, a middle-aged man wearing square glasses walked in with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Duan, Mr. Li, long time no see."

"Mr. Zhao also came to join in the fun?" Duan Ping showed a smile and made a gesture to sit down.

The three of them sat down. Zhao Danyan raised his glasses, saw Huang's International across the road, and replied with a smile: "I'm still a step slow, Mr. Duan has a unique vision."

"The person over there has unique vision, I don't dare to be proud of it." Duan Ping pointed out the French window.

Zhao Danyan shook his head: "They are not unique, they are man-made. With inside information, it is difficult not to make money."

Duan Ping also feels the same way. The Dalian Exchange and the ore-Huayuan system behind it are indeed man-made trends.

Relying on its own technological advantages, the Suiren Department has forced itself to seize the food in the strong field of international capital giants. The Suiren Department can choose when to take action, and can naturally rely on this foresight to win the fattest meat.

Just like when the Dalian Exchange was founded, no one expected the strong rise of the ore-Huayuan.

The Suiren Department has acquired many hotels, office buildings and land parcels in Dalian, making at least ten times the profit.

In this merger and acquisition case, Huang's International made a profit of more than 3 billion yuan from the sale of tradable shares alone. Others had to pay for mergers and acquisitions, but they made money through mergers and acquisitions. No one would believe it if they told it.

"Mr. Zhao, what are your plans?"

Zhao Danyan did not hide it, and went straight to the point: "The pattern of ore Huayuan and petroleum rice dollars has basically been formed. I believe Mr. Duan has also seen the opportunities in Dalian."

Duan Ping, with bright eyes, nodded: "Indeed, at least until the technical advantage of the Suiren system is not broken, the Ore Exchange will be very strong."

"I want to speculate on helium gas. I wonder if Mr. Duan is interested?"

Duan Ping frowned: "Helium?"

Immediately I realized that many domestic mineral resources are currently self-sufficient, and we can also rely on technological advantages to crush the same type of minerals abroad.

Only helium is a monopoly mineral in the United States.

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