The rise of nanometers

Chapter 110 Glass Disc

After Huang Xiuyuan came to Shandong Province, he participated in part of the scientific research work of the headquarters through internal emails.

With Lu Xuedong in the scientific research department, at least he doesn't need to worry about many things.

Similarly, Lin Baijie and Huang Weichang are always keeping an eye on the company's operations. In fact, his job is mainly in making major decisions.

I read the scientific research briefing sent by Lu Xuedong.

He rubbed his slightly sprouted stubble and wrote down some suggestions and related research and development directions from time to time.

At present, the technology tree of Suiren Company can be divided into several cores, namely the nanomaterial synthesis technology of the polygonal silicon oxide family, the recycling technology derived from six-cone spherical oxygen, the organic polymer decomposition technology of nitrogen 16 molecules, and the silicon 9 Molecularly derived silicon nanotechnology.

Among them, polygonal silicon oxide is the core of the core.

The mass production of various nanowires has in turn promoted the development of nanowire semiconductor technology. If the precision level of the chip is not required, which must reach about 20 nanometers, Suiren Company will soon be able to come up with a chip production line.

Although the current precision of nanowire textile machines can reach around 20 nanometers, the problem is that the production speed is too impressive.

Industrial production can already be achieved at the second-best 40-nanometer level, but Huang Xiuyuan did not agree to production because chips of this level are not enough to compete with Intel, Samsung, and TSMC.

We must know that the chip technology in developed countries reached 40 nanometers in 2006 and will be upgraded to 32 nanometers next year. Commercial fin transistors were launched in 2011, 22 nanometer technology was launched in 2012, 14 nanometer technology was developed in 2014, and in 2016 Entering the 10nm stage.

Huang Xiuyuan looked at the research and development schedule. Currently, a 20-nanometer-level nanowire spinning machine will take about 138 to 167 days to spin 10 billion transistors.

This processing time is too long. The speed must be increased to 10 billion transistors and completed within 50 days before large-scale mass production can be initially achieved.

However, Huang Xiuyuan has issued instructions to use the 40nm process on a small scale to try to design some simple chips, such as electrical control chips and temperature control chips. These single-function industrial accessory chips can be produced using the 40nm process without any problems. .

After all, at this stage, foreign high-end CPUs, GPUs, etc. are still using 40-nanometer processes, and most industrial chips such as electronic control chips use 64-80 nanometer processes.

Even if these chips cannot be put on the market in a short period of time, they can still be used for your own use. Anyway, Suiren Company has many subsidiaries. As the intelligent era approaches, the demand for these professional industrial chips will also increase. huge.

By improving the chip design process while using it internally, we lay the foundation for the future.

After looking at the progress of nanowire semiconductors, Huang Xiuyuan looked at the next project.

"Glass memory?" He was a little surprised. This was a research and development project applied for by a researcher at the Semiconductor Laboratory.

This researcher named Miao Guozhong designed a special glass memory. The core technology of this glass lies in the isomers of silicon 9 molecules - iso-silicon 9 molecules.

Unlike the ortho-silicon 9 molecules that form silicon nano-coatings, the hetero-silicon 9 molecules themselves will turn into silicon 6 molecules and three separate silicon atoms under UV laser irradiation.

Different silicon 9 and silicon 6 have different light reflections. Different silicon 9 prefers to reflect the blue light frequency band, while silicon 6 prefers to reflect the yellow light frequency band.

In this way, the heterosilicon 9 can be changed by laser to form two kinds of reflective light spots to achieve the inscription of information.

According to the experimental data of Miao Guozhong's team, they can currently achieve 86G of data storage in an area of ​​1 square centimeter in the laboratory.

Since it is compounded inside the glass, there will be no data loss even if it is stored for thousands of years. If coupled with silicon nano-coating, it will be difficult for external forces to damage the glass memory.

The only disadvantage is that after burning data, the glass memory is basically unmodifiable, which means that the glass memory is disposable. When all storage points are burned, data can no longer be stored.

Huang Xiuyuan looked through the detailed test data and discovered another problem, that is, the reading speed requires the cooperation of a light projector and a photosensitive decoder. Although it is faster than ordinary disks and tapes, it is slower than flash memory (U disk). ), somewhere in between.

However, he saw the potential of glass discs, at least in cold backup, to replace the current tape discs.

The so-called cold backup refers to data that needs to be stored for a long time, such as user information of banks, data storage of official organizations, book contents of museums, information storage of large Internet companies, or disaster backup.

Cold backup is required in these fields. To meet the storage conditions of cold backup, it must have several characteristics. First, it has a huge storage capacity, second, it has a long shelf life, and third, it has good stability.

Currently, in these fields, tape reels are used to store information. The tape reels are the common audio tape reels in the past. The two are the same technology.

For example, the Time Information database is equipped with two huge tape storage libraries specifically used for backup to ensure that all information will not be lost.

Although the service life of tape disks is generally around 20 to 30 years, the longest can reach 50 years, which is an order of magnitude higher than the 3 to 5 years of magnetic disks.

However, the effective storage period of glass optical discs starts at a thousand years, because the degradation time of glass buried underground may take about 1 million to 2 million years.

If the warehouse where the glass discs are stored can maintain constant temperature and humidity for a long time without being exposed to the external environment, the data points inside the glass discs can be maintained for tens of thousands of years without any problem.

If reversible reading and writing can be overcome, glass optical discs can even replace mechanical hard drives and part of the semiconductor memory market.

According to the calculations of Miao Guozhong's team, the current data points of glass optical discs can be further improved, and the composite density of data points can theoretically be increased to the limit of 0.5 nanometers.

In theory, 400 trillion data points can be arranged in an area of ​​1 square centimeter. Each data point can be represented by yellow light as 0 and blue light as 1.

Usually in computers, 1 byte (B) is composed of 8 binary numbers, 1KB = 1024B, 1MB = 1024KB, 1GB = 1024MB, 1TB = 1024GB. These are our common data storage units.

400 trillion data points, converted into GB, is 46,562 GB, or 45.47TB.

This is only an area the size of a finger, and can theoretically store 45.47TB of data capacity, indicating that its potential is huge.

As long as the size of an ordinary optical disc is produced, the storage capacity is definitely not small.

With long-term stable storage, Huang Xiuyuan doesn't know whether it can replace semiconductor storage and flash memory, but replacing magnetic tape disks is already a certainty.

He wrote an email specifically about this technology and sent it to Lu Xuedong at the Lingnan headquarters to increase support for Miao Guozhong's team to develop glass optical discs and supporting technologies.

After flipping through other contents, there were many valuable technical directions, and Huang Xiuyuan gave instructions one by one.

His guidance will help Suiren Company's scientific research work avoid detours, which is very important.

Sometimes in scientific research, direction is crucial. Choosing the wrong direction may lead to a dead end.

Huang Xiuyuan's future memory has a clear technological development route, so it is natural to see whether these projects have the potential to continue.

Thank you for your support (ω`), and thank you to the book friends "Walking Alone for Ten Thousand Years", "So Cute Is Blue Child Paper QAQ", "I Walk Alone in the World 3687", "True Prehistoric Fish", "b401zcl", "Sunny Day One" reward!

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