The fine lunar soil powder continued to be transported inside the equipment, and soon entered the heating stage.

Through the translucent heating chamber, you can see that the temperature inside is slowly rising. Using infrared observation, you can clearly see that there is no place below 100 degrees inside the lunar soil.

The pressure of the heating chamber has always been maintained at a standard atmospheric pressure. During this process, the gases escaping from the lunar soil, whether hydrogen, helium, nitrogen or the like, are directly transmitted out and collected by a pressurized pressure tank. After receiving it, when the gas pressure inside exceeds 20 MPa, it will be sealed, separated, and then replaced with the next pressure tank.

During the gas delivery process, there is a cooling process, and the temperature of the mixed gas will drop to about zero degrees.

At this temperature, the moisture that has turned into water vapor will condense again into relatively pure water, which will be separated and filled in an insulated box.

This water is also distilled water, but it cannot be used directly.

Because on an undefended planet like the moon, countless charged particles directly bombard the unobstructed land, and even many of them will penetrate deep into the lunar soil.

Although high-energy particles and cosmic rays will not change the molecular structure of water, they can change the hydrogen atoms in the water from protium to deuterium, that is, from ordinary water to heavy water.

The amount of heavy water in the natural water on the blue star is only about 0.02%, but on the moon, the water extracted from the ice crystal mixture may be dozens or even hundreds of times higher.

Although water is the source of life, heavy water is not.

For humans and animals, drinking heavy water can even cause death in severe cases.

In heavy water, seeds cannot germinate, plants cannot grow, and fish and microorganisms will die within a few hours in heavy water. On the contrary, light water greatly promotes the cell division and growth of organisms.

Therefore, in order to make good use of the water resources on the moon, heavy water and light water must be separated.

The other is the oxygen in the water. Although oxygen also has three relatively stable isotopes, it does not have much impact on the properties of the water.

The distiller is very efficient. In a short time, it has been filled with more than a dozen pressure tanks weighing about fifty kilograms, as well as water containers with a similar weight. They are loaded on a wheeled truck and also loaded with water. He picked up a piece of distilled compressed material and rushed towards the base.

In a vacuum environment, the wheels of wheeled trucks will not be easily damaged organic matter such as rubber, but a metal titanium alloy honeycomb structure, which is light in weight and has good shock absorption effect. After adding a layer of coating on the surface , the wear resistance has also increased a lot, at least better than the ordinary tires on Blue Star.

Apart from being a little more expensive, there is nothing wrong with this type of tire, and it is especially suitable for the lunar environment.

Although crawler vehicles have better passing performance, their speed is indeed a bit slow. Even though their load-carrying capacity is slightly lower, this type of wheeled vehicle has strong shock absorption capabilities and is most suitable for transporting such pressure tanks.

Yang Qing looked at the robot below, working silently, and came out of the still. The distilled impurities were compressed into one-meter-square blocks, steaming, and piled on the pile on one side.

These things are not waste, but raw materials for further processing.

The place where Yang Qing and the others chose to land did not have obvious mineral deposits, or there were no minerals that could be seen at a glance.

After all, even if the several landings by the United States are included, the number of times humans have landed on the moon is less than ten. The lunar satellites are all multi-purpose at a distance of 380,000 kilometers, and it is impossible to specifically survey the moon's mineral deposits. .

Moreover, the content of various minerals in the lunar soil is enough for human development for decades. If it were not for freaks like Yang Qing, I am afraid that it would take at least twenty years for mankind to build the first lunar base.

Soon, the square objects next to it were piled up into a hill, and hot steam rose from the top. It should be that the remaining water vapor inside was evaporating.

Under normal pressure, the water in the lunar soil cannot be completely squeezed out. Once it enters the vacuum, the water will automatically fly out from the surface of the block that has not yet cooled down.

By pressing the switch, Yang Qing's mission was over. The equipment was almost completely automated and did not require outsider participation at all.

The vulnerable part of the equipment is the part that crushes the lunar soil.

The iron content in the lunar soil is very high, and even because of the lunar environment, there is still a lot of elemental iron, which are components that are difficult to crush.

Fortunately, these metal elements will be sorted once before entering the crusher and separated in advance.

So in just a few minutes, a pile of iron ore with an iron content of more than 90% has been separated next to the machine.

It seems that it won't be long before we can use the furnace to refine some of the iron.

Yang Qing took one last look at the simple iron that was sent aside by the conveyor belt, thinking to himself, and then chased the car as it drove away.

In a vacuum environment, it becomes easier to smelt iron or other metal minerals.

Whether it is iron oxide, ferrous sulfide, aluminum oxide, or titanium dioxide, as long as the temperature is increased by heating, the oxide can be decomposed to obtain elemental metals and oxygen.

The metal obtained in this way is extremely pure and sometimes even has to be doped.

Especially aluminum, simple aluminum is very soft, and aluminum alloys are generally used in large quantities.

In fact, aluminum is also a metal that is easy to obtain. In Blue Star's geological reserves, aluminum ranks third, second only to oxygen and silicon, and is the most abundant metal element.

According to the theory that the moon and the blue star have the same origin, the aluminum content on the moon will also be extremely high.

Especially in a vacuum environment, there is no oxygen, and the active chemical properties of aluminum will not work, so it is the best shell material for various portable base equipment.

However, it is too early to think about this now. The base will have to study the composition of the lunar soil before deciding on the corresponding processing method.

If the iron content is high, iron will be the main component. In pure iron, the carbon content will be increased to turn it into various steels.

The only drawback is that steel cannot work properly at temperatures that are too low and is prone to cold brittleness.

The temperature of the moon can even be as low as more than 200 degrees below zero, so he still needs to find a suitable alloy formula so that steel can still have most of its properties at low temperatures.

This temperature is also a severe test for aluminum alloys and titanium alloys. After all, there is no such ultra-low temperature application environment on Blue Star.

And on the moon, the temperature changes very quickly. One second it was a night of more than minus 200 degrees, and the next moment it will be a day with sunlight. The temperature can even soar to more than 100 degrees in a short period of time. Such a temperature Switching, even if it is only once or twice a month, is a test that must be passed.

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