The Rebirth of 88s Begins with a Carpenter

Chapter 69 The market has spoken, we must listen

In a blink of an eye, it is the Laba Festival.

Before dawn, Yang Luoyan got up against the morning light and began to wash the ingredients of Laba porridge.

In previous years, Laba porridge was prepared and delivered by Wu Xiuhua.

When Yang Luoyan heard this, she felt sorry for her husband, so she held back her energy early on and prepared to make Laba porridge by herself.

It is not required to surpass the third sister's craftsmanship, but at least let him experience the warmth of Xiaojia.

But when the ratio of the eight ingredients was cleaned, Yang Luoyan began to compete with himself again.

The same ingredients, no matter how well it is cooked, it is at the level of the third sister.

But my man deserves better Laba porridge!

When he was struggling in his heart, Yang Luoyan's eyes couldn't help falling on the bacon pot that was just marinated yesterday.

Inside is a piece of well-cooked pork and mutton, both sprinkled with a little salt, as long as it is sliced ​​and placed on a plate, it is a very hard cold dish.

It is very convenient to entertain guests for dinner.

So she tried to cut a piece of pork and mutton, carefully cut into diced meat, and tasted it by the way, the taste was just right.

Well, that's them!

When Wu Yuan was woken up by the cries of the two babies, a pot of fragrant Laba porridge was ready.

Lin Miaomiao came out as soon as she smelled the smell of meat, without even having time to comb her hair: "Old man, what's the smell? It smells so good?"

Wu Yuan directly handed the two children to her and said, "I'll go and have a look."

Lin Miaomiao was caught off guard and had no time to evade, so she could only stomp her feet and said, "It's not that he has no legs!"

Looking back, he saw Xiao Jiang stretching out his hand to grab her hair, and immediately begged for mercy: "Young Master, be merciful, please forgive me, auntie, help me..."

Fortunately, Yang Luoyan appeared in time and saved her lock of hair.

In the end, however, Wu Yuan despised her: "Girls are like girls, they can't even coax children, so what will happen when they get married in the future!"

Lin Miaomiao snorted softly: "I want you to take care of it."

But after eating the fragrant and delicious Laba porridge, Lin Miaomiao immediately said, "If I can have such good porridge, who will I marry? I will spend my whole life with my aunt."

Wu Yuan said angrily: "Go aside, this good thing is your turn?"

Yang Luoyan said dotingly: "Okay, even if you eat, you won't be able to stop your mouths."

After saying that, he said to Wu Yuan: "Are you going to the county today? Then I'll get a box of Laba porridge, and you bring it to the eldest sister. She doesn't care about her family all day, so she must not have time to cook it."

Wu Yuan nodded.

Lin Miaomiao also raised her hand and said, "Auntie, bring me a box too, and I'll bring it to Baojun to taste."

Wu Yuan looked disgusted: "Daughter-in-law, take a look, this is not out of the cabinet yet, the elbow is turned out."

Yang Luoyan smiled, and said happily: "At that time, I will pack three boxes. Besides Baojun, you can also bring the Mingjun and Lao Liu's share."

County Department Store.

The end of the year is approaching, another busy day.

Yang Chenyu played backwards for more than half an hour as usual, but he forgot that today is Laba, and he couldn't wait for Ma Changshan's fake Laba porridge, so he came to work on an empty stomach.

Although I bought fried dough sticks and soy milk on the street to make up for it, but when I got busy, how could the breakfast be enough to last until lunch?

Half past nine.

Half an hour after opening the door, Yang Chenyu ordered a Simmons bed and a modular sofa.

For such a record, she has no worries.

Until Wu Yuan appeared at the stairs carrying a lunch box.

Yang Chenyu immediately went forward enthusiastically and said, "Hey, my big boss, you finally think about the small business here."

Wu Yuan stuffed the still warm lunch box into his hand and said, "I can't even wake up if I don't want to. I've been waiting for you to report the data to me, and I haven't seen anything for a week."

Yang Chenyu giggled, this was indeed her trick: "Seeing is believing!"

Immediately, he tried to open the lunch box and said, "What is this?"

"Laba porridge, Luoyan brought it for you."

As soon as the words were finished, the lunch box was opened, Yang Chenyu looked at the Laba porridge full of dry goods, and his mouth immediately filled with saliva.

When talking, there was a sound of stirring water: "You... how do you know that I didn't have enough for breakfast?"

"Then I'll eat first." After Yang Chenyu finished speaking, she immediately hid behind the counter.

Wu Yuan took out the ledger at the counter and looked through it.

After a week, 7 sets of two modular sofas have just been ordered.

Among them, there are 2 sets of down type and 5 sets of pull type.

This result seems self-evident.

Yang Chenyu said while eating: "There is a customer among the 5 sets, and he actually wants the one without the folding function."

Even so, the pull-out style beats the tip-down style by a 4:2 advantage.

Wu Yuan closed the ledger and ordered: "If you come again, please don't introduce the tip-down ones, and always push the pull-out ones."

Yang Chenyu chewed the diced meat with relish: "Okay, you are the boss, you have the final say."

When the county department store left, the Wanbao refrigerator downstairs was cutting prices to reward guests.

As someone who has experienced it, Wu Yuan knew that the fall of Wanbao Refrigerator was not a light one, and it was completely over.

Soon to be swept into the dustbin of history.

No matter how capable Deng Shaosen was, he was powerless against the background of planning and market competition for power and profit.

Therefore, Wu Yuan became more and more determined that Xingwang Furniture Factory must have the final say by himself.

Even if this road goes up, it may not be so smooth.

It has been almost a month since the application procedures for township enterprises were handed in, and there is still no news.

If it drags on, I'm afraid it will be enough years ago.

However, this matter is supervised by the third brother-in-law Xiong Gang and the old party secretary. The current news is that they can only wait patiently.

Fortunately, the factory model can still cope with the scale of orders today.

When Wu Yuan returned to the factory, it was settled that the pull-out sectional sofa was included in the processing list.

When the market speaks, we must listen.

The old generation shook his head and muttered: "People these days have really bad taste, isn't it simple and easy to use?"

But complaints belong to complaints.

In fact, this has little effect on the workload of the masters.

Anyway, it's all piecework processing, so you don't need to think too much about it according to the drawings.

In addition, there is one less style, and the processing process is simplified, and the more practice makes perfect.

The only small trouble is that the 2 sets of tipping poses that have been ordered are still to be done.

Wu Yuan arranged the work, and asked the three apprentices to send the allocated semi-finished product sizes and samples to the workshops of Master Zhong and Master Yao.

On the sewing workshop side, sofa covers and sofa covers are also added to the processing list.

Two days later, the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month.

Wu Yuan was at home and received a call from Xiong Gang.

"All the formalities of Xingwang Furniture Factory have been completed."

Hearing this, Wu Yuan was in high spirits: "Great! Third brother-in-law, let's go to Fan's Restaurant to celebrate tonight."

Unexpectedly, Xiong Gang asked: "I think it's best to hold an unveiling ceremony before celebrating. Do you plan to unveil the plaque before the end of the year?"

Wu Yuan thought about it, the matter of unveiling the plaque can be big or small.

But they will choose a good day for auspiciousness.

In this way, there is not much time before the year.

Wu Yuan made a quick decision: "Then it will be unveiled on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, and we will celebrate together then."

"I think it will work."

In the middle of the night, they asked for a monthly ticket, and Yanzu Yifei stretched out their hands and thanked them. See you tomorrow!

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