The police asked me to register, and I was exposed after practicing hard.

Chapter 268 The starting point is the end, and all laws have their origins

The entrance to the transcendent world is located in Tianding Mountain, but this entrance is not accessible to anyone who wants to.

When setting up this entrance, Su Yun also paid attention to setting taboos.

The taboo set is the original gene that remains in the human body. Only people on earth can enter this taboo. In addition, even aliens with powerful technology can only stay away.

Zhao Guofeng followed Su Yun and wandered around the extraordinary world for a while. It was still just a barren land.

As Su Yun said, the transcendent realm has yet to be developed, and this development requires the joint efforts of all practitioners.

However, in the process, Zhao Guofeng once again witnessed the miracles performed by Su Yun.

He endowed this transcendent world with ever-changing changes, and also gave all things the inevitable process of becoming, dwelling, and becoming empty.

But all this is only temporary. As people gradually adapt to the supernatural world and develop it, the laws here will definitely be different from those on earth.

For example, the passage of time here will slow down. In this way, the practitioners will be able to increase their life span after reaching a higher realm.

In a relatively slow time, people can also achieve a more eternal life span.

The reason why this was not done right away is because for the human order, this still requires a process.

In addition, there are other laws that seem to be eternal on the earth, but they will also change in the supernatural world.

But in order to give everyone a gradual adaptation process and give time for order to be re-established, Su Yun was not in a hurry to do so.

The moment Su Yun took Zhao Guofeng away from the supernatural world, Zhao Guofeng hurriedly said goodbye to Su Yun.

He rushed back to the capital as soon as possible. Naturally, he had to report such a big matter to Feng Jiwen as soon as possible.

"Supernatural world?"

Feng Jiwen's eyes widened and he was a little shocked by the news.

He also saw Su Yun's shocking behavior not long ago through satellite images, but no matter what, he never expected that Su Yun actually opened up an independent space on the earth.

Zhao Guofeng handed the compiled documents to Feng Jiwen and explained carefully:

"Chief, according to Daozu, this practice world will double in size every year, and it is expected that it will completely cover the entire earth in 50 years.

This will also mean that in 50 years the earth will complete its dimensionality increase, and humans will move from three-dimensional creatures to higher-dimensional existences.

This kind of evolution across dimensions does not exist in human science.

So Taozu gave me an example. He said that the earth at that time will become the original land.

The original land is like the fairyland in our legend. All practitioners in the original land will be ancestral gods, creatures that are the source of myths in the eyes of future generations. "

Feng Jiwen's eyes widened and he looked up at Zhao Guofeng and was stunned for a long time.

This news was quite shocking to him.

While heads of state around the world were worried about the future of mankind, Su Yun single-handedly created an unprecedented future.

This news undoubtedly gave Feng Jiwen confidence.

As long as they can survive the crisis of the arrival of the alien army in a few years, the earth will no longer have to worry about similar crises appearing again.

The transcendent realm is the best feasible route for mankind in the future.

And because of the existence of the transcendent realm, practice can not only be limited to Daxia people, but people from all over the world can step into it and practice practice.

Of course, this is also a matter of the future. After all, the current extraordinary world is only the size of a city and can accommodate a limited number of people, so it naturally needs to be used more rationally.

Therefore, Feng Jiwen took Zhao Guofeng and quickly organized a meeting in the capital. Directors of the Wen Dao Bureau from various cities came to participate in the meeting.

Considering that the issues discussed in this meeting involved the supernatural world, Feng Jiwen personally called Su Yun and invited him to participate in the meeting.

But Su Yun did not agree to this, and just listed the things they wanted to discuss on the phone.

Considering that Su Yun was an expert outside the world after all, Feng Jiwen did not force it, but carefully recorded every issue Su Yun mentioned.

In the conference room, the directors of the Wen Dao Bureau in each city looked seriously at the documents in front of them. Naturally, the documents mentioned in the documents were Su Yun's single-handedly opening up the world of spiritual practice.

The entire conference room was silent. It was not until a moment later that Feng Jiwen took the lead and said:

"Everyone, as you can see, Dao Ancestor has opened up an independent space in Tianding Mountain.

This space is called the Extraordinary World, commonly known as the Cultivation World. In the future, it will be the Immortal Realm. There is plenty of extraordinary aura in it. What is even more rare is that all the laws and orders in it can change depending on the stage of human beings.

This means that all practitioners in the extraordinary world have unlimited possibilities. As the extraordinary world gradually becomes one with the earth, the entire earth will also complete the most important dimensional change.

This kind of thing is completely beyond our scientific understanding, so it cannot be viewed with scientific concepts.

All we currently know is the definition of dimensional space in science. "

While talking, Feng Jiwen glanced at Zhao Guofeng. Zhao Guofeng quickly stood up and walked to the whiteboard directly in front of the meeting.

"Zero dimension, in science we think of it as a point without any direction. It is the smallest unit that we can understand the dimensions of."

While talking, Zhao Guofeng clicked a black dot on the whiteboard, and then drew a straight line on the black dot:

"Countless zero dimensions make up one dimension. It is made up of countless zero-dimensional points, which also gives it the meaning of its unique length and direction."

Then Zhao Guofeng drew many long-term processes next to this long line, forming a black rectangle:

"Two dimensions is this surface. Imagine that a straight line in one dimension only has one direction.

In fact, we all know that there are countless such directions. As long as we are willing, we can connect any two zero-dimensional points, and we can get any straight line and direction.

The space composed of all straight lines is called a plane, which is two-dimensional. At this time, the two-dimensional space has length and width. "

Zhao Guofeng extended a frame on the black rectangle, making it look three-dimensional:

"What we are in now is a three-dimensional space. Countless straight lines can form countless planes. At this time, the space composed of these countless planes is a three-dimensional space. The three-dimensional space at this time has length, width and height, that is The space where we understand best.”

Having said this, Zhao Guofeng paused for a moment, looked back at everyone present and said:

"The following theory is a mathematical model scientifically established in the early years. It is currently our only standard for evaluating the extraordinary world."

Zhao Guofeng did not continue to draw the model on the whiteboard as he did just now, because the next dimensional space could no longer be expressed simply through patterns.

“Four-dimensional space refers to three-dimensional space plus one dimension of time, and it is also the lowest dimension that constitutes our real world.

In fact, our real world is composed of four-dimensional space and time. In addition, we cannot detect higher dimensions. Space and time in four-dimensional space and time are intertwined and indispensable. They are continuous and have some connection with each other. "

“Five-dimensional space-time means that four-dimensional space-time has an additional time Y dimension.

That is to say, if we regard the time of the four-dimensional space-time as the x-dimension, the five-dimensional space has the two-dimensional time X and Y dimensions.

You may not understand this, but if you mention the plane time dimension, you should understand what it means.

There are multiple parallel time and spaces in our space, and this x dimension represents the time in the past and future.

We who are born in four-dimensional time and space cannot observe the past and future of x-dimensional space. We can only perceive the passage of time.

But a living body in the five-dimensional space and time can observe all the processes of a person from birth to death, that is, the past and the future.

The extra Y dimension represents possibility. You can imagine it as a parallel world, a process of all possibilities for a person from birth to death. "

Having said this, Zhao Guofeng took a sip of water, then looked at everyone seriously and said:

"Actually, in this 5-dimensional space-time, it feels almost like the fairyland mentioned in our legends and myths.

In myths and legends since ancient times, gods have always been able to know the infinite possibilities of the past and the future, and with extremely high wisdom, maintain the development of world order amidst these infinite possibilities.

Just imagine, if we are also in the five-dimensional space and time, what is the difference between us and the gods?

But this is only a five-dimensional space-time. According to Daozu, the transcendent world may eventually become a ten-dimensional space-time.

So you may not have any idea, so let’s continue talking about six-dimensional space. "

Everyone present looked at Zhao Guofeng seriously. This news was really too shocking for them.

In short, six-dimensional space-time means having three-dimensional time.

In addition to the above-mentioned X dimension and Y dimension, there is also an additional Z dimension.

The X dimension represents the past and the future, the Y dimension represents different parallel worlds, and the Z dimension represents the past and future of any parallel world.

In other words, people who have reached six-dimensional time and space have the ability to control time.

Just like a person watching a video, a living being in six-dimensional space and time can not only drag the video progress bar back and forth, but also speed up or slow down the video playback speed.

People who reach this dimension are no different from gods, or even above the legendary gods.

The seven-dimensional space-time has the ability to change space on the original basis, and the life in the eight-dimensional space has the ability to travel through parallel worlds and universes with different physical rules.

Beings in nine-dimensional space and time have the ability to create universes with different physical rules.

The ten-dimensional space returns to the root, to the very beginning, representing all time, all space, and so on.

In the world of spiritual practice, Su Yun has mentioned a sentence many times, called the origin of the great road.

Everything in the world has an inevitable direction of development, but in the end it will definitely return to its origins, back to the original beginning.

The zero dimension is a point, and the tenth dimension is also a point. It seems to have nothing, but in fact it includes everything.

The existence of the entire universe exploded from the zero-dimensional starting point, and the final end is also the initial starting point.

The final extraordinary world will be such an existence, but that is already a very long time ago, and now it is only used as a concept to let everyone know the inevitable development direction of the extraordinary world.

Not to mention the nine and ten dimensions, the current human beings, even if they can only step into the four-dimensional space, is already an achievement that can be recorded in the annals of history for all mankind.

Because Su Yun and the others have this hope, how can this make everyone here not feel excited?

50 years is actually just a drop in the ocean for human civilization.

They can use these 50 years to win an infinite possible future for mankind, and no one would hesitate in their place.

After making this clear, Zhao Guofeng returned to his position, and the right to speak once again fell to Feng Jiwen:

"Everyone, now you should understand how important the extraordinary world is to us, right?

Humanity is entering a qualitatively changing future, but only if we work extra hard for it.

Before the meeting, I had discussed with Daozu about the Transcendent Realm. The Transcendent Realm is currently just a barren and desolate place, so a group of practitioners need to be sent into the Transcendent Realm to open up.

Just like our ancestors made changes to the earth, we must also change the supernatural world one by one.

In addition, elite practitioners are quickly selected in each dojo. After completing the basic construction, they immediately enter the extraordinary world to practice.

We still have a tough battle to fight next, so we must improve the strength of the practitioners as quickly as possible.

The extraordinary world expands every year, so we select new practitioners every year to enter the extraordinary world to practice.

Currently, various countries are busy building underground cities, so we have to deal with the construction of the extraordinary world ourselves.

The war will come in 7 years. Ordinary people need a hiding place, so the establishment of underground cities is necessary.

Not to mention the importance of the construction of the extraordinary world, which is related to the future of all human beings and even the entire earth seven years from now.

We will eventually change the known universe, we will eventually set foot in unknown lands, and we will eventually light up the sky! "

As Feng Jiwen finished his last words, all the directors of the Hearing and Dao Bureau present stood up and said in unison:

"Don't worry, Chief, and please don't worry Daozu, we will definitely complete the mission!"

After the meeting dispersed, the directors of the Wen Dao Bureau went to the dojos under their respective jurisdictions and spent several days explaining the existence of the transcendent world to all the practitioners.

For these practitioners, it is easier to accept this.

In their view, this is just like the otherworldly place mentioned in Peach Blossom Spring.

This is a paradise on earth, and it is enough to rest on the entire future.

Therefore, various dojos soon began to conduct the most basic selections. First, a group of teams for building the extraordinary world were heading to Tianding Mountain from all directions... (End of this chapter)

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