Di Jiang sighed, and endless changes appeared on his body. The dimensions of the space around him rose desperately, but when he reached the second thousandth dimension, it stopped abruptly.

The ancestral witches inevitably have some qualities that are lacking.

Di Jiang is the ancestral shaman of space, but based on the laws of space, he has understood the way of dimension that is unique to him.

Once he completes the three thousand dimensions, he becomes the god of dimensions, the master of dimensions, and becomes an enlightened person.

But now, he has only taken half the journey, and he is still far away from becoming enlightened.

Hou Tu could not help but be disappointed.

If the twelve ancestral witches can all become enlightened and form the Twelve Divine Evil Capital Heaven Formation, they may be able to reorganize Pangu's true body and fight against Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Next, the ancestral witches discussed joining the Shenzhou Immortal Alliance.

Chapter 177 The Gate of Eternal Life

King Pan looked at the prosperous and colorful world of China, and felt extremely at ease.

This is a world he created with his own hands, a world that is completely his own and has infinite possibilities.

No matter how good or powerful the ancient world is, it is not his. He has no intention of eating the leftovers left by Pangu, nor does he have the intention to seize other people's Taoist fruits. Your own is the most perfect.

Forty-three innate sacred things and nine innate spiritual treasures!

King Pan saw the future of the Chinese world.

"It's not enough! Only the big world is the real world. Only the big world has the hope of cultivating the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal."

He took a deep breath, not satisfied with his current achievements.

In the world of chaos and in the future, there are still higher realms waiting for him to climb. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not the end, but the starting point of another path of seeking the Tao.

Zhulong, Yang Mei, and Hongjun had already set off, and for a time they were walking in front of King Pan. What he should do is to catch up instead of being complacent and standing still.

After thinking about it, King Pan's mind moved and he started to communicate with the World Tree.

In order for the Perfect World to be promoted to the Great World, the most important thing is to have the support of the core avenue of the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. Only the incredible power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can make a big world have a carrying capacity that far exceeds that of a perfect world.

However, the situation in Shenzhou World is a bit special.

Because of the existence of the World Tree, even if the Shenzhou World does not have the support of King Pan's pioneering path, as long as the World Tree proves Hunyuan, the Shenzhou World will automatically be promoted to the Great World.

By advancing in this way, the potential of the Divine World will be endless. In the future, it may become the first eternal world.

However, there are two problems at the moment.

First, the system of World Tree cultivation is also within the scope of the Tao and Fruit Avenue, and it requires destroying the Tao and Fruit by itself just like King Pan.

Second, the World Tree proves Hunyuan.

The first question is not very difficult. With King Pan around, the World Tree will be able to block the backlash from the prehistoric world.

For the second problem, King Pan had no solution.

No one can help other beings to be promoted to Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, not even Pangu.

What King Pan can do is to teach his own enlightenment to the World Tree, so that the World Tree can understand and realize the Dao on its own.

After receiving the instruction from King Pan, the spiritual light on the World Tree converged, and its Taoist charm dimmed. It seemed that it had entered deep seclusion.

With the retreat of the World Tree, the explosive growth rate of the World Tree suddenly stopped and stopped growing.

Looking at the World Tree, King Pan could only send out blessings one after another, blessing the World Tree, providing it with the best external environment, and waiting for the transformation of the World Tree.

For countless years, the World Tree has been in charge of the world and maintained the rules of the world. Now, the World Tree is silent, and King Pan has no choice but to become a knight and do it himself.

With a thought in his mind, a divine will separated and prepared to manage the affairs of heaven and earth.

At this moment, a situation happened that even he did not expect.

After the World Tree retreated, another will awakened, and a power that was both familiar and unfamiliar instantly radiated to all the heavens and worlds, and began to take charge of the world of China.

"That is"

King Pan's expression moved as he landed on an innate spiritual embryo with a portal-like outline.

That innate spiritual embryo turned out to be an innate immortal spiritual light. King Pan used the will of all living beings to support it for countless years before it grew into its embryonic form. When the Divine World was going through the catastrophe of the world, it absorbed the fake Heavenly Way created by King Pan, and had the hope of becoming the Divine Artifact of the Divine Way in the Divine World.

As the innate spiritual embryo takes over the world of China, bright and gorgeous light emanates from the inner portal, endless mysteries, and the laws of the three thousand avenues surge crazily.

King Pan moved his hand, and a boundless force fell on the outside of the innate spiritual embryo, blocking the explosion of its power.

Sure enough, the next moment.

The innate spiritual embryo exploded!


A huge portal breaks the shackles and condenses illusion into reality. It suppresses time and space, it eliminates cause and effect, and it dominates destiny. Golden avenues fly out from its interior, dancing like a giant dragon.

It has actually cultivated the three thousand laws into the Great Way, and possesses the Three Thousand Great Ways. Its power seems to surpass King Pan before he attained enlightenment, surpass the White Tiger Sacred Beast, and surpass all the enlightened persons. Even if Xuanmen captures nine perfect worlds, it will definitely not be the opponent of this portal.

However, it has not yet reached the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian no longer controls the avenue, but creates the avenue and enslaves the avenue. It is a completely different kind of existence.

This portal is extremely huge, and its form is filled with the aura of immortality and immortality.

King Pan saw that inside it, a huge cosmic community was actually formed, the immeasurable Hengsha, the number was astonishing, and it contained infinite multiverses.

It seems to completely imitate the world of China. There is a supreme heaven and three thousand universes. Within those worlds, civilizations have flourished.

"Buzz buzz!"

The portal trembled slightly, and a sacred tune emanated from the portal.

This sound spanned time and space, surpassing everything else. Immediately, countless little people appeared in the void, laughing, singing, and surrounding the portal.

Those villains looked very inconspicuous, but the aura on their bodies was all in the quasi-sacred realm. If Ran Deng Taoist saw him running down the street, he would probably hide his face in shame and run away.

"eternal life!"

"eternal life!"

"eternal life!"

In an instant, King Pan understood the meaning of the song.

Those infinite non-cyclic tunes are actually repeating the word eternal life.

"The divine weapon of heaven in my world of China is the door to eternal life!"

King Pan's expression was strange, this kind of thing was not in his calculations. However, perhaps he deliberately avoided this possibility.

He could see extremely clearly that the Gate of Eternal Life, like the World Tree, was integrated with the world origin of the Chinese world, and their levels depended on the level of the Chinese world.

While his mind was turning, King Pan made a move, and the door of eternal life, which was so huge that it covered the infinite universe, fell into his hands. It was extremely gentle, and at the end, it even beat affectionately to show his goodwill to King Pan.

The Gate of Eternal Life is very obedient and knows who its owner is.

Holding the Door of Eternal Life in his hands, King Pan looked at it carefully, and the more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became.

Originally, after he attained Hunyuan, he had no more useful treasures.

The level of the innate treasure is too low to be helpful to enlightened people, but to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it is an extremely ordinary treasure.

Above the innate treasure is the Hunyuan treasure, which is a treasure on the same level as the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

Ancestor Hongjun is actually a Hunyuan treasure.

Naturally, the Gate of Eternal Life is not yet a Hunyuan treasure, but when the world of China becomes the Great World of China, King Pan will have one more Hunyuan treasure.

Chapter 178 Recalling the Woad


King Pan, who was looking inside the Gate of Eternal Life, suddenly let out a sound of surprise. He found an acquaintance in the inner world of the Gate of Eternal Life.

The devil of freedom!

Time passed so long that King Pan almost forgot that he had sent the six demons into reincarnation. If he hadn't seen the Demon of Freedom, he would never have thought of this person.

During the infinite reincarnation of this demon, something went wrong. He was sucked in by the door of eternal life and reincarnated inside.

In the eternal heaven, King Pan saw a monk in golden clothes and bare feet, hanging rosary beads, knocking on wooden fish, and walking on the earth with the Buddha's light above his head.

The demon of freedom turned out to be a member of the Buddhist sect.

"Buddha and demon are originally one body, and good and evil are one family. This statement is true!"

King Pan smiled slightly and stopped paying attention to the Demon of Freedom.

Zi Zi Tian Mo has been reincarnated tens of thousands of times, and the consciousness belonging to Tian Mo is almost diluted. Moreover, he fell into the gate of eternal life, and it is impossible to turn around.

He was about to release the Gate of Eternal Life into the void, but he thought that the world inside the Gate of Eternal Life could also be used as a testing ground. It would be a waste to ignore it.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, three thousand avenues sang in unison, and the infinite rhyme of the avenues gathered in the palm of his hand, condensing into a large pen.

Swish, brush, brush!

He looked solemn, waved his big pen, and wrote each word in the void.

: "Yin", "Yang", "Tail", "Holy", "Xu", "Swallow", "Gold", "Water"

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