The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 70 He is, Qilin

The prison van whizzed by in the night, like a snake piercing through the darkness.

This prison car was provided by the association. The engine was made with the latest technology. Although it looked bulky, it was fast enough to rival a supercar. Functional intelligent system.

Sitting in the driver's seat, holding the steering wheel in his hand, Li Xun said with some concern: "Brother Feng, after this operation, you should believe me, right? My brother has fallen, but I won't fall. My talent is better than his. Be nice."

Yan Feng lay comfortably on the passenger seat, and said lightly: "Drive your car, since you choose to do things for us, your benefits will be indispensable, do you understand?"

Li Xun fell silent, driving the car intently.

The rest of the young investigators smiled at each other.

In the Ethereal Association, once someone's relatives have fallen, it will become this cautious look.

Of course, the specifics also depend on what the relatives did before they fell.

Li Xun's younger brother died in Daxu's hands as soon as he fell, but he didn't have time to harm anyone.

The main reason is that Li Xun is the path of the gods.

And his talent is not enough to control this path, so he will be looked down upon.

"Shut up."

Zhang Shiheng sat in the back, panting heavily, and said in a cold voice: "Turn on the alchemy gas!"

The two vice-captains, Zhao Zhi and Li Chengtian, looked at each other, nodded and said, "That's right, for the sake of caution, the alchemy gas should indeed be turned on. There is a fourth-level ancient martial artist in this group..."

Even if it has been crippled and its limbs are broken, it still poses a threat.

If there is a sudden distortion, something will happen.

Especially these three people, who were extremely seriously injured, can no longer change.

"Makes sense."

Yan Feng nodded slightly, and directly pressed the button on the car screen.


There was a violent collision sound from the rear compartment, as well as the shaking of the iron chain and the sound of smashing the iron cage.

Finally, under the action of gas, it gradually disappeared.

"Nine in total."

Yan Feng looked at the faint life fluctuations displayed on the screen, and said with a sneer, "I won't be able to die for a while. After meeting my brother later, it should be enough for interrogation."

"Yes, the son of the fallen must be made to pay the price."

An investigator was quite upset and said: "Collude with unclean people and make us enemies?"

"If this kind of person is allowed to join the Omega sequence, then I would rather quit the association."

said another investigator.

At this time, there was a faint mist in the darkness, accompanied by faint, strange whispers.

Li Xun's expression changed: "Did you hear anything?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay: "No, what's the sound?"

Yan Feng turned cold: "Li Xun, I warn you, don't play any tricks."

Li Xun stared at the road in front of him, and said anxiously: "No, I didn't! I really heard something just now! Where is the captain? The captain said something!"

Zhang Shiheng was seriously injured, and was already lying on the back seat, with his eyes closed, and he was asleep.

Only the two vice-captains with minor injuries were still awake.

"I also seemed to hear laughter just now, so it couldn't be Daxu coming, could it?"

Zhao Zhi looked down at his watch, frowned and said, "It's not past midnight yet."

Li Chengtian lowered his head and bandaged the wound on his chest, and said casually: "I see that you are nervous, although this is a forbidden area, but the support from the association is coming soon. There is Mr. Chen, and Minister Lu, what is there to be afraid of? As for the fallen ones behind, they are already half dead."

Yan Feng sneered: "Yes, you are all too nervous, Mr. Chen is in the seventh-level sanctuary, Minister Lu is in the sixth level, and my Yan family, and even Jianzhong, even if an ancient god below the ancestor level comes , so what?"

That's right, everyone is too nervous.

However, at this moment, a snowflake screen suddenly flickered on the car screen, and there was a buzzing sound of electricity!

Everyone's complexion changed, and they suddenly found that the communication with the outside world was interrupted!

Li Xun suddenly let out a strange cry, because he saw countless silver-white chains in the darkness. They were criss-crossed in mid-air, as if they had formed some kind of boundary!

"What the hell! Look, what the hell is that! I'm not lying!"

The bright headlights illuminated a ghostly shadow that suddenly appeared on the road!

In the darkness, the golden vertical pupils seemed to be on fire!

Everyone saw that weird ghost, and they were horrified.

"Run over!"

Someone exclaimed.


Frightened, Li Xun stepped on the accelerator to the maximum without hesitation.

This steel prison car, like a beast breaking free from its restraints, roared and rushed over!

In the darkness, that ghostly black figure raised his right hand to meet the roaring prison car!


This heavy prison car seemed to have crashed into a big mountain. The solid front of the car suddenly shriveled, and the huge impact swept back along the iron sheet. The body was like a wrinkled rag, shriveled inch by inch. , collapsed!

The whole car tilted forward under the huge inertia, with an angle of seventy degrees.

Then, like an abandoned iron box, it fell heavily to the ground.

The people in the prison car only felt the ground shaking, and some people were hit with bloody heads and dizzy ears.

not only that.

The terrifying coercion was overwhelming, covering them like a black cloud engulfing the world, making people unable to breathe, and their hearts beating wildly.

The headlights of the car flashed away, and there was a majestic and terrifying silhouette.

The first-born noble unicorn horn, the hideous black jade mask with protruding bones, and the black dragon scales open and close.

Those burning golden vertical pupils looked like burning suns.


It was a person bathed in golden flames.

Like a golden demon.

There was a click.

The car door was ripped off abruptly.

In the airbag that popped up, Li Xun struggled to get up, took out the alchemy pistol, and fired wildly!

Bang bang bang!

The bullet seemed to hit the target, but there was a steely bombardment.

Someone stood outside the car door, looking down at him indifferently, letting the bullets hit his body, and remained motionless.

"What the hell!"

Li Xun forcibly transformed into a ghost, and suddenly stretched his hands to the sides. Countless pitch-black particles gathered in his palms, and the majestic negative energy condensed into an invisible black air world, trembling crazily, on the verge of bursting!

This is the path of the gods, the ability of the second-order young commander, the dark shock!

Gather huge negative energy and explode at once!

This kind of dark energy should be huge enough to destroy everything, but because it was forcibly transformed by extraordinary ability, its intensity has changed, and it will not have that kind of devastating effect.


The darkness suddenly exploded, and terrifying shock waves gushed out!

I saw a ferocious and noble black figure abruptly broke through the blast wave, and stretched out its right hand like lightning!

In the state of the ancient god's body, Gu Jianlin turned into a ghost, and he could fight against the dark blast of the second-order young master with pure brute force!


Before Li Xun could see anything clearly, his eyes were pierced blind by sharp nails.

The scream was just stuck in his throat, like the whimper of a wild animal, and he couldn't utter it anymore.

Because of pain.

excruciating pain.

The iron-like hands locked his neck tightly, almost breaking his throat!

"Which foot did you kick that girl just now?"

It was clearly such a calm voice, but it was accompanied by rolling thunder.

Gu Jianlin carried him indifferently, while holding the broken car door with the other hand, the broken cross-section was as sharp as a knife!

With a click, one of Li Xun's legs was suddenly cut off by the sharp car door, and blood was poured like a fountain!

"It's okay not to say."


Another leg was chopped off, the sound of pulling flesh and blood, and the terrifying sound of bones breaking.

Li Xun cried out in pain, frightened like a wild animal.

Gu Jianlin's eyes were indifferent, his golden pupils were burning fiercely, he casually raised a finger, and pierced his chest!

A wisp of ancient god's blood was forcefully squeezed out from the fingertips, permeating the ant's body, smudged.

Li Xun's screams stopped abruptly, as if his whole body was burned by flames, he wailed silently.

Yan Feng, who was sitting in the co-pilot, realized the danger, pushed the door hard, and ran away.

Although he is bad, he is not stupid. He realized the huge crisis and instinctively wanted to flee.

He took out his mobile phone and shouted while running: "Brother! Save me! We are under attack! A monster has attacked us! Brother! Come and save us! Someone is going to kill us!"

In the silence, there was a crackling sound like an explosion.

A burning black shadow was fleeting, and appeared behind him with the sound of cracking the air. The golden light and flames were as brilliant and blazing as the sun, burning the night brightly.

Accompanied by the cracking sound of his shoulder, someone grabbed his left shoulder and couldn't help but groan.

"Which hand did you fan the girl with?"

Gu Jianlin said calmly.

Yan Feng's whole body was full of vigor, and he almost exhausted all the vigor in his body, bursting out bursts of vigor!

With a bang, Gu Jianlin let his strength explode on the hard dragon scales, and the ancient deified body was no longer in the category of human beings.

Rock solid!


Yan Feng was kicked onto the rock wall of the mountain path, and with the violent shock, the gravel rolled down.

Qi and blood surged in his chest, all the sternum was broken, pierced into the internal organs, and he vomited blood.

Even though he was so seriously injured, he still didn't forget to fight back. He tore his clothes with vigor, and his hands suddenly exploded with anger!


Gu Jianlin stepped forward and threw a punch casually!

Amid the shattering roar, the surging energy was blown away by a punch, and the oscillating sound waves caused ripples in the wind and rain.

This punch even hit the rock wall, and countless spider web-like fissures suddenly spread and shattered!

With such terrifying power, Yan Feng only felt the roar of Hong Zhong Da Lu in his ears, and almost fainted.

Gu Jianlin stepped forward, lifted the broken car door in his hand, and slashed it down!

There was a click.

Yan Feng was so painful that his eyes almost went black, and his broken right hand flew into the air, drawing a beautiful arc.

Blood spattered all over his face, and he let out a mournful howl.

"Very well, you have the right to remain silent."

The burning god looked down at him, lifted the broken car door again, and slammed it down!

Along with the gushing blood, Yan Feng's left hand was cut off, and the horrifying sound of flesh and bone being separated was so beautiful.

Gu Jianlin put his hands against his head, and the fire of the god sacrifice burned like the sun.

In just an instant, Yan Feng's eyes were burned into two terrifying black holes.

The great pain, like the most terrifying torture in hell, tortured him.

He lost his strength and rolled to the ground like a wild dog.

Gu Jianlin stepped on his back and bent down indifferently.

There was a click.

Gu Jianlin's right hand pierced the back of his heart, and a streak of golden blood squeezed out from his fingertips and poured into his heart.

A wisp of ancient god's blood entered the blood circulation.

Yan Feng raised his neck and roared in pain, but he couldn't resist at all. The blood of the ancient gods eroded him crazily, and his body structure was destroyed and reshaped.

Gu Jianlin stood up and turned to stare at the prison car.

The investigators in the prison van, including the only captain and two deputy teams, fell into great panic.

The black mist engulfed them, and there were faint ghosts in front of them.

In the darkness, only the blazing golden pupils were burning.

Only Zhang Shiheng, the fourth level of the overlord path, can use the eagle eye to observe the surrounding situation.

Great panic exploded in his mind.

Because he knows one thing clearly.

Li Xun and Yan Feng, these two Tier 2s had almost no ability to resist, so they were instantly killed.

And now, he and the remaining two vice-captains were seriously injured.

"It turns out that you will be afraid too."

Gu Jianlin said softly, "It's ironic."

He paused: "Now is the time for confession."

Zhang Shouheng walked out of the car door, holding the huge iron bow, feeling the coldness and darkness in the black mist, his face was as pale as paper, and the wound on his chest was still oozing blood.

The two injured deputy captains also came out, trembling all over, shaking like chaff.

"Come on, captains."

There was no mercy in Gu Jianlin's eyes.

The darkness is like an abyss, only the golden flame of God's wrath is burning.

The gods in the flames seemed to be overlooking the earth, and their blazing golden vertical pupils were full of indifference.

Accompanied by his whispering voice.

The dark clouds above the sky are roaring, as if there are huge gods looming in the clouds, as if they are about to descend into this world.

The earth trembled and cracked, the ground collapsed, and the road almost broke.

The darkness is boiling, like an abyss.

The fog was roaring.

In the frenzy of darkness and chaos, a terrifying face emerged.

This is an ancient god.

This is the god above the sky.

This is the supreme being among the ancient gods.

he is...


Recess, and more.

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