The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 15 God Division!

The dark palace, the ancient towering sculptures, are illuminated by the blood-red moonlight.

Standing in the darkness, Gu Jianlin felt that he was as small as an ant, looking up at the ancient and great civilization relics.

According to Lu Zicheng, the older the inheritance path, the stronger it is.

So it can be seen that the four most majestic sculptures can basically be distinguished as the inheritance path from the East, the crystallization of countless human sublimators in history, and a path created with fresh life and spiritual will.

As for the other broken sculptures, they can basically be ignored, all of which originated from the West.

There may be ancient ways in the West too, but they are not seen here.

"If nothing else, I didn't travel to the Qilin Fairy Palace with my body this time, but a short time travel with consciousness similar to what Lu Zicheng said." Gu Jianlin reached out to touch himself, but it was like a phantom. Pass through.

I don't know what kind of existence this space is.

At this moment, in addition to finding the murderer who killed his father, he is also a little more curious about this brand new world.

Human beings are naturally curious, and although his character is dull, he is no exception.

Perhaps many people have had such fantasies. When you finish your day's work, you drag your tired body out of the subway station, and when you step out of the corner, you will find a brand new and bizarre new world.

The origin of life, technology and the future, the starry sky and the Milky Way, the unknown and vastness of the universe.

Everything is close at hand.

When Gu Jianlin was thinking wildly, the black unicorn in his mind was always staring at the statue of the priest.

According to his personality, when he used to play games, he liked to play output professions. He took the nannies in the union to download the dungeon, and he was at the front by himself. It was very fulfilling.

The two inheritance paths of Gu Wu and Overlord are the most in line with his wishes.

There is no need to talk about the former.

At the beginning, Lu Zicheng just snapped his fingers, and the terrifying vigor exploded, directly blasting the fallen man's head. That scene was very impactful.

The latter also looks good.

The overlord bows hard...ah no, the overlord draws his bow hard, majestic.

However, following the instinct of the black unicorn in his mind, he still walked towards the most mysterious and eerie sculpture.

On the ancient altar, priests who seemed to come from ancient times sang hymns: "Auspicious days are good for the time, Mu Jiang is happy for the emperor! Caress the long sword and see Yu Er, and sing and sing for Lin Lang..."

Gu Jianlin listened to this ancient ballad, tried to raise his hand, tried to touch the sculpture, and felt the mystery in it.

This path is called, God Division!


The darkness was violently turbulent, the blood-red moonlight was flickering, the ancient statues of sacrifices were crumbling, shocking cracks spread, shaking off the sand and stones pouring down like waterfalls.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Gu Jianlin heard the roar of the unicorn in his mind again.

The sculpture of the ancient priest collapsed, and countless shining substances surged out.

That is spirituality.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but when the sculpture fell to the ground, it seemed to be crawling or kneeling.

As if... bowing down to him!

It was at this moment, as the whispers from the ancient times rang in his ears, an overwhelming illusion appeared in front of his eyes.

There are distorted characters engraved on ancient stone tablets, they seem to come alive, twisted and turned. There are also towering ancient trees, swallowed by pale flames and suddenly withered. There are also corpses that have been resurrected from the dead, with blood-red pupils.

Gu Jianlin seemed to have fallen into nothingness in an instant, the torrent of time was surging backwards, and the vicissitudes of history were rapidly regressing before his eyes. It seemed that he could see the iron horses fighting thousands of years ago, the bloody battlefield, and the mighty king .

Lost history rushes by.

Finally he fell into an altar that looked like a boulder pile.

In the darkness ahead, there is a burning avenue to reach the sky, hidden above the sky.

Indistinct spirits board this road.

Some are the size of a normal person, while others are unusually burly and tall, and some even look like giants.

Looking carefully, it turned out that the surroundings were not dark, but shrouded in shadows.

It was a gigantic object, walking on this road to the sky, blocking all the light!


If Gu Jianlin was here, he would almost be scared to death on the spot.

What the hell is that, how can it be so huge!

For a moment, the altar of the stone pile burned with pale flames.

Gu Jianlin was in it, burned by the pale flames, but couldn't feel the slightest pain.

I even feel very comfortable, as if my soul is sublimating!

As the flames burned, a pale flame imprint appeared between his brows, which was mysterious and profound.

After the pale flame mark was formed, the whole world seemed to lose its color, turning into monotonous black and white.

At this moment, the world is broken.

Gu Jianlin felt the weightlessness of his soul.

At this moment, he had a clear realization that he had completed the selection of the inheritance path and was about to return to reality!

From then on, he is a sublimator!

The path of inheritance is... Shensi!



Gu Jianlin opened his eyes again, and got up as if waking up from a nightmare.

Outside the window is still the majestic and mysterious floating island, entrenched in the clouds and mist like a giant unicorn, and those strange planets orbit around it, and there are only pitch-black shadows under the blood-red moonlight.

The waning moon illuminates the night sky, thick as blood.

The lights were still on in the bedroom, and the time was fixed at midnight.


He breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the sublimation of his body and spirit.

Spirituality fills the brain and flows to the whole body.

"It turns out that when I traveled to the Qilin Fairy Palace, my body was spiritual in the Qilin state, but because I used that syllable, it led to a lack of spirituality. So much so that after I came back, I became extremely hungry."

Gu Jianlin murmured, "That's not physical hunger, but spiritual hunger."

It's like waking up from a long sleep, as if it has been completely reborn, the senses that have been used to it for seventeen years have been subverted, combining the five senses and the sixth sense, adding a seventh change.

For the first time, Gu Jianlin felt the rhythm of life!

The two jujube trees in the yard outside the window, they are well taken care of by their mother, they are so vibrant, as if they can hear the symphony of life, cheerful and melodious in the silent night.

And the green grass in the soil also releases a strong vitality, like a brisk folk tune.

The little black cat jumped up from the wall, skinny and unhealthy, like a melancholy ballad.

Finally, there is the girl in the next bedroom. Even if you can’t see it through a wall, you can still feel her vitality. It’s like a glacier frozen in the arctic wind and snow. It’s cold but full of vitality, like a dignified and elegant piano piece. .

The rhythm of life of all things in the world is close at hand.

Gu Jianlin was extremely convinced at this moment that he had really become a sublimator!

"With a weight of less than eighty catties, I didn't expect it to be quite healthy."

Sitting on the bed, Gu Jianlin realized the first ability of sacrifice.

Life perception!

I have to say that this ability is quite useful. In the future, he will be able to see through whoever is sick in the family.

Don't even have to go to the hospital.

"If this ability is used in conjunction with profiling, wouldn't it have better results?"

Gu Jianlin was full of novelty and decided to experiment with the combination of profiling and life perception.

He closed his eyes, carefully felt the rhythm of life of the girl next door, and savored it carefully.

Su Youzhu should have fallen asleep, the lights next door were turned off, and her breathing was even and quiet.

Gu Jianlin casually picked up the paper and pen on the table, and prepared to sketch the personality portrait.

As the pencil rustles on the paper, it makes a nice sound.

After a while, he opened his eyes and looked at his latest personality portrait in silence.

On that piece of white paper, black and white lines outline a slim and petite figure curled up on the bed in pain.

There were a few drops of blood dripping from her body.


Gu Jianlin looked strange, but it didn't mean that the girl was injured.'s time for menstruation.

He even figured out the time, probably tomorrow night.

Gu Jianlin put his hand on his forehead. He never thought that the first time he used his ability after becoming an Ascendant was to predict such a thing. If it got out, it would probably be regarded as a pervert.

He crumpled up the piece of paper and planned to throw it away, but after thinking about it, he thought it was wrong, so he went out and threw it into the toilet.

Then press the flush button.

Well, it's safe.

At this time, he looked in the mirror and looked at his face.

He knew that he was good-looking, and he was as handsome and handsome in the mirror as ever.

However, I don't know if it's because of becoming a god priest that his temperament has become a bit colder.

Gu Jianlin used the profile again, and the familiar figure in the mirror was like waves, and his appearance changed.

Just for a moment, I was reflected in the mirror wearing a white sacrificial attire, with countless twisted black charms spreading on my body like a tide, as if standing on an ancient giant stone altar, mysterious and evil.

Sure enough, his profile can really analyze the inheritance path of the ascendant!

He raised his right hand, a pale will-o'-the-wisp burning in his palm.

"This flame should also be one of the core abilities of Shensi, but I don't know how to use it. Life perception seems to be a passive ability. As for this flame, it feels like an active ability."

Gu Jianlin murmured to himself, then went back to the room and locked the door.

However, the next moment, a strange scene happened.

I saw that the computer on his desk started up by itself and entered the startup page.

Gu Jianlin was stunned.

This laptop seemed to be controlled remotely. After booting up, it automatically opened a webpage and entered a string of URLs.

"Ding, identity verification passed."

The camera on the laptop flashed a red light, as if watching him.

Gu Jianlin was suddenly very fortunate that he was wearing clothes at this time, not naked.

"Ether Association, reserve investigator, Gu Jianlin."

"Congratulations on completing the soul trial and becoming one of thousands of sublimators. At this point, the door of the Ether Association will be opened for you. Unknown opportunities and adventures, and the mission of protecting the human world, call you in the future."

"Welcome to log in to deep space, artificial intelligence A01 Taixu, serving you."

On the computer screen, the background was the endless starry sky, and a figure suddenly appeared in the starlight.

This turned out to be a young and beautiful woman, wearing a Japanese-style black and white lace maid outfit, holding a broom in her hand!

Looks like a housekeeper.

Her soft and melodious voice is constantly playing from the speakers, which makes people feel ecstatic.

"Are you... artificial intelligence?"

Gu Jianlin hesitated for a second: "I have already joined the Ethernet Association? Why did you show up at this time?"

"Yes, because I'm always watching you."

Tai Xu raised his hand and pointed to the sky.

Gu Jianlin also looked up, but what he saw was a white ceiling.

What this artificial intelligence refers to should be satellites.

"I've been under satellite surveillance tonight?"

Gu Jianlin frowned and asked.


Taixu replied obediently: "I will only appear when the Eye of Horus satellite detects that your soul fluctuation has mutated."

Gu Jianlin said calmly, "So you hacked into my computer?"

Taixu pursed his lips and smiled, and said, "Sorry, maybe I offended you. are special."

Gu Jianlin remained calm and said, "Is it special?"

Taixu smiled and said: "This year I have received a total of 344 sublimators, of which 52% are male. And your computer is the cleanest among all male sublimators. There is no any study materials."

Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment, and he lingered on the verge of death again.

If this was a classmate in the class, he would have died suddenly on the spot.

It is true that there are no study materials in his computer, and it is not because of his sexual orientation.

But so far I don't have that thought.

"Why did you hack into my computer?"

Gu Jianlin always felt that this was very bad, as if he lost his privacy.

"Sorry, this is a necessary process for the Ethereum Association to review newcomers."

Taixu replied: "Every sublimator who joins the ether association, their personal information, family background, religious beliefs, voting tendencies, and even past speeches on the Internet, need to be reviewed by Deep Space, and they can only be accepted after confirmation. pass."

Gu Jianlin frowned, although he felt uncomfortable, he didn't say anything.

After all, he is also a very clean person on the Internet.

Almost never leave a comment.

Not like the girl next door.

If she joins the ether association, God knows what will be found out.

"Especially you, as a rare self-awakened person and a descendant of the Gu family, of course you should be more cautious."

Taixu said softly: "I hope you can understand."

Gu Jianlin was startled, and quickly asked, "What Gu family?"

Tai Xu seemed very surprised, he didn't expect this young man to know nothing about it, and then smiled slightly.

In just a split second, a file was suddenly downloaded on the computer.

The title is impressively——A family of sublimators, the Gu family in Fengcheng.

Gu Jianlin's pupils trembled and he was astonished.

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