The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful

Chapter 70 Sparrow and the Crescent

The people saw him returning with his army.

He subconsciously said hello, but when he saw that every member of the army was injured, he was stunned.

Then he saw the corpses of more than ten pirates on the ground, which made him even more shocked and confused.

"Lord, what exactly is this?"

"You guys should find a flat place and find a few people to bury these pirates." Ji Chen shook his head and said without explaining anything.

The residents saw that he was in a bad mood and did not ask any further questions.

After everyone bowed, they began to carry the body.

Upon hearing the news of their return, Anina ran out of the house with a face of surprise and a roasted leg in her hand.

When he saw this scene, he was also stunned.

She knew these were pirates.

It was something she occasionally saw in the sea before. She liked to drive a boat to rob, and then snatch back some shiny things.

Pirates who also like to tie an anchor to a person's body and throw the person into the sea like garbage while laughing maniacally.

In her eyes, these pirates like to continue to increase the burden of digestion on the ocean.


They were still alive and kicking when we went out this morning, but now they have turned into corpses.

Anina has a keen sense of people's emotions.

Feeling the somewhat depressing atmosphere at the scene, I suddenly felt that the barbecued legs in my hands were no longer fragrant.

When Ji Chen saw Anina coming, he forced a smile and asked, "Is the food here delicious?"

"Yeah, it's delicious." Anina lowered the barbecue with some embarrassment, "Did you get into any trouble?"

"There is no trouble. There is a skeleton commander behind those skeletons. It took me a lot of effort to solve it."

"I have something to say."

Seeing that the dragon whale girl was hesitant to speak, Ji Chen's heart moved and he asked, "What is it?"

"Well, no more." Anina hesitated for a moment, but finally shook her head.

A trace of disappointment inevitably flashed through Ji Chen's heart, but he still smiled.

"If there is nothing, then I will go and deal with the matter. But if there is something, I am always ready to listen."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

He had a slight guess as to what it was.

But this kind of thing shouldn't be done too hastily, it should be done slowly.

This time during the crusade against the skeletons, fourteen of the eighty pirates died, leaving sixty-six.

This further aggravates the problem of crew shortages on pirate ships.

These sixty-six pirates alone could barely make the ship move, but the complex work of pirates robbing the ship was difficult to carry out.

Fortunately, in addition to these pirates, he also has amphibious units such as shallow-sea murlocs and Naga warriors.

There's nothing wrong with a little cameo appearance in combat.

Take the remaining pirates to the pirate ship.

He called Leopard to him and handed him the green heroic spirit.

With a system prompt, a real green hero was born in the territory.

【Leopard (Hero)】

[Race]: Human

[Level]: 6

[Current level]: Green (elite level)

[Potential]: Green (elite level)

[Skill]: Danger Intuition (blue skill, metaphysical sense of danger)

Hunting Sense (blue skill, keen perception of prey, able to rely on various information to continuously track)

Navigation talent (blue skill, complete mastery of navigation technology, able to deal with various emergencies while sailing)

Original bloodline (green skill, extraordinary bloodline brings extra dexterity and good combat effectiveness)

[Unit Characteristics]: Original Faith (once loyal, you will never rebel, and you will execute orders 100%)

[This is a good candidate to become a captain, but it would be better to change his name]

Feeling the earth-shaking changes taking place in his body, Leopard looked at Ji Chen with great gratitude and knelt down on one knee.

"My lord, thank you for your generosity and kindness. Leopard will always be driven by you."

Ji Chen smiled faintly, "You deserve this. Since you have become a hero, your name must be changed."

What should it be called?

When on land it is called a leopard.

So in the sea, it's called a seal?

Thinking of this, even he almost laughed.

After thinking for a while, he settled on a name.

"You will be called Sparrow Jack from now on!"

"Sparrow Jack" Sparrow murmured to himself, looking excited, "Thank you, sir, for giving me the name! Sparrow will spread your fame throughout the ocean!"

Seeing him like this, Ji Chen nodded with satisfaction.

But my heart moved again.

Since the captain's name has been changed, the name of the pirate ship must also be changed.

Let him think about it, what name is more in line with the temperament and ambition of this ship, and is more pleasant to the ears?

After much thought, a new ship name came up.

Crescent number.

Named after his territory, the Crescent Islands.

It has a certain sense of beauty and characteristics.

He considers himself to be somewhat morally responsible.

There is no real reference to Black Pearl, White Pearl, Flying Dutchman or anything like that.

He didn't want his ship to encounter all kinds of strange things and crises.

After asking Sparrow to take the remaining pirates to step up repairs.

Ji Chen returned to the territory.

Before going to sea, he needed to take care of some things in the territory.

So that after he left, he could let it run on its own without any big trouble.

First is the food issue.

The food in the current territory can still supply about seven to eight days.

If you save some food, ten days will be more than enough.

But going to sea is very unstable, and he might be hampered by various emergencies at sea and unable to return in time.

At this time, it is necessary to increase the food storage in the territory to prepare for emergencies.

Sea rice is still in the sowing stage, so we can’t count on it for the time being.

The indigenous tribes could originally obtain food through hunting and fishing, which could also alleviate the food problem.

The bass fishery can also be steadily improved.

"Increase the food reserve to half a month or even 20 days. This will be much safer."

"In twenty days, no matter what happens, we will definitely be able to return from the outside."

With the army, Ji Chen went out again to hunt prey.

They carried the prey from the outside to the territory one after another, letting Velus and the others process it to make it into easy-to-preserve dried meat.

The fishery resources around the Crescent Islands are very rich and the fish stocks are dense.

There are various species of sea fish, and they are all unusually large.

An ordinary sea fish starts at five kilograms, and sea fish weighing more than ten kilograms can be seen everywhere.

He guessed that the stormy sea area was wrapped in severe storms, making it impossible for ordinary human fishing boats to enter for fishing.

So over time.

The fishery resources here have been continuously accumulated to reach the current level.

So he also caught a lot of sea fish in the sea and made them into dried fish to increase his reserves.

Two whole days.

Ji Chen ran around, constantly getting food.

The territory's food reserves were stored at an extremely fast speed, filling the warehouse.

It made Velus smile so happily that he couldn't stop laughing.

To him, a mountain of gold and silver is worse than a mountain of meat!

In this way, the day of departure gradually approached.

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