The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful

Chapter 35 Ship Seizing Operation!

It's getting dark.

The sky was full of clouds and the moonlight was very dim.

At first glance, the surroundings were pitch black, and I couldn't see my fingers.

There was even greater darkness on the sea, and looking into the distance seemed like looking into the abyss.

Ji Chen felt overjoyed.

It's just God helping me.

Such a lightless night is a perfect time for a night attack!

The pirates who stayed on the ship saw that the people sent ashore had not yet returned. They vaguely guessed what might have happened to them, so they put a lot of extra people on guard. Some firelights could be vaguely seen moving around the ship.

A pirate stood in the lookout on the mast, monitoring the direction of the island from a high position.

But what he didn't expect was that under the dark and calm water, dozens of fish and Naga warriors were quietly approaching.

Although there are no ladders to climb, murlocs and naga warriors have unique techniques for boarding ships.

First plunge into the water, and then use all your strength to swim downstream. When you have accumulated enough energy, you will swim upward in a U-shape.

Just like sharks preying on prey on the water, more than a dozen fishmen and naga warriors rushed out of the water. The accumulated energy allowed them to fly to a height of several meters in an instant and rushed onto the bow deck.

The dull sound of landing immediately attracted the pirates patrolling nearby.

There was a sound of ragged silk being torn.


"There is an enemy!!"

Screams resounded throughout the night.

The pirate ship suddenly became lively and the lights were on.

Pirates all over the deck held oil lamps and rushed to the source of the sound, but suddenly they heard a surge of water on the side of the ship.


Under the dim moonlight, fishmen rushed out of the water one after another, catching them off guard and causing heavy losses.

This is Ji Chen's plan.

First let some murlocs and Naga warriors board the ship at the bow to attract the attention of the pirates. When they come to support from other places, the remaining ones will suddenly burst out of the water to catch them off guard.

Even if the fishmen are of a lower level than the pirates, with the advantage of this kind of sneak attack, they are still one fork at a time.

There were quite a few pirates. In addition to those patrolling and keeping vigil on the first deck, there were many more sleeping in the cabins below.

At this time, when they heard the chopping and killing on the first deck, they all rushed up with weapons.

The number was much greater than that of the fishmen and Naga warriors combined. After reacting, they gradually formed a suppressive force with their numerical advantage and strength that was not weaker than that of the Naga warriors.

At the same time, the dark clouds in the sky quietly dispersed, and the moonlight shone on the sea.

The originally dark deck instantly became brighter, allowing the pirates to instantly see their enemies clearly.

Without the advantage of the environment, the murlocs and Naga warriors were retreating steadily, outnumbered, and had many deep wounds on their bodies.

At this time.

The sea surface rippled again, and a beautiful figure emerged from the water.

Under the bright moonlight, Alice's silver hair hung down on her waist and shoulders, shining as brightly as the sea, like a pearl in the ocean.

Under the moonlight, her calm eyes without any fluctuation made her look like the legendary siren.

On a quiet night, the song carries far and wide.

The power has also reached its maximum.

Pervasively penetrated into the ears of the pirates fighting the fishmen and naga warriors.

Gradually, their spirits relaxed unconsciously, their muscles became more and more relaxed, their desire to fight dropped sharply, and their eyes were in a trance.

But at the same time, the fighting power of the fishmen and Naga warriors suddenly increased by several percent. They waved their weapons and decisively killed the pirates in front of them.

The battle began to take on a one-sided tone.

The pirates on the deck were killed one by one, and their blood stained the floor red.

By the time the singing stopped, there were no pirates still standing on the deck.

Hearing the screams outside, the remaining pirates shrank in fear in the cabin below, not daring to come out.

Seeing that the battle situation was initially decided, Ji Chen took off his clothes, exposed his arms and went into the water, and swam to the pirate ship.

With the blessing of territorial protection, his water ability has been greatly improved. On calm seas, swimming a few kilometers is not a big problem if he has sufficient physical strength.

The fishman lowered the net hanging on the side of the ship and let him board the deck.

Looking at the pirate corpses on the deck, the bloody fishmen and Naga warriors, Ji Chen frowned.

Not because of the bloody scene, but because of the unsatisfactory battle just now.

To put it simply, the fighting was ugly.

Naga warriors are no longer like before, instantly defeating the enemy with just one encounter.

If it hadn't been for Alice's assistance this time, there might have been a lot of casualties.

This has a lot to do with the rank and level between them and the pirates.

After all, the level of the Naga Warrior is only 1 star higher than that of the Pirates, but the level is a full 5 levels lower.

Under the circumstances, the actual strength is even a little weaker.

If they hadn't had the advantage of a sneak attack at the beginning, their morale had increased a lot, and many pirates had been killed, the battle would probably have been even more brutal.

"It seems that we are preparing to improve the strength of the Naga warriors. It is not a problem to let them run naked all the time."

Shaking his head, Ji Chen threw these distracting thoughts out of his mind and came to the stairs leading to the lower floor.

There are still a lot of pirates hiding below, and there is no way to take over the pirate ship without getting rid of them all.

Alice also climbed onto the deck from the sea, came to the side, and asked softly.

"Sir, do you need me to take action?"

Ji Chen was about to nod, but hesitated and shook his head to signal her not to say anything yet.

He had a new idea.

When we arrived at the stairs, it was pitch black at the end.

But he knew that the remaining pirates were hiding in the blind spot below, and they would be attacked if they ventured down.

This time, he planned to use talking therapy.

"I know you are down there, hiding in the dark corners and trying to fight back, but I tell you clearly that these actions are meaningless."

"If you are smart enough, you know that I can easily kill you with the siren's song."

His tone was full of confidence and certainty.

After a few seconds, the pirates' voices came from below.

"We seem to have no grievances against you, so why are you attacking us?"

"Huh, you guys trespassed into my territory without permission. It would be considered merciful if I didn't kill you on the spot."

They suddenly became speechless.

Who the hell knew this archipelago had a lord?

If they had known that there were such powerful lords and terrifying creatures like sirens, they would not have come to the island even if they were killed.

Okay, now, before I find the merchant ship, I have to explain myself here first.

Also, haven’t you already started killing?

The deck is full of pirate corpses, all of them dead!

The pirates groaned inwardly.

Ji Chen heard a moment of silence below and said lightly.

"But I am a merciful person who can give you a chance to redeem your sins."

"Choose to surrender to me and do things for me, then you can live."

"Otherwise there is only one end, death!"

"Oh, no, you can also choose to work in a dark mine to atone for your sins."

"The time limit for atonement is about 80 years. You can only eat one gruel every day."

"Of course, I am not a bad person after all. I will give you the opportunity to choose freely between the two."

Isn't this worse? ?

If you work in a mine for 80 years, doesn't that mean you will work until you die of old age?

And they can only eat one meal. They would rather fall into the water and drown in such a life!

The pirates looked like are you a devil?

Already feeling fearful of the man above, they looked at each other.

There was silence in the cabin, submerged in darkness.

When Ji Chen was thinking about what would happen next.

A prompt sounded.

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