The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful

Chapter 12 Sneak attack! crude iron ore

Ji Chen looked unhappy and looked at their property panels.

【Cave Miner】

[Level]: 3

[Level]: 7 stars in the first level

[Skill]: Dark Vision (green skill, good night vision ability, able to see the surrounding environment clearly in the dark)

Ore smell (green skill, able to keenly smell the smell of various ores)

[Unit Characteristics]: Wallweather (when one's own number is greater than the enemy's, morale is greatly increased; when one's own number is less than that of the enemy's, morale is greatly reduced)

【I love mining! 】

A first-level 7-star unit, but unfortunately its skills are non-combat.

In terms of single combat effectiveness, it is definitely not as good as the Murloc.

But there are a lot of them, thirty-nine in total, almost twice as many fishmen.

Coupled with their unit characteristics, if they swarmed up and beat the old master to death with sticks, they might cause a lot of damage to the murlocs.

If possible, he would like to try to solve them "without damage".

Watching the cave miners bathing unscrupulously by the pool.

Ji Chen suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of a good idea.

He turned around and whispered to the fish people.

"You sneak into the river quietly and swim upstream. While the enemy is bathing, drag them down into the pool and drown them or stab them to death."

"Remember, launch attacks at the same time and drag down as many enemies as possible at one time."

"Approach quietly, don't scream!"

After receiving the instructions, the fishmen nodded one after another, and quietly went into the water, swimming under the surface of the water and swimming upstream.

In order to kill the enemy as much as possible, he didn't even leave a single fishman guard behind, and sent them all up.

At this time, the fishman's diving skill played a great role.

Under deliberate control, they swam from the river into the pool without causing any splash or movement, and slowly approached their target.

These cave miners were happily bathing, unaware of the approaching danger.

"It's so happy to take a bath——"


The water splashed, and the fishman suddenly broke the water surface and pulled the cave miner into the water with all his strength.

Some cave miners were caught off guard and were suddenly pulled to the center of the pool and sank under the water.

Some were pulled deep into the depths by the fishmen and pierced through their bodies with bone spears. Their blood instantly dyed the pool red.

Fully sixteen cave miners were killed or drowned in this sneak attack, but five murlocs did not hold on tightly and allowed their targets to climb ashore, luckily escaping.

The other cave miners who were not attacked were so frightened that they rolled and ran towards the shore, picking up mining picks and trying to come back to rescue their companions.

But he ran into a fish-man who had come ashore and was covered in blood.

"Ding~ You have entered combat mode. Morale is being determined."

"The morale of our river fishmen is 68 points, and they have entered a dominant state."

In addition to the slight loss of morale caused by the slight suppression of numbers, the morale of the fishmen increased in other aspects.

At this time, he was not afraid of facing the cave miners.

When the cave miners saw that there were fewer murlocs than them, their morale was immediately boosted, and they rushed forward cursing, wanting to avenge their dead companions.

There are so many of us here, how can we not defeat them?

We must kill these despicable fishmen who are hiding in the water and attacking!

Two minutes later.

"Ding~ The battle is over, the enemy has surrendered. You have achieved a glorious victory."

"No one dies +20% extra experience reward. Win more with less +20% extra experience reward. Enemy surrender +20% extra experience reward."

"You have gained 120 experience points, you have been upgraded (1→2), and the current experience is [20%/100%]."

"Your unit, the River Murloc, has been upgraded (1→2), and the current experience is [20%/100%]."

The prompt sounded, and a pleasant heat flowed through the body.

As if seeing the sun again, his eyes felt a little brighter, and his body became lighter and stronger, as if the impurities in his body had been expelled.

Feeling the changes in his body, Ji Chen let out a heavy breath.

With a bit of relief on his face, he walked towards the pool and beach where the battle was over.

"Spare your life, sir, we are willing to surrender to you!"

The remaining 18 cave miners knelt on the ground one by one, begging pitifully for mercy.

Ji Chen had no expression on his face and paced in front of them with his hands behind his hands.

He said in a cold tone.

"Surrender? What do you think is the use of me keeping you? Is it a waste of food if I keep you?"

The cave miners suddenly became anxious.

"We can find food by ourselves without you providing it! And we can also mine!"

Ji Chen's heart moved slightly, but his expression did not change at all and he said calmly.

"Mining? Are there any mines near here?"

"Of course! There is a mine not far from this waterfall, and that's where we mine!"

The cave miner rolled his eyes and said flatteringly: "Of course, that mine belongs to you now!"

These cave miners are quite interesting.

He had no intention of killing them originally, but now it was time to conquer them to mine for him.

Ji Chen's expression remained unchanged and he responded with a nasal voice, "Then take me there now."

When the cave miners heard this, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief, crawled to the ground and began to lead the way.

While walking in front and leading the way, he nodded and bowed and said, "My lord, please come this way."

Just like the leading party in movies and TV series.

Passing through the road created by the miners in the jungle, they quickly arrived at a nearby mine, which turned out to be the location of the first resource point.

A mine opened under a hill. The rock wall was supported by wooden supports, and it was dark inside.

Some rusty red ore is piled up in a hay shed outside the mine, and there are several thatched huts for storing tools next to it.

【Crude iron ore】

[Scale]: Micro

【Grade 1

[Production main resource]: crude iron

[Production by-product]: Stone [output is one-fifth of the main resource]

[Reserves]: 3200/3500 units

[Maximum weekly output]: 700 units

[Weekly personnel output]: 50 units/person

In crude iron ore fields, the reserves are still small.

However, Ji Chen didn't feel disappointed at all. After all, it was so close to the territory, so there wouldn't be any large and high-end resource points.

There is a rule in "Lord of Glory" that resource points that are close to the territory or have a low risk factor are basically low-level and have small reserves.

And those large resource points up to level 3 and level 4 are basically in some dangerous areas and are guarded by more powerful field troops.

Even if we meet him in advance, we can only stare at him blankly.

The micro crude iron mine can produce 700 units of crude iron per week, with an output of 50 units per person, and can also produce a small amount of stone.

In other words, only 14 people are needed to maximize production, which is four more cave miners than 18.

However, Ji Chen currently has no other mines for these cave miners to work, so he can only stuff them all here and continue mining.

As for food, they don't have to find it themselves, it's all provided by the territory.

After all, he considers himself a human being.

If you don't give them anything to eat and still force them to do such menial work, that's really the behavior of a pure evil capitalist.

He first occupied the mine, then walked to the hut and took away the ore that the cave miners had dug with a wave of his hand.

"Ding~ You get 300 units of crude iron."

After warning the cave miners not to bathe in the waterfall pool in the future.

Ji Chen took the fishmen on the road to the second resource point.

This time there are no shortcuts.

The second resource point is located in a dense jungle. They need to fight their way through thorns and cut through obstructive shrubs and ferns that are often half a person's height in order to pass.

It took half an hour to reach the light golden light pillar representing the second resource point.

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