The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates

Chapter 82 Exercise and preparation

"vomit, vomit~~"

Although Rossi said it lightly,

But the reality is that not everyone can easily master a new skill.

Due to their height, Torrepol and Diamanti found it difficult to maintain their center of gravity; while Pica gave up after practicing a few times, his 'eight-foot-high, eight-foot-waist' figure really couldn't do this. Flexible movements.

After repeatedly drinking a lot of seawater, everyone gradually began to find a sense of it.

With their physical fitness, it is only a matter of time before they master this 'treading water' technique.

But someone has already mastered it immediately, and that is Pique!

Pique can be said to be one of the rare ability users who can still enjoy the sport of 'swimming' after eating a devil fruit.

His 'swimming fruit' can temporarily turn the ground and buildings he touches into 'water', allowing him to swim easily in it.

Using his ability for a long time has made him proficient in 'swimming' skills.

After switching to real 'sea water', he also quickly mastered the knack of maintaining balance, as well as the skill of exerting force at high speed under his feet, and successfully learned the ability to 'tread water' and gallop.

"Damn, this is unscientific~~"

After falling into the water many times, Diamanti, who was fed sea water, lay down beside the swimming pool and refused to accept it.

Forget it, Rossi is not only the 'inventor' of the technique, but also may have practiced it secretly for a long time.

But this Pique is too much, and they have learned to tread water so quickly, doesn't it seem that they are all dumb? !

"Hey hey hey, as expected of Dover—"

Immediately afterwards, the second person who could 'fly' on the water surface appeared, but:

"Are you using the devil fruit ability?"

Rossi looked at the 'shoes' on Dover's feet and couldn't complain. The wide sole made of silk threads on his feet increased the contact area, and the transparent silk threads in the air could help him maintain his balance.

"Fufufu, ability is also a kind of my strength."

Dover replied confidently,

"These are just tools to assist me in proficiency!"


"Makes sense."

Dover's behavior made Rossi thoughtful,

Use foreign objects to assist exercise first, and then throw away these foreign objects after you are familiar with them.

In fact, this is a normal exercise method. If you expect to learn it after reading it, then it is almost the same unless you have eaten the "Sharingan Fruit"...


Rubbing her chin, Rossi's thoughts drifted away.

If I remember correctly, there is indeed a 'Copy Fruit' in this world!


A crew member of the Whitebeard Pirates, a big pirate with a bounty of 300 million.

Wearing a green mask, long pink hair, and a long tongue, like a chameleon. Wearing a colorful and flamboyant windbreaker, a person with the ability to "copy fruit" can not only copy other people's appearance, but even copy their abilities!

It is simply the top position of Xiao Feng's "imitation fruit" in the future.

That is the real 'universal fruit', whoever touches it can have the fruit ability of whom, and it can also maintain multiple abilities.

——It’s just that the copied things definitely don’t have the power of the original.

And this guy is too whimsical, because he coveted the power of Whitebeard's "Zhenzhen Fruit", he actually lurks on Whitebeard's boat as a "son".

After being dismantled by Marco, he escaped from the Whitebeard Pirates and once won the title of "Qiwuhai".

At this point in time, did this guy join the Whitebeard Pirates? Or have you run away...

"Rosie . . . Rossi!"

The voice in his ear brought Rossi back to his senses, and Qiao La, who was next to him, raised the book in his hand.

"This is a gift from my martial arts teacher 'Hound' Kixiu."

"For so many years, I have been entangled in government affairs and have no time to practice. Maybe it can be carried forward in your hands."

"is it okay?"

After receiving the book and getting a nod of agreement from the other party, Rossi opened it, and the more she looked at it, the more pleasantly surprised she looked.

Hound gait, as the name suggests, is a movement technique.

In a very short period of time, stepping on the ground at high speed dozens of times to produce explosive reaction force to move at high speed, it seems to disappear from the eyes of the enemy.

Isn't this the six-style 'shaving'? !

"It doesn't take much effort..."

It seems that most of Jorah's martial arts teacher used to be an officer of the navy. Somehow, he got a reward order, so he hid in this "fairy tale land" Odense, and by the way, he "improved" his own shaved Give it to Jorah.

Although it is essentially a six-style shaving, but since it is regarded as a unique skill by "Hound Dog" Kixiu, it is naturally an extension of the original basis:

"If you exercise according to the method in the book, you can use 'shave' multiple times in a short period of time to attack or dodge."

Continuous high-speed 'flash'?

This 'hound dog pace' is interesting.

It's just that looking down, Rosie is like being poured on the head with a basin of cold water.

"I said, Jorah, no wonder you don't practice yourself."

The minimum standard for learning this step is to lift a weight of 5 tons with one leg... unless Rossi breaks out of the 'flying' state, he can barely reach the standard, and this is just an introduction!

"Ahem, being entangled in government affairs... has failed the teacher's teaching."

Jorah turned his head away in embarrassment,

Her strength is actually not bad. In addition to the work of the queen and the director of the orphanage, she also actively developed fruits and competed with the knights.

But compared with Rossi who exercises twelve hours a day and is self-disciplined, her previous efforts are not enough.

"Then, I'll try 'treading water' too."

Facing the ever-increasing Don Quixote family members, Jorah also joined the ranks of training.


day by day,

The rest of the time, just as Rossi planned.

Everyone nestled in the 'Rose Manor' and sweated profusely. They feasted on fish and meat every day, and all kinds of high-nutrition food disappeared quickly into the mouths of a group of big eaters.

Food is converted into motivation to support their high-intensity workouts!

Pique's unarmed combat, Diamanti's swordsmanship, Jorah's kicking skills, Dover's overlord look, Rossi's knowledgeable look...

He also needs to learn and fight with other people every day. If he doesn't want to practice decathlon, at least he can not be easily brought down in places where his weapons are lost or it is not conducive to his fruit ability.

Even all kinds of steel equipment are constantly being damaged and updated. The behavior of "rolling iron" in the true sense can see Polkin's brows jumping when he visited here.

"Brother Rossi,"

The boy in a black suit rushed towards the sweaty Rossi enthusiastically, and was taken aback by the huge iron balls dragged by the opponent's feet.

"You are..."

"Oh, exercise a pace."

Rossi, who answered the other party casually, was sweating profusely while moving his feet, dragging the two huge iron balls behind him clangingly forward.

"This... this is really..."

This situation made Polkin quite ashamed.

Maybe only a hardworking person like Brother Rossi has the power to control a city?

"By the way, Brother Rossi."

Concentrated, Polkin opened the folder in his hand,

"Our merchant ship has returned safely, here is the list of cargo and the expected profit."


Taking it casually, while continuing to drag the iron ball behind him forward, Rossi swept it casually.


Passing the document back to Jing Jing Polkin, Rossi's next sentence made the boy in the suit turn pale, and his face froze instantly.

"Only embezzled five million Baileys."

? !

"Ro...Brother Rossi...I...I..."


Kneeling on the ground with cold sweat running down his cheeks, Polkin moved his lips again and again, but couldn't say a complete sentence.

"Polkin, after all, you are considered the 'old man' of the family, why are you so blind?"

Rossi is not surprised at all that Polkin will "enrich his own pocket".

Even Torrebol and Diamanti, if he hadn't tried to exercise every day, I'm afraid they would have been trapped in the "Tender Land" and couldn't get out.

The same is true for Polkin, who suddenly changed from a son of a worker to an upstart above ten thousand people. Under the deliberate fawning of those big businessmen and big factory owners, I have seen all kinds of beauties, fine wines, delicious food, and "high-end pastimes"...

In the beginning, of course, those people paid Polkin to have fun.

But one must not be two, can you invite guests every day? The follow-up expenses are naturally to be borne by Polkin himself, and once he falls into such a luxurious life, money is like flowing water, and he can't help spending it at all.

"Understood, you have been tricked."

Looking at the boy kneeling on the ground, sweat soaked in his exquisite suit, Rossi shook his head.

Many people envy the rich second generation, but they don't know that the rich second generation is not easy.

If he has no ability and intelligence, the so-called rich second generation will soon be deliberately indulged in his desire by the lawyers and partners around him, indulging in women, gambling, and even drugs...

When he came back to his senses, the property had been jointly emptied out, and even the contacts had been inherited by the other party.

The transformed "successful person" turned his head, pointed to the notorious rich second generation and said: Look, this means that the third generation is not rich.

"To be honest, the family doesn't need you to be smart."

Rossi walked up to Polkin, the stubborn young man who dared to stand in front of himself and Dover a few months ago, but now he knelt on the ground trembling.

Sure enough, power corrupts people's hearts the most.

"It doesn't matter if you are a little stupid, but the most important thing is loyalty."

Stretching out his hand to pull up the boy on the ground, Rossi asked him indifferently.

"Polkin, how many people in this town do you think are smarter and smarter than you and want to replace you?"

"Big... big brother..."

While his teeth were chattering and trembling, the boy raised his head, his eyes full of pleading.

This made Rossi sigh, maybe let the other party go out to sea with him and others, maybe he is already a sunny and strong young man now.

Rather than the appearance of worrying about gains and losses in front of you.

"This time, it's a lesson."

In addition to Polkin and Wesker, who manage the family business——

Unlike Polkin, who was dazzled when he suddenly entered the "upper society", Wesker climbed from the bottom to the position of a successful businessman step by step, and he was naturally very clear about the corrupt methods of the "upper society".

Jorah once managed a country, and Pique was an elite agent of CP3. With them, maintaining Spedamaluz's property was no problem at all, and they were also very decisive and neat in dealing with agents who dared to manipulate.


So Polkin is not necessary,

"Think carefully about what you really want."

Patting the opponent on the shoulder, Rossi still decided to give him another chance.

"To be honest, I don't want to admit that I was wrong, and I don't even want to deal with you with my own hands."

"Go ahead,"

With a slight push from Rosie, the distraught Polkin stumbled away.

As for whether he will change his past, or will he repay his kindness?

It doesn't matter to Rossi,

"Hey hey hey, if I do, I'll kill him with a knife."

Torrepol, who came out from the side, stuck to Rossi's face, snotting his nose.

"It's just a person in charge, as much as you want."

"Yes Yes Yes,"

Rossi rolled her eyes.

"If you have time to eavesdrop here, why don't you practice your fruit ability more."

"These are just episodes, everything we have is based on—"

Above power!

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