The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates

Chapter 37 Underwater Diving


"Fufufu, this is not an easy target."

If Diamanti was just "not aware of the situation", Dover understood what Rossi meant. And for others:

"Good ambition! It's a pity that such arrogance, why not use it on the right path?"

The burly Lieutenant Colonel Anderson, who changed his pipe again, walked behind the three of Rossi, and while making Diamanti turn slightly, his hand was already on the hilt.

"Who says I'm not using it on the right path?"

Rossi also turned around and looked up at the tall lieutenant colonel behind him.

"Mr. Anderson, speak with evidence. Do I have any criminal record at Spedamaluz? Now—"

Raising his finger and pointing to the battleship tightly biting the ship behind him, Rossi asked the other party:

"Is the warship that attacked us for 'justice' again?"

"I don't think so,"

Without waiting for the burly lieutenant colonel to answer, Rossi said the answer on his own.

"It's all for the bounty offered by the Jiedi family."

"And the Jiedi family is 'just'?"

Facing Rossi's second rhetorical question, the tall lieutenant colonel was speechless.

Regarding the situation of Jiedi's family, why didn't he know about the various 'businesses' secretly carried out by the other party?

Illegal labor, forced prostitution, slave trade, and even organ trading... It can be said that every pore of Thompson, the "big money" of the Jiedi family, is filled with blood and dirty things.

"Little devil, do you know what is reality and what is society—"

"I know,"

Roman waved his hand and interrupted Lieutenant Colonel Anderson.

"You are a person dispatched by the navy to Spedamaruz. You have been squeezed out by the local forces, and you can't do anything alone. I understand."

Anderson is a member of the 'Navy', and was sent to the Gear, both as 'training' and as 'supervisor'. Naturally, he was squeezed out, even though he was powerful, he could only turn a blind eye to many things.

No matter how strong a person is, he still has to eat and has a family.

"But we can!"

Stepping on the side of the boat, Rossi turned around.

"We can kill the Jiedi family, we can make Spedamaruz a place where most people live and work in peace and contentment! And you, Mr. Anderson, what will you do?"

After finishing speaking, Rossi turned to Dover and nodded. If you don't do something, the 'Gear' may not be able to beat the battleship behind.

"Dover, I leave this place to you."


Jumping down from the gear, Luo fell towards the vast sea.


Just when he was about to touch the taboo of ability users: sea water, a sky-blue viscous liquid suddenly gushed out of the sea, blooming like petals, and swallowing Rossi in one gulp.

"...What will I do?"

The naval lieutenant colonel, who looked like a tough guy with a scar, asked himself in a low voice, and then sighed.

There are too many "unjust" things in this world, but the navy cannot take action.

For example, Thompson, who appears to be a "big factory owner", for example, the mayor of Spedamaruz who is in collusion with the Jiedi family, for example, the Rafal royal family who let everything go, for example... Tianlong people!

In front of the rich and powerful in the whole world, what's the use of just being able to fight?

Under the sea, a large piece of sky-blue slime wriggled continuously, slid forward without a sound, drew a large circle, and dived towards the battleship behind.

Goo Jellyfish

Taking advantage of the gear and the Peace Tower attracting the attention of the opponent's warship, Rossi took Torrebol's ability creation and prepared to play a one-handed infiltration operation.

"I say, Torrebol."

In the hollow formed by the slime, Rosie patted the soft creature around him.

"Can't you swim faster, this speed is too hip?"

If it weren't for Torrebol's ability to create things too slowly, why did Rossi play trapeze when he was dealing with the gear number?

"Hey hey hey, it's not bad to be able to sneak past."

A head with small round sunglasses came out of the mucus and stuck to Rossi's face suddenly, the snot hanging from his nose was about to be thrown onto Rossi.

"Why don't you swim over by yourself?"

"Unfortunately, you are a capable person like me, a landlubber~~"

"Too close—"

Although he knew that Torrebol's 'snot' was a creation of his ability, Rossi still instinctively kept away from the opponent's face.

"I'm just close, how, how~~"


what is this?

When everyone was not familiar with it before, the quartet behaved fairly 'reserved'.

After fighting side by side, they all 'revealed their true colors', and Rossi couldn't help rubbing his temples because of the 'snot' that Torrepol was throwing around.

"Be careful, don't be discovered by the other party."

"Hey hey hey, don't worry, I can usually disguise mucus as a body, and it's just as easy to disguise as sea water!"

"Okay, first give me that—"

Creation of devil fruit ability is not afraid of sea water, sea water will only suppress the physical strength of the devil fruit user, and will not suppress the devil fruit ability.

For example, Mr. 3 uses candle boats and candle submarines, and Charlotte Lingling can also use abilities to endow the "ship" with a soul, not to mention the green pheasant freezing the sea, and the golden lion directly suspending the "sea".

If sea water can suppress devil fruit creations, then the navy will directly hold water guns and hoist up and beat capable people in minutes?

And Torrebol's slime is not afraid of water, though it is afraid of fire.

In the cavity formed by a large amount of mucus, enough air was stored for Rossi and Torrebol to consume. In this way, the two quietly dived under the surface of the sea towards the 'Leverage' that was chasing after it, and it didn't take long before they finally touched the bottom of each other's ship.


Below the 'Lever', the sea water suddenly rolled and 'surged', climbing up the hull like a living thing.

As the slime continued to climb, a figure was pushed to the side of the ship by the slime without a sound.


"Everyone, look this way—"


The sailors who were cleaning the gun bores and loading the shells on the deck, and the officers of the "Lever" who were engrossed in looking at the battlefield turned their heads collectively when they heard the sound.

On the side of the boat, squatting a little boy with blond hair.

"I'm here to end the war."

Boom, boom, boom,

The other party was wearing a pair of sunglasses, and as he spread his hand, several round metal cylinders rolled down on the deck, which made the sailors and officers suddenly have a bad feeling!


"Get rid of him—"

Faced with this weird situation, there was no time to think about who the other party was and what he was going to do. Under the command of the officer, many sailors rushed towards the blond boy instinctively, raising their swords and guns.

Next second: Boom! ! !


The dazzling light blooms,

On the entire deck, there is a blinding white expanse!


deafening bang,

The sound waves, which ordinary people can't bear, swept out in circles!

Even Rosie, who was wearing sunglasses and closed her eyes, felt 'blushing'. The whole person was shocked backwards suddenly, if it wasn't for the mucus that surged up from below to support him, he would have been almost thrown away by the explosion he made.


This wave of 'flash bombs' + 'sonic bombs' powerful field control almost wiped out all the sailors on the deck, but there were still several sailors and officers with strong physique who were crumbling.


While Rossi shouted, a large amount of slime shot out from behind him, quickly spreading across the deck, sticking the fallen sailors to the deck, and strips of slime tentacles shot towards the remaining 'masters'. 'roll away.


The saber in his hand cut off the rolled slime tentacles in two, but as the large amount of slime continued to spread, several struggling officers and sailors were subdued by Torrebol's slime one after another.

"Hey hey hey, in front of my ability, your struggle is meaningless."

Torrepol, who appeared on the side of the ship supported by the mucus, made a declaration of "invincible villain", which made Rossi roll his eyes secretly.

The slime ability is very powerful in the eyes of people who don't know the details.

And once the weakness is exposed, it becomes a weak chicken that can be easily killed in seconds.

But in any case, it is still very powerful for large-scale field control and restraint. How can I say that the current Torrebol is 17 years old, and the fruit development is not bad.


Jumping off the side of the ship, Rosie jumped over a large number of sailors who seemed to have fallen on a sticky mosquito net, and walked towards the captain of the Lever, who was entangled in a large amount of mucus, wearing a captain's coat and a three-cornered hat.

"Guy'an, Captain Ferid."

Rossi nodded 'friendly' to his opponent,

"The battle is over, give up resistance.—Let's talk about the future, like:"

Walking up to the captain named Ferid, Rossi looked up and smiled.

"How about dealing with the Jiedi family together?"

? ? ?


On the sea near Spedamaruz, three war-damaged ships were slowly returning to their voyage.

At the same time, a message was sent to the Jiedi family's warship "Money" through the phone bug.

"Yes, we have captured the person you want."

In the magnificent captain's cabin, 'Big Bill' Thompson was holding the microphone, and Paul in the 'flower bow tie' next to him bowed to hold the phone bug for him.

And the one who was talking to him was the captain of the Leverage, Ferid.

And Captain Lopez, the captain of the 'Gear'!

"Yes, I...cough cough, we caught the person Mr. Thompson wanted together."

The cough sounded with a hint of guilt. It was indeed the captain of the Cogwheel. That's right. Thompson still remembered the mustache who flattered him at the mayor's ball.

"It doesn't matter who catches it, and I won't lose you a Bailey for the bounty."

The "big money" Thompson, who had generously promised, changed his words,

"But if you dare to play me, I will make you regret coming to this world!"


"No, no, how come~~"

The relatively tough captain of the Lever, Ferid, snorted dissatisfiedly, while the captain of the Gear, Lopez, continued to flatter and claim credit:

"We're going back to Spedamaluz now, and Mr. Thompson will be able to see those who offended you right away..."

"very good,"

After hanging up the bug, 'Big Money' Thompson stroked a circle of brown curly hair under his bald head with satisfaction.

A group of punks fighting against themselves, do they have that strength?

"This is the power of money!"


PS: Regarding the problem of phone bugs, there are many types of phone bugs:

The sub-phone bug does not imitate the shape of the caller, not even the voice. It appeared in the "Little Garden" plot when Sanji pretended to be Mr. 3 and talked with Lao Sha, and this is what was used in the article.

That's right, phone bugs don't imitate people in the first place. If you want to explain, this kind of phone bug is cheaper and can hide the identity of the caller;

Communication bug, the bigger the body, the healthier it is, the stronger the signal. With special parts, it can also send faxes. When talking on the phone, you can imitate the expression and tone of the speaker vividly. This is what the strong in the new world use.

There are also "black phone bugs" capable of eavesdropping, "white phone bugs" that prevent eavesdropping, "golden phone bugs" that launch demon-slaying orders, and "silver phone bugs" that accept demon-slaying orders on the vice-admiral's ship, etc.

In simple terms, phone bugs are equivalent to mobile phones, and there are many types.

Only the new world has 'smart phones', but the world still uses 'elderly phones'.

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