The Most Beautiful Boy In Tokyo

Chapter 210: This dance is only for you.

【The most beautiful boy in Tokyo】 【】

"Yours sincerely, Yukiko Miyamoto:"

"See you and believe me"

"Xuezi, I have been thinking about something these days. 』

"Finally, I decided on this. 』

"Human beings are immortal because of romance and love." 』

"This means that in the future, when the world is destroyed, everything dies, and you and I turn into dust in the universe, I believe that I can recognize the nebula you incarnate in at a glance, and I will surround you forever until the next universe. Resurrection, the next civilization produces words and records us again. 』

"Xuezi, let me tell you some good news secretly. I have a girl I like and I am dating her. 』

When I read this letter, it was 1:15 in the afternoon. There were no customers in the women's clothing store for the time being, and the old employees in the store were as sleepy as koalas. Shirasawa Rie went out to drink afternoon tea with the rich ladies, while discussing new clothes.

Miyamoto Yukiko was sitting alone in the store when the postman delivered this letter.

Logically speaking, this letter should have been delivered to her home, but these days, she felt lonely at home alone, so she stayed in the store.

She thought he was having so much fun that he forgot about her.

I didn't expect to see this when I opened the envelope.

The afternoon sun was a little bright and dazzling. Yukiko Miyamoto rubbed her eyes and continued reading:

"I promised her three days ago. 』

"That day..."

On that day, which was the third day after the first game of the semi-finals, Yuzuru and Rina Ryoko went to Sony to record songs, and also visited the Hokkaido First Art Academy.

He went empty-handed and came back with a pile of gifts.

The beautiful girls in the Flower Dance Club were extremely surprised by his arrival. They were in a mess. After they realized what they were doing, they happily took out the snacks from their bags and filled his pockets. , and even the pockets on both sides couldn’t fit it in, so I had to carry it back to the car with my hands.

"Are you very proud?" Yukiko Miyamoto said softly, but the air could not answer her.

"These snacks are all specialties from Hokkaido. Yukiko, have you been to Hokkaido? Anyway, I have never been. I have stored up all the delicious ones, just like a squirrel about to go through the winter. I store them all." Not touched. 』

"When I get home after the game, I'll bring them all to you to eat." By the way, don't worry about getting fat. They are professional dancers and don't dare to eat high-calorie snacks. 』

She was stunned when she read this and whispered: "Thank you."

After this, he explained the reason for going there, which was to take away a girl.

"Her name is Flower Bird Fengyue. Her romance as a girl is expressed in front of my eyes through her neurosis. She is like Van Gogh's starry sky, which I can't help but want to explore." 』

"She is really a great girl. She can stand on her head against the wall with one hand and hold on to her skirt to keep her beauty from being exposed. She is the one with the strongest core strength among the girls I have seen. By the way, she has a plump figure and a slim waist. The limbs are very thin. As for why I know it, I will tell you slowly below. 』

"In short, I feel relieved that the students leave it to her. The professional is different and knows many techniques. The 'Puppet Exercise Method' and 'Yoga Relaxation Technique' she invented amazed me. 』

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【The most beautiful boy in Tokyo】 【】

"That's what the ancients often said about a virtuous wife. She means so much to me at this moment." 』

"Under this systematic training method and my devilish training, I can clearly see the progress of the girls from Dongda. This means that in the last semi-finals,

Girls will be sharp as knives. 』

"While everyone was resting, it was our turn to perform. We danced a pas de deux on the field surrounded by girls. It was a great pas de deux and was well received by everyone.

No one was jealous of her, everyone thought she was just here to help.

Even at first, I felt the same way.

Until she was bending over, her body was flying like an egret, and I caught her body steadily, leaned forward, and looked down at her beautiful face.

I saw the emotion deep in her eyes, and maybe she also saw a clue in my eyes.

We were well hidden and no one noticed us.

If no one was there at that time, I would really like to lower my head and kiss her cheek.

Is she a standard Japanese beauty? Actually, you are the one, but I haven’t seen you for a long time, so for the time being, she is the one, and I hope you can agree.

Ballet Queen tastes really good (cross out)

When we danced, everyone was surprised and praised our cooperation.

I looked calm on the outside and put on the image of an instructor saying, "It's nothing." In fact, I was very happy inside. I'm only telling you this little secret, so don't tell anyone else!

Oh, by the way, I am also preparing for a big move, so I will fly to various universities in Japan in the past few days, such as Yaesu Women's High School in Osaka, the gymnastics club of Kyoto Art High School, etc.

The song is called "Ultramarine".

Guess who is dancing for us?

If you guess right, can you reward me with sleeping with you for a day? In fact, after the second round of semi-finals, it's time for the finals. Time is running out and everyone's pressure is increasing day by day. Even I feel the final pressure. But as long as I think about it, I can rush back to you as soon as the game is over. I just can’t wait for the finals to be tomorrow! 』

When reading this, Yukiko Miyamoto covered her mouth and laughed softly.

However, soon, she suddenly didn't want to laugh anymore.

"That night after the training, I sent her back to the academy, and she took me to visit her room."

"This is a six-story room with a wooden floor, and the pots on the windows are well taken care of. 』

"Dinner is Korean instant noodles filled with roasted meat and vegetables, covered with cheese. She said she usually can't eat these, but today she was very happy and suddenly wanted to eat them."

"I suddenly felt a little nervous. A girl allows an ambiguous boy to enter her room. We all know what will happen next." 』

Miyamoto Yukiko frowned slightly and couldn't help but turn to the next page.

But the next page is blank.

Turn another page, still blank.

Until the third page.

"But nothing happened. 』

This brat definitely did it on purpose.

Miyamoto Yukiko pursed her lips, wanting to get angry, but couldn't find a reason to be angry.

"After dinner, I got up and left."

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【The most beautiful boy in Tokyo】 【】

"The confession happened at this time. When I left and got into the car, I saw her waving goodbye to me from the car window. 』

"Suddenly, a song sounded. This song came from the CD store on the roadside. 』

"She suddenly started dancing. 』

"I quickly asked Director Kaoru Nagisa Sakura to stop the car, open the car window, and look at her. I have never seen such a beautiful dance. The road across the way is her only stage. With the empty and dark night and the constant traffic, she is the only one who shines brightly. The world and my eyes shrink into a 50mm SLR lens, hazy and Clear. 』

"It was a lonely dance, a lonely dance separated from the city. 』

"I understand that her dance is only for me. 』

"I like romantic people and romantic things, because I am such a person, right?" 』

"So I jumped out of the car, wrapped my soul around my body and hugged her. She hugged me too, I understood her confession, and I agreed to her. 』

"Oh, by the way, half of the reason why I agreed to her confession is because of you. 』

[Remember, she is at the top of the list of future wives you asked me to pay attention to in advance! 』

"Thank you, Xuezi, thanks to your last letter, I discovered her and focused my attention on her. Now that I think about it, Xuezi, you have really good taste. 』

It was obviously a word of thanks, but for some reason, Miyamoto Yukiko read a strange smell from it.

It’s like saying again, now you get your wish, are you happy?

The believable last paragraph left her speechless again.

"After I agreed to her, I smiled at her like the sunshine after the dust and mist dispersed. Yukiko, I know how to laugh. This is also one of my secrets. The performance on stage ends with a business smile, no different from that of a salesperson in a store. I can laugh at this smile many times a day. The way I smile is different for different people. The reason why I smile like this at her is because she is also very lonely. I like her loneliness. 』

"But the smile towards you is my favorite. It is unabashed, even naked, and a little clumsy. 』

"I think it's because you are the most important person in my life. 』

"looking forward to your reply"

"The feather string is childish and the smile is on the face"

After reading this letter, I felt like I was on a roller coaster, bumping back and forth several times.

Miyamoto Yukiko walked to the cashier, pulled out a piece of A4 paper, and wrote a reply with a pen.

"Um. 』


Two days later, Yu Xianzhisheng opened the letter from Miyamoto Yukiko in the hotel.

There is only one word in it: Hmm.

Even with the reading comprehension ability of a Tianchao student, he couldn't analyze anything from this word.

Is this considered staying the same to cope with all changes?

But shouldn't she be happy for herself? She has been looking forward to finding a good girlfriend soon, so that more than half of her life and career will be completed.

Shaking his head, Yuxian Zhisheng collected the envelope and put it into his schoolbag.

Then he put on the new clothes Hua Niao Fengyue bought for him, a black and white baseball uniform, a baseball cap, and a pure black mask.

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【The most beautiful boy in Tokyo】 【】

Tomorrow's itinerary was to fly to Osaka, so the two set a date for today. In fact, it was called a date, but they mainly focused on discussing choreography.

But such good days are rare.

Yuxian Zhisheng stared at himself in the mirror, restraining himself from giggling.

This is the first time in his life that he has a girlfriend.

And she is a great girl. Both Xuezi and himself are very satisfied.

Yu Xian put his schoolbag on his back, picked up his cell phone, put it in his pocket, and boarded the tram to the Central Art Museum.

Hua Niao Fengyue is right. As an idol, if you want to go out normally, you don’t need to wear a special pair of sunglasses. On the contrary, you are more likely to attract others’ attention. You just need to wear a mask, lower the brim of your hat, and hold a study book in your hand. Books, if you don't deliberately look at others, the chance of being discovered will be very small.

Moreover, even if he considers the worst outcome, assuming he is discovered by others in public, he does not need to worry, because the special status of Hua Niao Fengyue provides the best shield for their relationship.

The tram roars and the clear sky stretches as far as the eye can see.

At the end of the escalator is the station exit, and the warm autumn sun shines into my eyes.

The girl arrived half an hour early and was standing under the cherry blossom tree, looking in the corner mirror on the road and carefully fiddling with her airy bangs that she had combed early in the morning.

Yuxian Zhisheng saw her as soon as she came out of the station. After all, she was so conspicuous in the crowd.

Like him, she wore a white mask, and Hua Niao Feng Yue immediately noticed him and jumped next to him as lightly as a deer.

Today she wore a snow-white off-the-shoulder gown, paired with a knee-length skirt, and a pair of Converse flat shoes, which vividly showed off her beautiful figure.

"Let's go, Fujii-kun."

"Okay, Ms. Ebara."

Last night, the two of them chatted through text messages until one o'clock in the morning, and agreed to call each other by their newly chosen names outside. Hazuru's childhood name was Fujii Shu, while Katori Fugetsu's name was Ebara, her real name in her hometown.

There are already many couples sitting on the bank of Park Bridge. Today is a working day and the weather is very warm. Most of the people who go out for dates are college students from Tokyo University of the Arts.

"As expected of Tokyo." Hanatori Fengyue praised while admiring the scenery.

The river surrounded by green hills is surrounded by long cobblestone paths, and across the long stone bridge are Tokyo's modern buildings.

The laughter from the other side reached the ears of the two people. The air was warm and comfortable, and it seemed that the surrounding mountains and rivers had become lovely.

"Fujii-kun, look, the mountains change color when they rise and fall." Hanatori Fengyue took his arm and touched her beautiful nose with the other hand, "It's like the sun shining into your eyes."

She came closer and let Yu Xian look into her eyes, with a smile on her lips.

"Come to my place in the evening and I'll show you the snowy scenery of Hokkaido." She said shyly.

"Watching it on TV?" Yu Xian asked with a naive smile.

"No, it's all stored in my eyes. Please be sure to appreciate it carefully when the time comes."

The scenery in Central Park was breathtaking. The two people walked slowly on the bridge. After a while, Yu Xianzhisheng gently held her hand.

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【The most beautiful boy in Tokyo】 【】

Hua Niao Feng Yue was slightly startled, her body relaxed like never before after a moment of tension, her fingers hooked onto his, and her two hands were held tightly in the autumn wind.

Each other's hearts are like a drum, and there will be no end once it is hammered.

Under the clear sunlight, both of their faces were as red as goldfish.

The two of them sat down on a rest chair in the park. Hua Niao Fengyue took out the prepared bread crumbs from the plush bag and threw them to the pigeons in the park. The pigeons stopped at her feet and pecked at the bread crumbs.

She put the crumbs into Yu Xian's immature palms, and the pigeons flew to his hands, which made her palms itch.

After feeding, the pigeons flew away. Beside the quiet water bank, the sunshine was quiet and gentle.

"Yeah." The girl stretched her waist, her white and slender wrists behind her neck and stretched toward the sky. The breasts hidden under the off-shoulder shirt were thrillingly full.

The shoulder at the top of the arm is just right in the air. It is a spherical and round object with delicate brilliance, smooth and soft. The arc of the shoulders follows the slender neck skin, and the black hair seems to cast a shadow of light on the arc of the shoulders.

"Is it cold?" Yu Xian swallowed his saliva and originally wanted to ask.

But before he could ask, the girl shrank down and whispered, "It's so cold." Then she crawled into his arms like a kitten, leaning against him tightly.

Yuxian Zhisheng gently hugged her waist, and cherry blossoms fell from their heads.

Hua Niao Fengyue raised her head slightly, looked back and forth, and found no one.

She changed to a more comfortable position, nestled in his chest, and looked at the Adam's apple on his slender white neck with clear eyes.

The boy's Adam's apple has begun to take shape, like the pit of a jujube.

"Yu Xianjun, do you know the meaning of 'adams apple'?" Hua Niao Fengyue said softly, with eyes that were clearer than the river water.

"Adams apple? What is it?" Yu Xian was slightly startled.

"That's it."

Hua Niao Feng Yue suddenly came over and pressed her warm lips against the piece of cartilage sliding up and down in his throat. The cartilage was thin and cool, bulging outward from under the skin.

In the past, when Adam ate an apple secretly, the core got stuck in his throat. From then on, men had this protrusion, and the Adam's apple was called Adam's apple.

Under the clear Tokyo sky, the place where the cherry blossoms disappeared.

The girl tasted his adams apple like a cat.

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