The Mechanic

Chapter 94

"No, such a computer is also the most advanced in the ordinary world." Adam said.

"If you already have such technology, why don't you transfer yourself into such a computer?" Zhang Xun frowned in confusion, "Why do you still have to stay in so many original servers?"

Adam shook his head and walked slowly to Zhang Xun's side, "First of all, I don't need such a large amount of storage space. Secondly, what do you think is the first reaction of most people in the world when they see such a thing?"


"Yes, disgusting, disgusting, and fearful." Adam looked at the twisted mass of meat, his blue eyes were also reflected in lake green, "I am a machine, from the beginning. If I suddenly become a mass of flesh, But I am not a human being. The fear of the unknown and vague things will cause people to increase their hostility towards me exponentially. I am afraid that within five years, there will be an anti-AI riot. Human beings hate that they cannot be classified or defined. I hate all gray things, because it is too complicated and too difficult to grasp."

The boundary between machinery and life was further blurred, and even a mechanic like Zhang Xun felt a certain kind of uneasy fear. Not to mention ordinary people who are used to various classifications and labels.

"Are you sure you want me to put you in this ball of meat?" Zhang Xun asked.

Adam smiled and nodded, "For now."

"Is the human body not good?"

"There is a considerable amount of DNA in the human body, but it is a pity that most of it is based on the constant repetition of DNA with a fixed logarithm. Different cells differentiate into different functions, in order to allow people to be free as a medium for carrying and spreading DNA. Activities to survive. But it also consumes too many resources."

Zhang Xun sneered, "Is it in your values ​​that all human beings grow up like this to be truly 'efficient'?"

And the Feather Snake City mechanic named Ben actually said there, "Everyone looks like this, and there's nothing wrong with it. All consciousness lives on the cloud, and only the core module exists here, so free."


Completely throwing away the freedom of the material body... Zhang Xun has never experienced it, nor can he imagine it. Efficient, unrestrained, no longer even the distinction between you and me, no longer the concept of self and life and death. A more detached, absolute awareness.

Back to heaven, back to eternity.

But you can no longer smell the smell, taste the food, feel the wind and rain...

Zhang Xun took a deep breath, interrupting his faint anxiety. He said, "Where is the terminal interface of this computer?"

Ben waved his hand in the air, and beams of light were shot out from under the base of the water tank carrying the computer combined with the DNA-ribose solution, forming several round balls marked with characters around everyone.

"This is the Feathered Serpent OS based on Eden's open-source Star Cluster OS. I wonder how much you know about the Star Cluster OS?" Ben asked.

Before Zhang Xun could answer, Adam had already said for him, "Ah Xun is very familiar with star clusters."

It's really familiar... Relying on the data collected from the ordinary world by using bugs... Zhang Xun even asked James to help him quietly get a copy of the star cluster. After removing all unnecessary functions and network functions, Zhang Xun tried to Create an operating system suitable for Paradise Lost on the basis of star clusters. Unfortunately, this project was only less than halfway through, and it was completely shelved because of the Shenshen plan.

Zhang Xun raised his hand and skillfully made various gestures. Those balls of light flew around him rapidly, like magic balls swirling around the mage, constantly changing into various shapes and pictures.

"You have some basic frameworks, but it is not enough to complete the transmission of the core modules." Zhang Xun's eyes were still staring at the dense list data in the void, and he said to Ben and Adam without looking back, " I need three days."

"Okay, three days." Ben agreed bluntly, "Whatever you need, you can tell the soldiers in Feather Serpent City. But you can't leave this room until it's done."

Working without sleep and food is no stranger to Zhang Xun, nor is it difficult. There are still some problems to be overcome in uploading human consciousness to the machine, but a large part of Adam's brain is artificial, which is much more... controllable than the natural brain.

But this is Zhang Xun's first time operating a computer made of meat... This makes him a little excited.

Even in the enemy's den, you can still be excited by seeing the most advanced technology. No wonder so many soldiers dislike mechanics. They must have felt that they Frankensteins had no sense of honor, loyalty, or dignity.

The speed of the fleshy computer made him dizzy, but he still quickly mastered the method of operating it. Lines of complex code flowed out from his fingertips jumping in the air, and the ribose solution in the container became more and more dense, making a gurgling sound.

Fortunately, he is not ignorant of consciousness uploading. All the relevant information that Adam gave him in the necklace came in handy here.

But does this mean that perhaps Adam was planning for today from then on? Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence...

Don't...concentrate...believe...absolutely believe.

On the third day, the closed door opened, and Zhang Xun, who hardly ate, drank or rested much, changed his neat and rigorous image in the past, turning around with bloodshot eyes, disheveled hair and blue stubble on his chin. face.

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