The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 687: Genesect (Two in One)

Interpol's goal this time is the P2 laboratory of the plasma team.

Who said that Hezhong District will do nothing?

Just waiting for an opportunity.

Lila, the commander-in-chief of this operation, arranged their respective tasks before the operation started.

"Here is the general map and division of the P2 laboratory, and the focus is on these black unknown areas."

Lila pointed to a somewhat scribbled and not very rigorous map displayed on the screen.

At a glance, you can tell that it is a sketch drawn by someone.

However, each layer and each block is numbered above, and the main functions of these areas are simply noted.

But obtaining such a map is obviously much better for the entire operation.

At least you don't have to wander in blindfolded.

"There are two goals for this operation."

Lila stretched out two slender fingers.

"First, back up the data in their computers without disturbing the plasma team too much and arousing their vigilance. This will become the most critical and most favorable evidence."

One of the purposes of the mission is to characterize some of the behaviors of the plasma team, so it is understandable to regard this matter as the first goal.

"Originally, this task required the help of Dr. Yew, after all, she is the person who can best identify the contents of these studies."

"However, since Dr. Yew is not good at fighting, and Mr. Xia Yan's arrival, this task will be handed over to Xia Yan, and everyone else will do their best to assist him."

Lila announced the assignment of the first task.

Xia Yan: "."

He looked at Du with some "resentment".

Didn't you say there is no danger?

Du gave him a reassuring look, and whispered, "Don't worry, if others want to threaten you, they must step over my dead body."

Xia Yan rolled his eyes angrily.

I believe you ghost.

Also, don't set up flags indiscriminately!

That's what you said last time on Grim Mountain.

In the end, he went up without thinking, and Xia Yan saved him in the end.

Although it is a bit touching that he escaped in order to create time for Xia Yan.

But if Xia Yan can really leave Du away with peace of mind, will he still be a fool in the future?

Have you ever seen a person who hugged his thigh and sold his thigh?

Fortunately, Du was not the only one this time, but also many people from the Interpol department.

Although the P2 laboratory is important to the plasma team, there should not be many members at the cadre level.

No matter what.

And Lila, the maharaja of the battle tower, is no match for the top cadres of the plasma team.

Security is still guaranteed.

The biggest problem is getting the data without alarming the plasma team. Once the plasma team is alarmed and they destroy the data content, then the mission cannot be considered a success.

"Second, try to catch this person."

The screen switched, and what was projected on the screen was a researcher with a gentle smile.

"Akromar once studied at Hezhong Highest Elf Academy. After graduation, he became a researcher and devoted himself to the study of elf enhancement. But because his methods were too extreme, he was eventually dismissed by the research institute. He disappeared in the past few years. He did not expect to join the plasma team and obtained a lot of authority." Lila introduced.

"This task is in charge of your team in Caliente."

"Yes." Caliente immediately got up and answered.

"But remember, all actions serve the primary purpose."


Everyone around them stood up and responded.

Xia Yan, Du and the Interpol team stood among the dense bushes, looking at the huge laboratory standing in the depths of the jungle not far away.

What they can see is only a small part of the laboratory.

According to the map passed by the Interpol personnel who sneaked into the interior, it can be known that the underground part of the laboratory is the key to the entire laboratory.


With a slight sound, a side door of the laboratory slowly opened.

A member of Team Plasma, looking around to make sure no one was paying attention, walked briskly in their direction.

Caliente stood up and ushered him in.

"Handsome guy, how's the situation?" Caliente couldn't help asking.

This man code-named "Handsome Guy" is a member of Interpol.

He is mainly responsible for lurking and arresting important criminals, and is an important member of Interpol with outstanding capabilities.

What he is best at is dressing up.

"I don't know why a few days ago, a large number of people in the laboratory left, so I notified you, this is the best time."

The handsome guy glanced at a few people, and finally his eyes stayed on Xia Yan.

"I didn't expect Mr. Xia Yan to participate in this mission. I'm your fan."

Xia Yan rubbed the bridge of his nose.

have to.

This has become a common phrase when meeting him.

"Handsome guy, the task is important." Caliente couldn't help reminding.


As he said that, he took out two sets of uniforms for members of the plasma team, "The conditions are limited, and I only got two sets."

In other words, for the sake of the mission, only two people can enter first.

Xia Yan, who is the main person in charge of the first mission, will definitely go in, and there is one set left.

"Let me come." Du took the initiative to ask Ying, "I cooperate with Xia Yan, even if we are discovered, we have enough ability to escape."

"Let him come." Xia Yan also said.

He was not familiar with the Interpol group, so if a small number of people were to go in, of course Hedu would be safer.

Du said he was going to block the gun for him.

"Xia Yan and Du will follow the handsome guy in." Lila's voice came from her ears.

As the commander-in-chief, she sits in the command room.

She'll do it too if necessary.

Immediately, the two found a corner and changed into this set of clothes.

"Let me deal with it for you a little bit."

The handsome guy smeared something on the faces of the two of them, and their appearance changed a lot. With the mask on, the recognition is still relatively low.

Then, led by the handsome guy, the three of them entered the interior of the P2 laboratory.

"Mr. Xia Yan, follow me and don't talk."

After the handsome guy reminded them in a low voice, he led them towards the depths of the corridor.

Sure enough, as the handsome guy said.

There are not many people in the laboratory, and they didn't meet a few people along the way.

Even if they met, there was no communication with each other, they just hurried past.

The handsome guy has been lurking in the plasma team for so long, so he naturally got his ID card.

With this ID card, they successfully entered the interior of the laboratory.

But the handsome guy is not good enough to be in the middle and high levels of the plasma team, so he has not been to some places, including the control room of the entire P2 laboratory.

A cramped room.

"I suspect that the control room is in the Z4 area of ​​F4." The handsome guy pointed to a black spot on the map and said.

At the same time, the reason was also stated.

"Because according to my observation, there are the most guards around here, and Akromar spends the longest time in this area."

"If there are many guards, how should we sneak in?" Xia Yan asked, frowning.

"Leave this to us." Lila's voice came from her ear.

Not long after.

boom! ! !

The entire laboratory shook slightly, and a huge explosion sounded outside the laboratory.

next second.

Alarms sounded in the laboratory.

Xia Yan: "."

Immediately afterwards.

The sound of dense footsteps passed quickly outside the door of their room.

Xia Yan and Du looked at each other.

They suddenly liked Interpol's style of doing things.

They didn't leave the room again until their footsteps gradually faded away, and ran towards the deeper floors of the laboratory.

At the same time, the handsome guy had a special device in his hand. He pressed the button and explained:

"This device can confuse surveillance cameras."

Interpol's technological equipment is not behind at all.


Once here, everything starts to become unpredictable.

When I ran past a laboratory, I happened to meet a researcher in a white coat stretching out from Zhongsheng.

Xia Yan and the others also happened to meet his gaze.



in the shadows.

The Strong Shield Sword Monster appeared holding the shield, and just now it knocked the man unconscious with the shield.

Finally, someone fell down in the laboratory.

But that means they become more dangerous and easier to spot.

Once someone finds that the researcher cannot be contacted, it may be easy to guess that the laboratory has been lurked.

"Hurry up!" Du couldn't help shouting.


When running past the gate of the laboratory, Xia Yan suddenly stopped and walked towards the laboratory.

"Mr. Xia Yan, now is not the time to do research." The handsome guy couldn't help reminding.

Du did not hesitate to walk in with Xia Yan, and at the same time said to the handsome guy, "Trust him."

This laboratory is filled with a lot of green plants.

It seems that it is specially used to study plants.

Xia Yan pressed the headset, "Dr. Yew, have you seen it?"

They carried miniature cameras on their bodies. Although the signal became very poor after entering the laboratory and the picture was not clear, they were able to collect some things more or less.

"This is."

Dr. Yew's voice came from his ears.

"Ancient plants!"


"Although the outline is not clear, I guess it is at least a plant from 100 million years ago or even more. I didn't expect it to be cultivated in this laboratory." There was surprise in the voice.

Dr. Yew's subject is "the origin of Pokémon", and his research is ancient history, and of course he has dabbled in these things.

Xia Yan walked slowly to the research platform.

Looking at a piece of dark brown wood-like sponge-like thing placed on the table, several special currents are connected to both sides, and the value is displayed on the screen.

"Can this wood conduct electricity?" the handsome guy asked curiously.

Xia Yan ignored him.

"Let's go."

Before leaving, he conveniently collected a water hyacinth-like plant floating on the water in a pool at the entrance of the laboratory.

Although Du and Shuai were a little curious about what he was doing, they didn't ask any more because of the urgent time.


Under the help of Xia Yan and Du, who no longer had any scruples, they successfully arrived at the fourth floor of the basement, the Z4 area that the handsome guy said.

to here.

All radio signals are completely blocked.

They can only rely on themselves.

But in the final analysis, the Z4 area is a large area, and no one can determine which room the control room is in.

"Use elves."

Xia Yan threw the elf ball directly.

Hu Di was summoned.

Hu Di also understood what Xia Yan meant, and immediately opened up his super power to cover a large area.

Xia Yan put his palm on Hu Di's back and shared the picture "seen" by Hu Di's super power perception.


The walls here seem to have undergone some special treatment, making it difficult for Hu Di's superpower to pass through. It could have covered a large area, but now it can only perceive a few rooms.

But at least they don't have to try one by one.


The movement outside the laboratory failed to attract all the members of the plasma team, and Hu Di's perception was inevitably noticed by some existences.

"It turns out that a few mice came into the laboratory, and the big commotion outside is to create opportunities for you, right?"

A cold voice sounded from a certain corner.

I see.

A female plasma team member who looked like a cadre came out with several ordinary plasma team members.

One of them was trying to contact something, but there was no response.

"Officer An Jie."

The member shook his head at her.

"No need, these three guys should have done it. As long as you catch them, you'll know everything." An Jie said.

She is a cadre sent by Quecchis to protect Dr. Akromar. Although she is not the top cadre, she is not weak.

Beside her, a cool leopard was ready to go, full of evil energy.

It is precisely because of this cool leopard that Hu Di's super power perception was discovered, and their appearance could not be locked.

"Officer." The handsome guy looked serious.

"Seeing the cadre means that our direction is correct, and it should be near here." Xia Yan said softly.

"I'll hold him back, you guys"


At this time, Hu Di's complexion changed slightly, and he shouted at Xia Yan.

boom! !

The laboratory floor trembled.

Unlike the shaking caused by the explosion outside the laboratory just now, it seems that something is hitting the floor below this floor.

This time.

An Jie on the opposite side also changed his expression.

"Damn! It must be the explosion just now, which woke up those guys early!"

As she spoke, she immediately said to the people behind her, "Go and use the doctor's equipment!"

The members of the plasma team behind him obviously knew the seriousness of the matter, and they left quickly one by one with serious expressions.

In a corner they didn't notice, a black figure lurked in the shadows, following behind them.

at the same time.

Xia Yan, who had known for a long time what was hidden in this laboratory, now showed a smile that made An Jie feel a little creepy.

Now that it has been discovered.

Then it depends on whether the plasma team has the heart to delete the data immediately under uncertain circumstances, or they call the control room first.

At the same time, it also creates opportunities for the sword monsters who are following the past.

I heard him say to Hu Di: "Hu Di, help them."

"You!" An Jie stared.

Hu Di didn't care about the reaction on the other side.

Although it also felt a lot of threat from below, since Xia Yan told him not to do so, it would not hesitate.

Drive the spoon, agitate the super power, and blast directly towards the ground.

"Bastard! You don't know what's down here! Kubao!" An Jie cursed angrily, and immediately directed Kubao to attack.

Red light flashes.

"Quick Dragon, Dragon Breath!"

"Charizard, fire flames!"

Du's reaction was not slow at all, and he directly summoned the fast dragon and the fire-breathing dragon.

Although he didn't know what Xia Yan was going to do, he absolutely believed in Xia Yan's judgment.

small space.

As soon as the two behemoths, the fast dragon and the fire-breathing dragon, appeared, the cool leopard had no way to move forward in an instant, and faced the attack of these two elves.

Hu Di concentrated on bombarding the ground.

This ground is obviously specially built, not only very strong, but also seems to have a certain immunity to energy.

Xia Yan immediately summoned Pokkisi and Big Needle Bee, and let them participate.

boom! !

With a roar.

There was a small gap in the ground.

Visible through the opening.


It is a specially constructed ecological circle, which is intricately wound with a large number of conductive rhizomes that Xia Yan and the others have seen before.

And the moment the ground was opened.

Four black shadows like spaceships jumped out immediately.

Seeing them, An Jie's face became very ugly.

"Geno Sect!"


PS: I owed 6k words yesterday, and I owed 2k before, and it was too late today. I didn’t get up until the afternoon, and I owed 2k.

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