Chapter 585 Forced a "cannon"? ! (6?)

Not long after Xia Yan defeated King Nido, Du also successfully defeated Empress Nido.

But after defeating the two elves, neither of them showed joy, nor did they speak.

Between the two, there was silence.

What Xia Yan said just now, the relief of the two elves when they died, put a stone on their hearts, and the load-bearing ground was a little uncomfortable.

It's hard to breathe.

"Xia Yan."


It was Du who broke the silence, and a slightly deep voice sounded.

Xia Yan didn't speak, just looked at him.

On Du's face, there was an ugly smile that he didn't know how ugly.

"Alliance. Should never have been used."

Xia Yan was silent.


Not used.

So what are they seeing now?

But Xia Yan still nodded silently.

Indeed, as Du said, the Alliance hasn't used it yet.

It sticks to the bottom line.

Xia Yan was silent.

It's not that he can't accept the fact that the alliance does genetic research, and it doesn't mean that he can't accept the alliance's practice of standing up and down.

to be honest.

Had he been in power, he might have done it even more thoroughly.

He is angry.

Since it was invented, why didn't it take good care of it?

Obviously knowing that the administrator of the gene bank was recommended by Tom Luqi, even if they had little contact after that, why didn't they take precautions?

Invention but not enough attention, this is where Xia Yan really feels speechless.

Who knows how much this person brought out this time, and how much harm it will cause?

"Go ahead and find that person."

After a long time, Xia Yan finally spoke and said.


Du secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he knew that Xia Yan was not a radical person, he was really worried that Xia Yan would lose confidence in the alliance because of this.

Xia Yan: I never had much confidence, how did I lose confidence?

As a person who has climbed up step by step from the bottom, he is well aware of the problems with the league's policies.

So I never had any confidence in the league.

He is still the same.

Standing in the drizzle in late autumn, looking at the two sets of ladders in front of me, I thought about which one was closer to me, which one was stronger, and which one could climb faster.

The two set foot on the road of searching again.

It's just that compared to before, after experiencing the incident between King Nido and Queen Nido, he suddenly talked a lot less.

However, what happened to King Nido and Queen Nido also made them more sure of the correct direction.

If it wasn't the direction in which the man fled and hid, what did he arrange for these two elves to do here?

With approaching Harsh Mountain.

The surrounding temperature is getting higher and higher.

The gray volcanic ash is also getting thicker.

This caused them some trouble.

Because of the existence of volcanic ash, to a certain extent, the traces of the opponent's activities are covered up, which increases the difficulty of tracking.


As a senior alliance investigator, Du has special skills that belong to the investigator, and found the trace of the star point in the volcanic ash.

"Pokkisi, air slash."

"Cha Ke Yi~~"

As Pokkisi's "air slash" knocked down a fire-breathing camel that suddenly appeared, Du, who was squatting aside and staring at the rocks on the ground, also slowly stood up.

He nodded towards Xia Yan, "It's getting closer."

It is worthy of crossing.

Business ability is strong.

Xia Yan supported his hat and looked up at the sky.

The night sky has covered the dense volcanic ash that keeps drifting out.

The bright moonlight shines on their feet through layers of volcanic ash, presenting patches of mottled snow-white light spots, and with the fluttering of volcanic ash, the light spots are also moving.

From day to night.

They've been tracking for a full day.

"Take a break?"

Seeing Xia Yan looking up at the night sky, Du couldn't help asking.

"No need, I'm not that delicate." Xia Yan chuckled lightly.

With his smile, the tense atmosphere between the two of them was greatly eased.

"Let's go, and strive to finish the task today."


Walk along the jagged rocks of the harsh mountains.

to here.

There is very little vegetation around, and it is difficult for plants to survive in this environment.

Nearby are mostly dark red rocks.

These rocks are rich in minerals and trace elements, and are the favorite food of many rock elves.

And the temperature near the volcano is also liked by many fire elves.

Therefore, the elves here are mostly fire-type and rock-type.

Harsh Mountain is not high.

But the bare surface is not as smooth as it looks. Not only are there a large number of large and small exposed rocks on it, but there are also many caves of different depths.

One of them is likely to be the hiding place of that person.

"It should be here."

After an unknown amount of time, Du brought Xia Yan to the entrance of a cave.

Looking at the dark inside and the fiery air blowing from the entrance of the cave, Du was very confident in his judgment.

Xia Yan glanced at the size of the hole, and slowly frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"It's difficult for your elves to fully deploy such a tunnel," Xia Yan said.

He's okay, Big Needle Bee and Pokkisi are not too big, and they are relatively flexible, and they don't have that high requirement for space.

However, the fast dragons, fire-breathing dragons, and fossil pterosaurs that Du crossed are not small. In such a narrow space, sometimes it is difficult to exert their full strength.

"It's okay." Du waved his hand indifferently.

Showing a mouthful of white teeth.


Now that he said that, Xia Yan didn't say anything more.

The two went into the cave.

The dark tunnel beats hot wind.

tuk tuk -

Hu Di's two spoons staggered and knocked against each other lightly, and bright light burst out from the spoons.


As Hu Di sent one of the spoons over the heads of the two with superpowers, the dark tunnel was instantly illuminated.

Flash was learned by Hu Di during this time.

It's not a particularly difficult move.

But in some cases, the effect is very large.

Du's fire-breathing dragon silently retracted its tail.

"be careful."

Although Du looks very nervous, it just seems that his self-confidence is based on his sufficient ability.

The two went deep into the cave.

As the temperature gets higher and higher, the distance from the central area of ​​the harsh mountain is getting closer.

Because the temperature was too high, Hu Di had to use his super power to protect Xia Yan and Du inside.

During the period, some wild elves living in the tunnel were attacked, but they were easily defeated by Xia Yan and Du.


A dark red light shines from the other side of the tunnel, shining in the tunnel.

To the central area!

The two raised their vigilance again and approached cautiously.


When they had just reached the end of the tunnel and could vaguely see the magma inside, Hu Di sounded the alarm.

Then see.

At the entrance of the tunnel, a thick orange "cannon" appeared.

The orange shell seems to be covered with a layer of golden flames.

Inside the pitch-black "cannon" mouth, dots of flames gathered quickly, and the surrounding air seemed to be sucked back.

Both Xia Yan and Du's expressions changed suddenly.

They all felt a great threat from the "cannon".

Obviously, it has been waiting for them here for a long time.

Want to force a "cannon"? !

But now the problem is.

The tunnel was so narrow that the elves were not allowed to stand side by side, and the "cannon" in front of them was ready to go.


"Hu Di!"

Xia Yan and Du reacted almost simultaneously.


Sixth update! 1.5w words, asking for a monthly ticket~~

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