came in pa?

I am talking about you.

(′‵)I L

I have never issued a single sheet to ask for a monthly ticket~~

Double monthly pass today, only (li) only (zhi) (qi) promise (zhuang) to ask

first time in life~~

I hope everyone can support it~~

For the sake of having updated 350,000 words this month, and for the sake of continuously updating 40,000 words every day.

Heh heh heh—have you seen the results I posted? Just ask who else!

By the way, collect (crowdfunding) ideas.

Are there any tricks?

Oh, by the way, one last call for opinions.

What do you think, Minas?

Feel good to leave a message here.

Feel free to leave a message here.

Then it doesn’t matter to leave a message here~~

love you~~

Oh oh, there is one more thing, I wanted to explode the update before, but my grandfather was hospitalized and interrupted (grandpa was discharged from the hospital, he is fine, thank you for your understanding~~).

I am working hard recently, at the end of the month at the earliest, and at the beginning of next month at the latest, I will send ten updates to show my sincerity~~

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