The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 566 Sakagi...Uncle?

Chapter 566 Uncle Sakagi?

Nazi sniffed, and the tears in her eyes stopped immediately.


"What's so nice?"

Xia Yan pressed his forehead.

Why did Sakagi let her out, let her out without training, isn't this a disaster for others?

As everyone knows.

Except for Sakagi, there is no one else in the entire Rockets team who can limit Nazi.

It is common to lose both ends in three days.

After all, no one can look down on her who can use "teleportation" at will.

Xia Yan gave the wearing bear a look, indicating that it can let go.

Press it again, Sun Ibrahimovic will suffocate.

Wearing a bear nodded, and let go of Sun Eevee.

"There are some good elves in this water." Xia Yan said after thinking about it.

"In the water?"

Nazi shook her head.

It seems that there is more or less a bad shadow on the weak fish school just now.

"By the way, I don't know your name yet. You are an elf hunter, right? But your elf is so fun." Nazi looked at the expressionless bear in clothes, her red eyes were full of curiosity.

"It's called Kapu Bear."

Xia Yan said something casually, and came to the lake with the bear and the Kabi beast.

Looking at the calm lake again, he was thinking about something.

"Kapoo bear?"

Na Zi dodged and appeared beside Xia Yan.

"how about you?"

"Yan Xia."

"Are you one of the twenty-six seats in the Hunter's Guild?"


"Eh? Isn't it? But your Snorkel and Kapoo don't look weak."

Xia Yan couldn't help but look at her, a black line appeared on his forehead.

"Do you usually talk so much?"

Seeing Nazi today almost overturned Xia Yan's impression of Nazi, who was cold, stern, tall, protruding, and dressed in black silk.

Apart from wearing black silk, what do you look like?

heard the words.

Nazi lowered her eyes.

Fingers gently fiddled with a small grass by the lake.

"No one dares to talk to me."

Think about it too.

Who dares to talk to a person with such superpowers who can turn others into dolls at every turn?

If you make too many mistakes, you might be turned into a doll.

It's too late to hide.

In fact, Xia Yan had the same impression of her at the beginning, and the first thought to recognize her was to run away.

This caused Nazi to have no friends at all.

Her friends are those dolls.

Those dolls who can listen to her as much as she wants, so that she can tell her heart with confidence.

Even her father looked at her like he was looking at a freak and avoided her.

This leads to a vicious cycle.

The more people dare not talk to Nazi, the more people she will turn into dolls, so that others will be more and more afraid of her and dare not talk to her.

The first person Nazi met who could communicate well with her was Sakagi.

That's why Nazi became the cadre of Team Rocket, obeying Sakagi's orders.


With super powers as strong as hers, it really doesn't look down on ordinary people, so how did Sakagi subdue her?

Of course, Sakagi's super charisma is also a very important reason.

Met Xia Yan today.

is a superhuman.

Although she was a bit fierce, at least she wasn't afraid of her, which made Nazi very happy.

So the chatterbox couldn't be controlled all of a sudden.

Hearing Na Zi's words, Xia Yan was stunned for a moment.

He retracted his gaze and looked at the little girl squatting by the lake beside him, looking a little lonely.

Still just a child after all.

Her situation made her even more ignorant of the ways of the world, and she became more like a child.

"Where are your parents?" Xia Yan asked.

Although Xia Yan knew about Nazi's parents, he still asked.

Because he is curious.

Since Nazi's current character is like this, is her mother still turned into a doll by her?

If so, Xia Yan will still maintain the previous attitude towards Nazi.

Stay away.

A person who can attack his own mother, no matter how capable and powerful he is, is still a ticking time bomb.

if not

Nazi pursed her lips.

"Mum was sick and I turned her into a doll so she could be with me all the time. Dad didn't understand me and said I was a monster"

Her mother was Nazi's first doll and her most precious doll.

It's on a chair in her collection room, well preserved.

"Ill?" Xia Yan frowned.

"Yeah." Nazi nodded, "No one else can feel it, but I can see it. My mother will die. I want to protect my mother. This is the safest way."

"Predict the future?" Xia Yan asked tentatively.

Nazi has such ability.

If Nazi hadn't lied, then she did have the ability to see things that others couldn't see.


Why didn't Nazi turn her father into a doll too?

Only mother?

Even if her father is a superpower, Xia Yan believes that she has this ability.

"Probably. Right. Occasionally, I can see some strange pictures, but there are fewer of them recently."

Xia Yan nodded.

The image of Nazi in his heart became fuller.

Because he chose to believe Nazi's words.

If this is not the case, in fact, many things cannot be explained.

Xia Yan remembered that he once saw a photo of Nazi and her parents happily when she was a child.

At that time, Nazi was about four or five years old.

With her supernatural talent, it is estimated that she was already very strong at that time.

But I can still laugh so happily with my parents.

It shows that Nazi's withdrawn personality since she was a child is all rumors.

"They all say I'm a monster." Nazi clenched her fist, and the green superpower wrapped her fist.

Then he showed a sly smile like a little devil, "I'll turn them all into dolls, and no one will dare to say anything."

Xia Yan: "."

But don't say it.

This idea is still very reasonable.

Put yourself in another place and think about it.

If Xia Yan were Nazi, he might have gone too far.

Blackening is light.

To be able to grow up to such a large size under so many monster-like eyes, Nazi's personality is eccentric, and she has very good endurance.


Nazi's head was short.

There was a temperature on her head that she hadn't felt for a long time.

It's Xia Yan.

His palm was on Nazi's head.

Then rub it.

"Then turn everyone who bullies you into dolls." Xia Yan said with a smile.

He has always been.

He pretends not to be a good person.

With the identity he is playing now, he can't be a good person.

Don't make up the drama of being bullied, but still smiling.

That's not human.

That's a saint.

It's the main character in the anime.

It's like an anime Xia Yan once watched.

There is a man named Prince Ming, whose parents died protecting the village, so he has no relatives since he was a child. The villagers rescued by his parents ridicule and stare coldly at each other for more than ten years.

It's outrageous.

Ordinary people should be like ordinary people, and happiness, anger, sorrow and joy are the way of thinking of normal people.

There is no need to force yourself to be a saint.

Little stars lit up in Nazi's red eyes.

"Really? Do you think so too?"

Xia Yan nodded.

"But if there are people who haven't done anything wrong, or people who have done some small things wrong, there's no need to worry about it."

There needs to be a line between right and wrong.

Nazi is now because this line is not clear enough, so it is scary.


Nazi nodded thoughtfully.

"What you said sounds like a person."


Xia Yan looked at her slightly surprised.

Who else has the same three views?

"Uncle Sakagi." Nazi showed a look of admiration.

Xia Yan's expression froze.



"Next time I have a chance to introduce you, Uncle Sakagi will definitely like you very much."

Na Zi patted Xia Yan's shoulder old-fashionedly.

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