Today is the winter solstice, I wish you all a happy winter solstice!

Then simply make a summary~~

(No, I have to complain first: I want to ask for a leave, but the group won’t let me? Is there any law?

Whoever says no, stand up! )

cough cough.

this volume.

(Today, on the 21st, I have updated 256,765 words this month, and I won’t allow it?!)

Cough, okay, okay (calm down).

This volume is the fourth volume, and a total of 177 chapters have been updated, which is a little less than the previous volume, but the number of words is actually more, and there are more chapters in one.

then by convention

(Really not allowed?)

Tell me about the title of this volume "Fly? "

Many friends guessed that it was Gulardo. Indeed, there is a lot of connection with Gulardo, whether it is Gulardo's secret realm, the last Gulardo's phantom, or the lava team.

But in fact, this volume is mainly about Xia Yan's process from an unknown "ordinary" trainer to a well-known trainer.

Regardless of his identity, he unexpectedly won the runner-up in the "Lily of the Valley Youth Competition" and won the title of "Master of Tactics".

They are all laying the groundwork for Xia Yan's takeoff, or in other words, he is already on the takeoff runway of the plane.

Xia Yan's identity as another "dodo bird" has also begun to gain a lot of fame, whether it is the success of "Ibrahimovic Evolution", or the upcoming achievements in "Intimacy", or the addition of "Egg Group".

Xia Yan is now able to submit conditions to the alliance as a "well-known" newcomer in the research field within certain conditions.

This is an improvement in his identity, ability, and influence.

Then talk about writing techniques.

Reduce the foreshadowing in a large number of volumes and switch to foreshadowing in some small-scale chapters.

The result of this is that it is easier to write, and it is easier for everyone to read, but the sense of accomplishment belonging to the author is less, and the full text lacks sufficient tension.

Realizing this made me want to think about the next volume, hoping to make certain changes.

Of course, there are actually quite a few foreshadowings in the full text (meaning that there are no less digging holes).

But it also filled a hole.

I thought that before the publication of this book, someone would ask Nazi why she could be a cadre because she was not of the right age.

I gave you the answer before because there is a setting in the plot, and you will understand after seeing it.

Although it is not the end yet, I believe some friends have already understood.

The Rockets are researching dreams and creating Mewtwo, so it is causal to be valued by Sakagi as a powerful superpower and become a cadre to assist Mewtwo's creation.

In fact, when Sakagi and Nazi communicated in the previous article, I mentioned it cryptically a few times, and careful friends may notice it.

Of course, I also filled in some other things more or less, such as Tom's whereabouts and Darkley's nightmare, so I won't go into details.

Then how much was dug up later, and it will be announced one by one later.

Overall, I'm not too satisfied, it's quite satisfactory, some climaxes failed to achieve the effect I expected.

But to my surprise, the occasional daily descriptions in the middle have received a lot of praise, hehe.

Still quite happy.

It shows that the writing ability is indeed improving, and that is enough.


Naturally, it is the preview of the next volume.

Volume Five: Light and Shadow

Introduction to the sub-volumes: None of the light that brings shadows is innocent.

According to the usual practice, everyone understands.

the last.

There are two activities in the book circle, one is to distribute coins, and the other is to collect fan titles. You can participate in it, anyway, it is free

It's the first time for the humble author to post a fan title, is anyone curious about what it is?

The very last.

I wish you all a happy winter solstice!

(Really don't think about it?)

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