
Snowflakes fluttered.

Citizens on this continent, even the most impoverished, took out the last coins in their pockets to buy ribbons, food, liqueur... to celebrate the arrival of the new year.

Time has entered 1603 unconsciously.

Kings City.

"Sell newspapers, sell newspapers!"

A red-faced newsboy in a tattered overcoat, peaked cap, and green cloth bag ran across the street, shouting at the top of his lungs.

He saw frozen corpses being carried out of the alley by the collectors and put on the carriage.

Among those corpses, some were bankrupt homeless men, and some were wearing work clothes, which seemed to be unemployed workers.

At this time, they all turned into cold and stiff corpses, and were carried out of the city by the body collectors to be cremated.

The factories with pitch-black smoke pillars are like the devil's abyss that swallows life.

The sky was gray, with a chill of chill.

The newsboy shrank his neck, shook the snowflakes on his body, continued to grit his teeth, and walked through the snow with difficulty.


The ground was so slippery that he fell.

While losing his focus, the newsboy tried to raise his hand, not to let the newspaper in his hand get stained, otherwise he would not be able to sell it.

"Boy... I'll buy a newspaper."

Fang Xian opened the door and saw a little carrot head falling in front of his door, holding a newspaper high, he couldn't help smiling.


The newsboy quickly got up and patted the snow on his body.

Fang Xian handed over an iron coin, got a newspaper, and smiled: "Would you like to come in and have a drink of hot tea?"


The newsboy just wanted to say no,

A cold wind blows.

He was trembling all over, bent over and said, "Thank you, kind sir!"

"You can call me Mr Rocca."

Fang Xian made a gesture of invitation and went to the counter to make tea.

The newsboy looked up and saw the sign - 'Gothic Small Goods Store'.

Walking into the glass door, the sight is a bit dim. There are rows of shelves in the store, ranging from colored paper, sausages, cane sugar, toffee, to hairpins, bows, and various cups and saucers, and decorations. People have an illusion that they will fall to the ground if they are not careful.

"Come on, take a sip to warm yourself up."

Fang Xian smiled and handed over the teacup.

"Thank you...Mr. Rocca, my name is Little Locke."

Little Locke held the cup in both hands and sipped, feeling his body warm up.

He took a long breath and began to look at the counter in front of Mr. Rocca.

This counter is separated by glass, obviously the goods inside are more expensive.

Mr. Rocca stood behind the counter with a smile on his face. The faint light came in from the window, full of a sense of mottled and vicissitudes of history.

In the shadow, something seemed to be squirming.

Little Locke rubbed his eyes quickly. He seemed to have seen a tentacle with a suction cup just now.

But looking at it now, there is nothing at all, just a mass of darkness.

"Little guy, you seem to be very interested in my collection." At this time, he heard Mr. Roca's words again.


Little Locke quickly lowered his head, pretending to look at the goods in the glass counter.


He found that the products on the counter were indeed very different from those on the shelves.

A doll made of straw, a necklace made of unknown animal teeth, and a black crystal ball, with a strange white bone claw base tray...

In addition, there are black canes of unknown material, and a few hard-shell notebooks that are not well-selling.

"This is a voodoo doll from the nomads in the west, a king's necklace from the land of the sunrise in the east, a divination crystal ball... a ghost stick that can help people find money, but you have to be careful, black ghosts will come out at any time and scare you Jump……"

Fang Xian introduced one by one: "Of course, my most proud products are these few books... Among them, this is my collection of poems!"

"Very... great!" Little Locke instantly equated the Roca shopkeeper with the profiteers he often saw selling gadgets.

"How about it? Young man... Today's treasures in our store are all on sale at a discount."

Fang Xian looked at Little Locke, and suddenly showed a strange smile.


Little Locke's head was a little dizzy, and he didn't recover until he walked out of the store and was shocked by the wind and snow.

"I... what did I do?"

He pressed his temple and felt a pinprick of pain.

During the constant pressing, some vague memories emerged.

It seems, seems, probably... I was persuaded by that Mr. Rocca, and bought something?

He exclaimed and immediately touched his pocket.

After discovering that only the iron coin for buying the newspaper was missing, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

He can still afford the money for a newspaper.


Little Locke touched his arms, and found that at some point, there had been an extra notebook with a black cover.

He vaguely remembered that he seemed to have bought the owner's poetry collection at a super discounted price of an iron coin.

Little Locke opened the title page, wanting to see what the shopkeeper had written. As a newsboy, he still knew some words.

But unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the notebook, a sense of dizziness came to him.



Little Locke's ears roared, like a radio with a bad signal, receiving a lot of noise.

His throat was rolling, and his stomach felt nauseous, so he quickly closed the notebook.

Little Locke didn't dare to look at his notebook any more, and he didn't dare to look back. He quickly wrapped himself up and rushed into the wind and snow.


"The choice of fate..."

Fang Xian wrapped his arms around, watching this scene, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He turned his head, looked at the darkness, and opened a door casually.

The smell of blood came to my nostrils.

In the center of the secret room is an iron dissecting table, surrounded by solidified dark brown marks, as if it has its own life and is crying.

This is a mutation born from the blood of too many different kinds.

On the surrounding wooden frames, there are also glass bottles containing various organs in different categories.

Such as the claw of the ghoul, the lung of the scale man, the eye of the hound, etc...

Here's some research done, according to Hopkins' records.

Until now, Fang Xian dared to say that he had fully understood all the knowledge left by the God climber Hopkins.

During this period of time, the church of the Lost God was also flourishing, but the calls of believers day and night had almost no effect on the silent robbery.

This also made Fang Xian sure that if he called out so slowly, he would definitely not be able to recover his strength within two years, let alone go further.

And when the doomsday comes, the ancient rulers will come or wake up. They may not pay attention to ordinary people, but with their own personality, there is a high probability that they will be paid attention to.

"Sure enough...the only way..."

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